Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Carlos vouched for Six(David, Luukilo) "If you what you mean by useful, Tony. Is to go out and search for an ingredient I'd want to have this guy on my side" He gestures to Six. "Besides we need a walking tanking too." He suggested jokingly. "But seriously, He specializes with the use of firearms so at least the armory downstairs would be useful." He anxiously waited for Tony's reply.
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“I can do the operation. But I need someone to keep the anesthetic mask on him, to keep him down.” He looked pleadingly at Carlos. “I need someone with a knowledge of Haze to help with the actual operation.” He looked at Shade. “I can restore your memory and you can help me with the procedure. I know that you will have a basic knowledge of the human brain and how the Haze works. There isn’t much that Lucas can do because he will be under, and you,” He pointed at David. “You.” Tony seemed stumped.“You can ah- you can go to the shooting range under the tower. Test out all the weapons.” He clapped his hands together and gave them all a nervous smile. “If this procedure goes well, then Lucas will not have the Haze in his body anymore. He will be cured.” Lucas smiled wistfully at that statement.

"If it works."
(I think I'm going to use Luklilo's idea of his character leaving the door open, if that's cool.)

Oswin was in a good spirit at the moment.

True, the young girl had been stalked and bothered by a drunkard who insisted on calling her "Lady Foxy from the Land Of Hot", but she broke his nose and took the blade strapped to his person in the long run. She had also been attacked by a gang of the Pure, barely escaping and ending up with a broken rib or two, but that sure as hell didn't stop her from breaking into an abandoned drug store and confiscating several bags of potato chips. She would have a nice feast once she found shelter, she thought.

And speak of the devil, she FOUND SHELTER. It looked like a very safe and secure building, giving Oswin the impression that there would be others inside. Of course, Oswin had talked her way out of many things, and by her inspection of entrances, the door had been left open. They wouldn't be THAT hard to sneak around, right?

She crept in, this time, making sure the door was quietly shut behind her before venturing deeper into the building.

Oswin then mentally scolded herself for not being careful and observant enough as she stumbled in on a small group.

"Um," she said awkwardly, crossing her arms, "hope I didn't barge in on anything important, but I...um...have potato chips and need a place to crash." She put on her best smile, but figured there was a good chance that she might end up on the run again, or dead.
Oh no, Torpedo Tony will probably kill her, David thought. Giving Tony a smile he took her arm and led her downstairs. "This way if you want to live, hun". David checked that Tony wwasn't followoing them and asked the girl. "What the hell are you doing here? Bad idea." He now regretted saying that, seeing how Tony probably heard, but whatever. "Mind sharing those chips?" They turned towards the shooting range, where Tony instructed David to go. ((What kinds of guns are there here?))
Oswin was a bit shocked to be pulled along, but decided to go along with it. She was too hungry to protest anyway. As they approached the shooting range, she plopped her backpack onto the ground in front of her.

"Well, I haven't a good sleep in days. I saw an open door of possibility," she said, "Literally. One of you clever people left the front door open." She pulled a small bag and tossed it in the man's direction.

"So," she said, opening a bag for herself, "what's going on with you guys, exactly?"
"Ehm, well, they are going to try and cure a Used. That's a long and stressful story short. You should sleep." David ripped the bag open, popping a handful of the crunchy chips in his mouth. "It's not good to go without sleep for so long."
Oswin half-laughed, sitting on the ground and crossing her legs. "No way," she said, "Not now. You've got me all curious. Curing a Used has been seen as pretty much IMPOSSIBLE. How are your exactly planning to do such a thing?"
"I dunno, it's their plan. They have two Pure, both of them scientists. They probably know something. Now go to sleep, or I'll start shooting at the range and then you'd wish your ears we're cut off." David smiled and looked at the girl, she seemed tired.
Oswin stood up, her brows furrowed and her teeth chewing her bottom lip. "Too late for that now," she snapped, "This whole idea seems dangerous and almost stupid, especially when the Pure are involved, but I want to help. Think of all that we could accomplish in the world if we found a way to cure the Used!" She began to pace, stuffing potato chips in her mouth as if she hadn't eaten in days.
"He told me to go down here. We'd just get in the way, and besides I'm pretty sure Torpedo Tony will kill you if you mess uP their operation." David looked at her solemly. "The best thing is to wait here, he will contact us if they need our help."

((last post today tired etc))
"Its going to be painful." Lucas walked down the stairs with a wild Tony right on his tail. "I might die. But if we do it right, I won't have the Haze anymore." Tony scowled at David as Lucas smiled at the new girl. "I am the Used that the operation will be performed on." He bowed. "Im Lucas its a pleasure to meet you." He looked over at Tony and hit him in the kneecaps. "Arc à la fille, élégante." <Bow to the girl, Tony.> Tony bowed and flashed a smile at her. Tony looked at David.

"Only use the weapons on the right side. They are lasers and wont be as loud or shake the building as much. We plan on doing the surgery soon." He scowled at David again, kissed Lucas on the cheek and walked back upstairs. When Lucas saw he was gone he looked back and smiled at them.

"Pleasure to meet you."
[There is a procedure that Tony is going to perform on Lucas with the help of you and Carlos. David is going to be downstairs and Tony just wandered back upstairs to get ready for the surgery.]
[Right. I haven't decided as to how Shade will react when she remembers...]

Shade sighed and yawned. She hoped that she'd be able to do what was expected of her. Hopefully nothing bad will hapoen. I'll get my memories back, but do I really want them back? There might've been a reason as to why I lost them... this is so confusing...
[still kinda lost on whats happening but I read the posts. So Potato Girl Oswin enters the scene, Six/Revolver/David knows her. Did I get that right?

lol Potato+Hungry girl=reminds me of a certain character in a recent anime and now i can't stop repeating "Why are you eating a potato?" in my head.] 
Carlos had been tasked to just keep the Anesthetic on. Sounds simple enough, but with these guys nothing ever is. He was content to simply follow Tony's and Shade's orders for the time being. He had watched Six pull a new comer away from the rest of the group and shrugged. Just how popular is this place? He was dedicated to help them, and what Lucas said about Not having the Haze was what sealed the deal for Carlos.

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