Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

{Ill be on again in 2 hours. Tony is going to go and try and murder Carlos. By the way. :I Do you see the scene he created? xD Poor Carlos.}
{Er- I don't know much about your RPing style or how good you are at RPing, but you could always sneak in through the back door. (Someone left it open and now everyone is getting into my characters tower that way. And maybe you should go back a couple pages to get the gist of whats happening.)}
(Ideaaaa. In the 3rd person too, right? And is anyone near the door...)

Naomi bites her lip nervously. She hides near a small dilapitated wall across from the open door, arguing about whether or not to go in. She had only just escaped the Haze Camps, or whatever it was called. She just calls them the Concentration Camps. Naomi quickly glances around, and then makes a run for the door. She sidles in quickly, and slams the door shut. Idiot! She thought, hitting herself in the head angrily.
{Tony just restored your memory, someone else just got into the tower (YAY! New RPer!). Tony is pissed off because Carlos is holding an emotionally unstable Lucas in the operating room, David is- I dont know where, wandering around the tower or something, Oswin is with Tony (who is watching Lucas and Carlos on a camera from the place where he restored your memory), and Cordis disappeared into thin air. (again.)}

[Right. Love the picture and after this I won't post for about eight hours. Sorry for short post.]

Shade felt her head seem fuller as her memories had been returned. She crouched on the ground and scratched at the floor. She decided to go through them all before doing anything else, to make sure she had the ability to do what was needed.
Naomi glances around, and sees no one. She takes off her tattered converse sneakers, and tiptoes through the halls. Naomi glances around, looking for an empty room.
{I love MORIARTY! Like, the one from BBC's Sherlock..... And its coming along okay. Im working on it.}
Security Breach.

"Are you kidding me?!" Tony's head was spinning. "Someone else got in the tower?!" He glanced into the room and saw that she was laying on the ground. She'll be fine. He looked at the screen with Lucas and Carlos on it. Okay. That is my first priority. He got up and went to leave before remembering the other girl. He turned around and looked at her. "I have no idea whats happening between them. I'm Tony. If you want to come and see an operation, and find out whats happening, I suggest you come with me."
"But nothing Lucas, he isn't going to kill you nor screw up, people as insane as he is rarely screw up." Carlos decided to cut Lucas from saying anything else. "Look, all I know is that you'll change the world, you and Shade both will change the world. You WILL be the first to be cured. Now let's just wait for Tony to arrive with Shade, understood?" He looked Lucas in the eye, uncomfortable but he had to pull this off. "Understood?"
(I'm guessing that you weren't talking to me...)

Naomi enters a small room slowly, and collapses into a small chair. She sets down her converse, and pulls off her tattered sweatshirt. Her memories are muddled, but she knows that the virus has been deactivated; at least in her. Naomi rips off one of the sleeves of her hoodie, and ties it around a large gash in her arm. She sits, relaxing but on the edge of her seat. She's ready for anything.
Oswin straightened her back at his invitation to come along. She figured that even if he told her not to come, she would've come anyway, so she nodded and began to walk beside Tony, slightly uncomfortable to be next to him but excited for whatever was waiting in the operation room. Oddly enough, all she could think about was the state of Carlos. 'Stop it,' she scolded to herself in her head,'You've barely gotten to know him. Calm down the hormones.'

(Sorry it took me so long to post. I didn't get an alert. Dx)
Lucas stared up at Carlos. "..... Yes." It was barely a whisper, but that was all he could muster. He looked down at his shaking hands. "Thank you." He glanced up at Carlos. How do people do this to me? How can they make me change emotions like this? He shook his head and brought his hands {hands that are balled into fists, mind you} to his temples. His head hurt. A splitting headache. Sh*t.

{I think I said about 30 pages ago that a splitting headache was a sign that Haze was rapidly progressing.}
Carlos noticed that Lucas was in pain, he had good guess about what it meant. Tony, whatever it is you are going to do, do it fast. I didn't sign up to be Haze chow. He kept watch over Lucas, he could bolt for the door and split, but he had to show support to an already broken Lucas. He had to, no one else was with him.
Naomi yawns a bit, her eyes fluttering slightly. Stay awake. She ordered herself. She leant her head in her hands, and traced a small cut on her leg.
(Here's an Idea nirvana, if you want to get in with everything going on, have your character look for the operating room/clinic to patch herself up, then simply walk in on me and lucas. just a thought)
{Im working on a post now. Its going to get intense. I think that is a great idea. I mean sh*t just got real.}

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