Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Carlos being uncomfortable was an understatement. Zwei would not stop singing and it echoed throughout the elevator. He could feel his newly regained sanity erode ever so slowly. The walls felt like they were closing in, so looked at the floor which suddenly became wobbly that they might break apart and he would fall to his death, He decided to rest his gaze on the ceiling but it looked like it got heavier and might fall on them both. He finally decided to look at Zwei as she sang. He was completely gripped by terror by what he perceived her to be and she still had the knife in her hands. "Like nothing ever happened." He said to himself. "but I'll have to confront her soon." He added under his breath. The elevator door opened which signaled his salvation from the mini-hell. He had walked out unsure whether his sanity was still intact.

(basically what he saw, with the appropriate edits


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Carlos had bolted from the elevator after walking a few steps away from it, he wasn't sure Zwei was in hot pursuit, he'd just have to guess that she is. As he ran he decided to make a sudden turn into a room and stumbled upon everyone...who seemed to be arguing with each other. He decided to sit this one out in the sidelines, praying that he won't be dragged into another awkward situation and just leaned on the wall as everything unfolded..

Oswin rather liked the idea of Naomi and Eimin kicking the crap out of Tony, but Lucas was obviously bothered if he was asking HER to help. Still unable to keep herself steady, she pushed herself onto her knees, attempting to stabilize herself.

"Okay, you two. Just don't. Lucas wants you to st ---" she stopped cold, clutching her side as she felt as if she was being stabbed. When the hell was this stuff supposed to kick in? "Lucas...wants you to stop. So just stop. It's not worth it." She took a weak, shaky breath, trying to regain her strength.

"We have other things to do and worry about, right?"
{Imma reply now, and then be back in a while}

Lucas shook his head and looked up at her. "Both you and I owe our lives to Tony. He cured me and I wouldn't have been able to cure you if he hadn't shown me." Lucas looked down at his hands. "We would be dead without him. And he just went out and helped kill all the Haze outside the tower." Lucas looked at them all.
(How could Naomi beat the crap out of someone? All that she did was try and make him apologize.)

Naomi went over to Eimin, "Why did you hurt him? That makes you just as bad as Tony." She told him, furrowing her brow. "You should be better than him, but you're on his level." She tells him, and huffs away.
Carlos just leans against the wall and calmly watches the situation unfold<much like how I stare at the shoutbox xD > Naomi just got disappointed because of Eimin, possibly. Lucas wants the violence to stop, Oswin is busy trying to stop the violence but is in a lot of pain. I could help her, but she'd end up pushing me away any way. Eimin seems to be beating the crap out of Tony and the new girl seems to be doing the same as Carlos, just watching everything unfold. Carlos simply shrugs and tries to put in his few cents worth in this conflict.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!!" He wasn't really sure if anyone heard him.
Lucas jumped. "Please stop yelling, and please stop fighting." He was quiet and he wasn't sure if anyone even heard him. "We have to stop fighting." He leaned against the couch and tried to stop them even though no one could probably hear him. He was scared of what might happen if Tony decided to fight back. He was a pure, and he had a tendency to get carried away. Tony would break their necks if someone didn't stop them.
Carlos had looked toward Lucas who seems to have noticed him. He simply smiles and waves at Lucas. You forgot your other attack dog? The conflict seems to have been escalating with each passing second. Eimin wouldn't last two seconds if Tony got serious. If it was Zwei, They'd be evenly matched. So what about a hybrid, there must be something in the REAPER strain that could help? He was simply deep in thought as he watched the scene unfold. Ready to step in and test his new mutation if Tony ever went ballistic. Zwei, your drawing board would really like your help here as well.
Lucas looked at Carlos in relief. "Car-" Tony shoved the others off him and stood up. He glared at Lucas and jumped him. He tackled Lucas and pinned him down, holding his shoulders. Lucas whimpered and stared up at him in fear.

"Ill kill you, Lucas"
Eimin put his fist down and looked back toward Lucas. "I owe my life to Carlos and Carlos alone, he helped me no one else did." He scoffed as he pushed by Tony, and down the hall. He was upset which to him was rare and needed a way to vent. So every door he passed he had hit with a lot of force.
Carlos had pushed Tony off of Lucas. "No you won't, I'll take this dance. So show me a good time Tony!" The REAPER strain had kicked in and Carlos was in defensive position. He was ready for whichever direction the deranged Tony would strike from. "C'mon the Reaper-man cometh." My senses are heightened again and so is my overall ability.
When Tony was shoved off of Lucas, he made sure to drag his nails across Lucas’s face, leaving deep gash marks. Lucas screamed and rolled over onto his side, covering his face with his hands Tony snarled and jumped at Carlos, affectively tackling him to the floor.
Alaska walked in further, hearing a lot of yelling and scuffling. She was met by a set of people rustling around the room, the others seeming to be attempting pulling the two boys apart. Wrong time, she thought. Alaska almost immediately ran back and sat down by the elevator, waiting for the kind boy from downstairs to come back.
{Yes, he should go back and help.} 
{The 'kind boy' is currently fighting, so I think she will have to wait a long time for him to come back, especially if Tony breaks his bones.}
Eimin heard the scream and turned around. He clenched his fist as he came back in to the room and found Tony on the floor. Eimin had an evil smirk on his face as he walked over and kicked Tony to the side with his foot. He brought his foot over Tony's face and began to stomp on him.

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