Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(Oh, okay. The whole Cordis thing threw me off, but I'm filled in now. :D )

Oswin hopped into step beside him, pleased of his adoration for her. "I have nothing else I'd rather do." She began to vaguely study him, wondering if his childhood had been just as messed up as hers was. He seemed a little dependent on Tony and Lucas, making her wonder if his family was still alive. A family that wasn't torn apart on these hard times tended to be a little uplifting. "So, what brought you into, as you say, 'this Dysfunctional Family'?"
Carlos was surprised that Oswin would even take interest in him. "Well I just happened to run into them when I was out exploring. They were standing off well, Six and some other guy, when I first saw them. The rest of them were caught in the crosshairs. I crept up behind Six but then the other guy started shooting and ran away. I felt terrified and gave my position away, I could have sworn I was gonna die then and there. Then Lucas started to show signs of turning and I tagged along with them. Got to see some interesting things too, not to mention get locked in a lab with a pure. I call it a Dysfunctional Family, because...well they remind me of family. I mean it was rough on me when my parents were diagnosed with the Haze and I was clean. They were cast out and by some extension me as well. That is pretty much it about me." He realized that he was talking too much, revealing too much, possibly boring his companion in the process. "Y-yeah that is it about me."
Oswin almost felt guilty for bringing it up.

"Well, I'm sorry about your parents," she said awkwardly. She gently nudged him to show him her sympathy, because that was the closest thing he was getting to a hug. Hugs made Oswin uncomfortable.

"My mother died when I was pretty small," she said quietly, "the Pure killed her. They had mistaken her for a Used. My, um, dad...he raised me for several years...then we were separated when I was 9. I've been looking for him ever since. He's probably dead, but there's just...I dunno...a little voice inside of me telling me that he still might be out there searching for me, y'know? Maybe I'm just insane. I'm probably insane." She found herself blushing at the act of her telling him all of this. But he opened up to her. She could at least do the same, right?
"Well you're not insane, I'm still looking for my parents and looking for leads to cure for several years already...I've found the cure. Now I just need to find my parents and cure.."Carlos was reluctant to continue but did so anyway "...or kill them." His face was a momentary mask of sorrow as he said the last words. "We should hurry to the lab, Tony might already be starting the operation on Lucas." He grabbed her hand pulled her along. I am close, this is a very solid lead. 3 years searching, 3 years since the day I left my home.
{Hey Maeve, Tony has information about almost everyone in this little group. Would it be okay if he had information on her father? I mean, he is about to restore someones memory. Tony is a bit of a badass, but he is a Pure. Oh, and Carlos. Tony might have some information about your parents.}
{Well of course. He has his sources. (Sources = My imagination.)}

Carlos had caught up with Tony, Lucas and Shade in the lab. They were already trying to bring back Shade's memories. He decide it would be best to just wait at the entrance. Observing them as they went on with the restoration. Shade had entered a room in the lab and Tony and Lucas were outside, manning a control panel of sorts. He had completely forgotten that he dragged Oswin around with him.
{Yeah, so super long post. You don't have to read it if you don't want. Im just rambling. xD . The song they dance to is posted at the bottom. (Im ashamed of this. Im supposed to be doing school work and this monstrosity happened. *goes to hide in a corner*)


Tony waited for her to look around a bit before turning the machine on. He looked over at Lucas who was standing with a poker face on. "Hey... Luke?"

"Hmmm?" Tony was disappointed when he didn't even look over.

"Want me to play that song you used to love?" Lucas finally looked over with a shocked expression.

"You still have it? You remember it?" Tony walked over to him and took his hand. "Tony, we can't dance in here." There was a snort in response.

"Of course we can." He looked over at the computer. "Play, Crossfire."

There's a still in the street outside your window

You're keeping secrets on your pillow

Let me inside, no cause for alarm

"Tony..." Lucas looked at him with a frown. "We can't do this now. Its not the time." Tony spun him around so his hands were crossed over Lucas's chest.

"Of course we can." Tony quietly started to sing along with the song.

I promise tonight not to do no harm

I promise you babe, I will do you no harm

Tony carefully steered them around the room and quietly sang the song. "This song always calmed you down." He slipped his hand out of his partners and turned him slowly.

And we're caught up in the crossfire of Heaven and Hell

And we're searchin' for shelter

Tony maneuvered them to the back of the room. "I used to play this for you before you left."

"I didn't leave."

"You did. And now that I have you back, Im not letting you go." He paused before "You always liked this part."

I forget all about the storm outside

Dark clouds roll their way over town

Heartache and pain came a-pouring down like hail, sleet and rain,

They're handing it out

Lucas looked at Tony with a sad expression. "What if I don't survive the operation? What if something goes wrong?" Tony smiled down at him {Tony is like 5"11. And Luke is 5"4. :I} "Nothing is going to go wrong. Im doing it. How many times have I done something wrong?" Lucas stared at him for a second.


And we're caught up in the crossfire of Heaven and Hell

And we're searching for shelter

"Okay, Ive done something wrong five times. Today won't be one of them." He bent down and pecked Lucas on the nose. "I promise."

And tell the Devil that he can go back from where he came

His fiery arrows drew their bead in vain

They continued to dance in silence. They knew that other people were coming they just didn't think that they would come as soon as they did.

And when when the hardest part is over, we'll be here

And our dreams will break the boundaries of our fear

The boundaries of our fear

Carlos came in the moment the song was about to end. They broke apart right when they saw him. Tony looked at him guiltily. "Every things all ready. We can start any time you want."


is the song they are dancing to. So yeah, I had a brain fart, so I was like "THEY SHALL DANCE~!" So they did. I know, super long post.}
[sorry for dragging you around without permission, Maeve.

THAT is just a long, detailed post, I read through it xD ]

Carlos had entered the lab. He apparently witnessed them dance, a sight forever burned into his brain, whether or not it would be good, only time could tell, He couldn't do anything about it anyway. He entered when the song had finished playing. "What do you need me to do?" He directed the question to Tony. "Also, uh, Did Shade regain her memory?" He was still a bit worried about Shade, She did after all help him escape the lab when it was under lock down.

[My post looks shameful in scale compared to the previous post]
[Most of my posts are like 3 lines so I was making up. Thats the longes post I have ever done. O.o Oh and look. No foreign languages. (You post made me laugh. xD )]

"Its going now. It should be restored any minute now." He glanced over to the computer screens. "I need you to take him," He gestured to Lucas, "To the operation room. Its seven floors up. Room 784." He looked at the screen. "Any moment now she will have her memories restored." He looked back at the screen and then at Carlos. "You can take him up now. He will show you where everything is."
They had shared a moment and now a third party had arrived. When Tony looked at Carlos, Carlos swore he was being marked for death, in that split second a thousand chills went up his spine. He swallowed and took a deep breath, then followed Lucas up to the Operating room. I could have died then and there. He had calmed down by the time he got up to the operating room with Lucas. "Now what?"

[i try my best xD ]
{Im sitting here looking constipated cause Im laughing so hard and trying to keep it down, and my teahcer is like; O.o "Are you feeling okay?" Okay let me type my post now.}
"Now we get things ready for when I get operated on." Lucas said this in a whisper. He was scared. He was terrified. Operations had never been something that he was fond of {well, no one likes surgery, but you get what I'm saying}. He was terrified of something going wrong. Tony messing up some how. He always said that he "trusted Tony with his life." Now that he was actually in a situation where his life was in Tony's hands he was scared. Its not that he didn't think that he could do it, its just.... No one had ever survived a 'curing'.

Lucas dropped the knife he was holding and fell to his knees. Putting his hands over his mouth he started crying. What if I don't live?

{Lets see how Carlos takes this. XP}
Carlos was scanning the operating room, when Lucas had suddenly broken down crying. Ah crap. He double checked that there would be no cameras around the room, the last thing he needs is Tony going ballistic. Carlos could never be sure, He was already locked in the lab when David entered, Who knows how far-reaching Tony's paranoia would be. He walked over Lucas and puts his arm around his shoulder, locked in a "Christian side hug" He guided the still crying Lucas to a chair and had him sit down.

"C'mon Lucas calm down, do you really not trust your boyfriend? I mean that guy maybe a little bit on the nutty side, but he radiates confidence and ability. Now, I've heard of ghost stories that no one has survived a curing, let me ask you this. "Did they have their significant other doing the procedure?" No they didn't, they had some doctor who couldn't give a flying F*** about their client. See that is what's different here. He is going to do you, not in that sense , but you get what I mean. This guy would give two flying f*** for you and then some."

He patted Lucas on the head. This'll get me killed for sure. "Cheer up, You'll survive this and change the world. Now, what was I supposed to do here again? Tony said you'd guide me. This is my first time doing something like this, not in that sense." Carlos felt pride that he could say something like that, but chalked it up to self-preservation, He couldn't get the over nagging feeling that he dodge a bullet.

[ took me a while to nail the flow of it, not sure if I did well ]
{Some stuff happened while you were gone. Lucas and Carlos are in an operation room together right now.}
{Shes with Tony. Tony and her are in a lab right now. She witnessed him and Lucas dancing earlier.}
(Oh, okay. *deletes previous post and begins new one*)

As Carlos and Lucas departed, Oswin folded her arms and heaved a quiet sigh. Lucas seemed very calm on the outside, but...

too calm. Like he was a firecracker with a disintegrating fuse.

She almost wanted to go after Carlos and watch over him. After hearing his story, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Oswin couldn't imagine what it would be like to be given the choice as to whether you ha to KILL YOUR OWN PARENTS...and frankly, Oswin didn't mind him dragging her around. She thought his hand was warm, yet firm...

'WHOA,' she thought to herself, 'Was I beginning to DAYDREAM?' She shook her head, trying I dispense the thoughts out of we brain. 'Do I like him? Sure. Do I LIKE HIM? No, no way.

Oswin then observed the awkward silence created between her and Tony. 'Sh*t,' she thought, 'now I have to say SOMETHING.'


Tony looked over at her with a tense expression. "Hello." He finally looked at her. His eyebrows shot into his hair. "Your new. When did you get in?" He looked back into the room, *thoughts of Lucas*. I knew I should have shut that door. "Computer, show Lucas." The screen came up showing the operating room. What the....?


He was a mess. If someone was to see him and describe him in one word, that word would be 'mess'. "B-but what if Tony mess's up? What if something goes wrong?" He looked up at Carlos. "What if he kills me?"

{I know, they are short. :I}
Oswin gazed up at the computer screen, observing what was going on in the operating room.

Lucas obviously looked upset, and Carlos looked downright uncomfortable.

"Someone left the door open at the front of the building," she said in response to Tony's question, even though she doubted he was listening, "I needed a place to stay for a bit, I guess..." Her voice began to drift as she watched the computer screen.

"What's going on, exactly?" 
(Dont worry about it. :) )

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