Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

[Then how about this, rewind yourself. Enter through the front door, because like potato girl you were on the run from I don't know marauders? bandits? pissed off pure? very hungry Haze victims? Or since you keep mentioning shade anyway, someone somewhere wants you to find shade, be a spy or something. Just enter correctly and don't just magically know everyone.] 
[get what I'm sayin, bro?]
[Yeah,I think spy is good.Shade may not like so I need to ask permission.I don't know anybody except Shade okay? Im just gonna call you guys some names like potato girl.Im spying if Shade wants me to or like a permission]

[Thanks for the idea]
[ Just be a spy for the Pure faction that WANTS her captured. How's that sound? Just do it, It's not like you are going to kill her or anyone else for that matter. Besides spy=intelligence, recon. Assassin=Elimination. Now you can enter the story like this:

I've been waiting long enough, She's in there. Cordis pulled out a picture he studied it carefully, the face of girl was encircled with a red marker, with the words "CAPTURE" written on the back of the picture with the same red marker. He had descended from his second floor vantage point in a nearby ruin and made a break for the entrance of the tower. He stayed crouched near the entrance, peered into a window and studied the scene unfolding before him. He had found his target among a mixed group of humans, used and pure. They all seemed to be in discussion. Now how to make myself known without drawing too much suspicion? He had noticed the entrance door was closed. He crept over and tried to open the door, the door wouldn't budge. He tried again this time with more force, the effect however was not what he had desired. The door unhinged and fell over with a loud crash.

This is how I'd do if I were you Prox. Just a thought, you know?]
[Thanks man I hope they would appreciate this]

Cordis walk into a room which was dark.He looked at Shade and told her to get in the dark room.He had a giant sac and a picture.He waited for Shade to get in.Then he stared again at the surface where his master,Tony popped up.

[How about that?]
[well I'm currently trying to help the new guy ease into the story without just warping in from nowhere and magically knowing everyone. I dunno if its working T_T, I think I made it worse] 
[backstory...then used the front door, stumbled upon the gang.]
(David left the door open and she saw an "open door of opportunity"; therefore, she just kind of popped in with some potato chips and made some friends.)
KK I got this.


Cordis heard someone that said 'play' so he wanted to play too.He didn't know they meant 'play with guns'.He chose the right side and talked to the target who he wanted to kidnap for reward.
[ I think I made it worse, in an attempt to help the new guy find a way to ease an introduction for his char. I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY]
"Hey!" Tony ran over to Shade. "The machines all set up if your ready to go." Lucas smiled at her in reassurance. He looked at Tony for a second.

"Go voient si la machine est prête." <Go see if the machine is ready.>

"Mais, je sais que son prêt." <But, I know that its ready.> Tony looked at Lucas with a confused smile. "Et vous savez qu'il est aussi." <And you know that it is too.> Lucas gave Tony a tight smile.

"Disparaissent le contrôle encore." <Go check again.> Tony gave Lucas another confused expression before walking off to check it. Lucas turned to Shade and gave a her a another smile. "He's brilliant really. This machine will work."
Shade nodded reluctantly and murmured, "Ich hoffe, dass es funktioniert. Ich möchte wissen, wer ich bin." <I hope it works. I want to know who I am.> She decided to walk after Tony and see this machine or herself and decide whether or not, it would be safe to use in her opinion. Before leaving, she asked Lucas, "Do I want to know who I am?"
[Well basically didn't you lock me in a conversation Maeve?]

"Anything else you need from me, Potato Girl?" Carlos could never stop grinning as he said her name. She brought food and that was enough reason for him to adore her. He realized he had been left behind by Tony, Lucas and Shade. He scolded himself a little for his carelessness, but shrugged it off. Better late than never right? "Wanna come along then, Oswin?" He prepared to move, he only waited Oswin's reply.
Lucas nodded. "You do indeed want to know. If you can help find a cure, you are going to change the world." He fell into step beside her and followed after Tony. They arrived in a room with a chair sitting in the middle.

Tony looked up and smiled at them. "You just sit here. We leave the room, and I will be on the control panel outside."

*The rooms appearance*

The room has a steel chair sitting in the middle. The rooms floor is white concrete and all the walls are mirrors. The mirrors are two way mirrors so Tony can see her form the control panel but she can't see him.

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