Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Zwei smirked, "You aren't the only one with superhuman abilities. I created your strain, I know everything about it." She laughed and pushed off with the ground, quickly appearing behind Carlos and slashing at his back with her blade. Her eyes gleamed with the happiness of fighting with another person similar to herself. "The two strains that I have, fused together by mistake. To let you know."
Sh*t. He tried to dodge out of the way by rolling to the side, but his arm got hit anyway a thin trail of blood flowed down the cut. His quickdraw had missed it's target and he couldn't bring the blade back to block her attack. "Don't underestimate the ingenuity that comes with being human." He had finished his roll and ended with him in a crouched position facing Zwei. "Half Human at least."
Zwei sighed and jumped backwards before looking to see what she could do, "I wouldn't know. I've never had much of a human life. Maybe I should get Shade to let go of my sanity. That would make things a lot easier on my half." Heheeeee. Me going insane would prevent me from not knowing if I was injured and focus completely on my target.
It was Carlos's turn to go on the offensive. He ran towards her then slid when he got near enough, He aimed a slash at her legs. "If I can't kill them, kneecap them."
Zwei smirked and kicked out her leg, aiming a hit towards Carlos' head. She didn't care if her leg was cut at the moment. Shade will let go of my sanity soon and I shall go insaaaaaaane. She swung her blade and aimed for Carlos's body. Anywhere she could reach. "Oooooo, I should castrate you. That would be fun fun fun." She felt Shade's grip on her sanity loosening and the effect could be seen almost immediantly.
The attack had not gone as he planned he was able to barely parry her blade attack but her foot connected with his head. His blade was only able to make a shallow cut to her shin, before he had to withdraw it to parry her attack with the knife. He got up quickly and faced her, only she wasn't there. He tensed up as her demonic laughter echoed through the hall.
Zwei had leapt up into the air and dove down on Carlos with her demonic laugh and the insane look, plastered on her face. She pushed her blade down and waited for it to either connect or miss. "Insanity is baaaaaack. Prepaaaaare for trooooooouble."
Carlos looked up and cursed. Of course she'd come from above, they always come from above. He didn't have much maneuvering room so he made do with what was available, he stood his ground and in an attempt to block her attack
Zwei smirked and threw her blade downwards while aiming for a part of Carlos where it would really hurt him. "I shall make you so sore, you can't walk straight for a few days. Heheeeeeeee." Kicking someone in the ba*** is really fun fun fun. Oh how I shall enjoy this.
Carlos was focused on the blade, he was able to parry it away with ease. He was however surprised to see that the handler was no longer there. Where the hell is she? He turned his down from the ceiling and was face to face with Zwei. "What-" A sharp pain rolled over his body. He dropped to his knees. "MOTHERFKKR" He dropped the machete and struggled to stand up.
[Oh that was so funny. I loved how Carlos just screamed out MOTHERFKKR! Priceless.]

Zwei laughed and stood back to watch Carlos's attempts. She was ready to kick him there again if he decided to lunge forward and attack her, "Hahahaha. That's the best reaction I've ever had!"
"I concede, this hurts more than all those bites combined." The REAPER had worn out already. Carlos had trouble speaking, he even spoke with a high pitch than normal. He was trying to catch his breath "That...felt awesome and so damn painful at the same time, thanks Shade." 'That felt awesome' dejavu all over again. It had taken a while but Carlos was back on his feet and his voice pitch lowered to his usuals. "Did we just do that, should we have our wounds..." He check himself. "...healed?" He looked over to where he had cut Shade. "It's gone?"
Zwei looked where her cut had been and nodded, "Minor wounds do that. Part of the experiments they did on me. And the work on the Haze." Her sanity under control again, she stretched and yawned, "I'm only slightly tired as well. I guess I ended it early." She gave a laugh and dropped to the ground. That damn Haze. It's going to kill me eventually. Healing my wounds before making them split open again at a random time after is just annoying.
Carlos wanted to rush over to help her, but moving was too painful for him, so he just followed suit and dropped to the ground as well. "Yeah it ended too fast with a very cheap move, but hey at least now I know what it feels like to be hit in the nuts. Painful but educational." Carlos was back to his usual cheerful self, throwing the occasional weird statement.




Zwei laughed, "Still the best reaction I've gotten from that." She looked up at the cieling and yawned before giving a stretch and flopping onto the ground. "So tired. I just want to sleep for a couple of years. And actually age for once."
"We both know that neither of us will ever be able to rest, face it no rest for the wicked and this did absolutely nothing to take my mind off of Oswin." Carlos had smile to his face but carried a bitter edge to it. "So now what?" He had thrown the question out and did not really expect a reply from Shade.
[exactly xD ] 
[unless you have an idea, i'll leave him lying on the ground until something happens xD ]
Lucas stared as Tony fell to the ground groaning. "No..." Lucas was in pain. He knew that Tony has did this to him, but he wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for Tony. "No, don't-" It hurt to talk. He was panting from the effort of it. "Don't hurt him anymore." He looked at Oswin. "Please make them stop."
Carlos had decided that it was time for him to stand up. "Shade, Wudju rike me to herp you up and rook for the rest or keep you company for a while ronger here?" He was definitely back to his usual self and he was sure his nuts no longer hurt. He walked over to the guns he stashed over by the door before he decided to spar with Shade and relocated them nearer to where Shade was lying down and he leaned against the wall, waiting for her to answer. "You know, you still threw a very very cheap shot to my nuts." He laughed then just waited for Shade. This will scar me for years to come.
Zwei smirked, "Of course. I've been wanting to do that for days my dear Drawing Board." She stood up and yawned, "Lets go find the others. If you can walk until I say stop that is. You know how long my endurance is as well."
{I went back to some of the first posts to read them and I totally forgot about this. Lucas has been gettin abused for a while. Why does everyone always pick on the little guy?}

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb57f73c_ScreenShot2013-06-05at6.26.32AM.png.3dae1f1b69f9e26ccdb65532fd037e3c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb57f73c_ScreenShot2013-06-05at6.26.32AM.png.3dae1f1b69f9e26ccdb65532fd037e3c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb582242_ScreenShot2013-06-05at6.26.17AM.png.709db4bf787b144c7ea51229db441034.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb582242_ScreenShot2013-06-05at6.26.17AM.png.709db4bf787b144c7ea51229db441034.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"I'm almost sure my nuts can keep up, besides last I remember they were up in the living rooms, just up the elevator at the end of the room." He pointed to the elevator. "Wanna race to it? Wait forget about that. So let's go." He began walking/limping toward the elevator. So I might not be able to walk straight yet.

(Carlos is like "I ain't even mad bro" at Shade/Zwei) 
[Whut? Didn't Lucas keep saying he was abused? whoops, didn't read through and understand everything, my bad]
Zwei laughed and skipped towards the elevator and began singing the song she sang when Carlos was depressed over Oswin. So so bored. Creeping Carlos out is so much fun now. He bolted out of the room last time.

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