Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

I got di

Eimin inhaled as he raised up his knee with force, hitting tony in the stomach. He put his knee down then brought his head back and head butted him. "Call him a slut and I swear to god ill kill you."
(I can make him stumble onto you, he's just within the ground floor after searching the basements)
(Okay, sounds good. I'll have her get into the ground floor)

Alaska took a step over, missing her edging and soon found herself laying on an old terrace face down. She picked herself up and picked a few weeds out of her hair before running straight into the tall building infront of her searching for an escape. The small back door slammed shut behind her, leaving the only sound audible in her brain her own breathing and slap of shoes on the ground. Finally she found a spot to sit down for a second and used the time to put her hair up into a bun. Breathing heavily, Alaska listened to any sign of coherent life, running her index finger along one of her tattooed arrows.
Carlos had been searching for Zwei, he still could not find her. He left the basements and was surprised to see another person enter the tower. TONY WHAT THE HELL? HOW POPULAR IS YOUR TOWER? He had an annoyed look to his face, scanned the rest of the area and saw no one else from the group. Guess I'm the welcoming committee. "Welcome to the Tower, where the madness does not end!" He had tried a theatrical approach this time, unknowingly put on a very psychotic looking grin on his face. "What brings you here?"
Alaska's head jerked up, stunned but relaxed quickly, retaining her posture. In all honestly she wasn't sure whether to be scared of the man or thankful.

"Uhm, I apologize for intruding. I just kind of ran into the first place I saw. I'm sorry."

What does he mean by the madness? There must be others here then.
"Really now?" Carlos had kept his hand on the handle of the machete strapped to his waist. "Well then, My name is Carlos, a part of the madness in this tower. Have you seen a short girl with a white hair anywhere?" He his hand left the handle. "If you are looking for saner company, the rest are upstairs doing god knows what." He had examined her as he gave his introduction. That is a lot of tats.
Alaska nodded, rubbing her arm before leaving her hands to her sides.

"I'm sorry to say but no." She chuckled, deciding this guy was making the best of the situation. "Would it be okay if I were to go upstairs? I can help you look for this girl if you need."

Alaska looked the guy up and down quickly and noted his machete, especially the fact that he seemed as if it was glued to his hip.
Lucas flinched as she touched his bruises. "Don't." He weakly brought his hands up, but dropped them in defeat. "Thank you." He was whispering, but he couldn't cry. He was incapable. The tears wouldn't come. He tryed and they wouldn't come. He whimpered.

{I gotta go. LUV YA GURL~!}
"The elevator is back there, you can head upstairs, if they give you trouble just maybe drop my name, I'll take the heat for it." Carlos had pointed to the end of the room. Well at least these clothes hide the bite marks. "I can handle the search on my own, but thank you for the offer. You could try to get comfortable with the group upstairs."
"Thank you, I owe you one." Alaska nodded her head once more before bowing slightly.

With that she headed to the elevator, letting it take her to the last floor it was on. She felt the cable groan as it came to life, lifting her up a couple of floors. During her short wait, Alaska adjusted herself to look atleast slightly presentable, and checked for any injuries. Pleased with her lack of lacerations or bites, she stepped from the elevator and into another room.

"Hello?" She called, hoping that she wasn't' interrupting anything.

(I'm heading off to bed. Goodnight!)
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"I'll definitely take the heat from the group again, as if they didn't hate me enough." Carlos had said as she boarded the elevator, He was certain she couldn't hear him. He decided to go outside for a bit, take in the scene and play sentry for whoever else might come along. He needed to get his thoughts straight, before he decides to confront Zwei. If I don't I, might make a mistake and die. He delved deep into his thoughts, but kept his eyes trained on the Horizon and the piles of Hazed that littered the entrance to the tower. He kept his senses actively heightened, something he realized he could do. 
(NOTE: Carlos still pretty much cares about Oswin. Hence "The whole group already hates me" mentality. To him, Oswin was the one good thing that pretty much happened to him and he doesn't want to lose her. Basically, I might make his persona do 180s whenever he is or isn't around her. xD ) 
Carlos had had enough time to sort through his thoughts. He gazed stared out at the sight before him, the handiwork of Tony and him, and went back into the tower. He was ready to look for Zwei again. He opened the entrance to the tower and was suprised by what he saw. "ZWEI!" She was sitting near the entrance inside the building.
[DX The alerts didn't pop up so I have no idea what's going on.]

Zwei looked up to see her Drawing Board coming towards her. She stood up from the ground and stretched, "Yes my Drawing Board? What do you waaaaant? You need answers for unanswered questions riiiight?" She gave a laugh as Shade let go of her sanity for a second before saning up.
"I need you to tell me everything you know about your drawing board, about me." He tried his best to sound as flat and calm as he could. "My parents were out there, I killed them but not before they dropped your name. So I'm curious, what did you know about them? How did you know them?"
Zwei giggled, "I'd thought you would've remembered them. I experimented on them and made them like that. On you as well I did I did. You had a Drawing Board and begged me to draw with you, so I injected you with Haze while I was semi sane. That's why you can't be infected by others. Heheeee. You don't remember do you Drawing Board?"
Everything came flooding back to him. "You never aged? That was more than a decade ago. But I remember the insanity on your face as you injected something in yourself too. And my parents were willing subjects?" Carlos had felt years worth of memories entering his mind. "S-so why were they out there, They were subjects of the OVERLORD strain. That strain only works when someone commands them to do something, so who is pulling their strings then Zwei?"
Zwei nodded at his first two questions, "I never aged because of what the Pure's did too me. I'm still the fifteen year old I was then. Your parents were willing subjects and begged me not to use you, but my insanity was long gone to care enough to listen to them. I injected myself with the Haze to counteract the one that would've killed me if I hadn't." She shook her head at the last one, "I do not know. Possibly the ones who want me dead. Most likely them. Heheeeee. They must've realised what I did to myself way back then." Not even Carlos knows what happened to me when I was with the Pure's or what my Haze did to me.
"So what possessed you to inject me? Insanity seems like a strong point, but you sound like you wanted to prove something. And why do I keep coming up clean when I get scanned for the virus?" Carlos had checked himself looking for the bite marks, but there weren't any. "W-what happened? I could have sworn I was bitten too many times out there. What was the strain you injected me with? I know I wasn't turned pure because I still don't have a stick up my a** as far as I'm concerned."
[Make me need to look back to our convo.]

Zwei looked hurt, "I don't have a stick up my a** and I'm a Pure. The strain I injected you with was called REAPER. It activates superhuman abilities much like my own in dire circumstances or when you are stressed. It is not detectable so it's very much like a smart parasite. Any more questions? You must be curious about my being. Insane one second and not the next. Odd is it not my Drawing Board?"
[LOL stick up my A**]

"Yeah I would like to know about your schizophrenia. Though I think it has something to do when you injected yourself in front of me give or take 10 years ago. Am I right?" He kept a blank face as he tensed up and slowly moved for his weapon. She was still holding the knife she took from the armory.
[HAHAHAHAHAHA! Read the first comment yep. Then the next word I see is Schizophrenia and I burst out laughing going: Where did that come from? I read the definition and realized: That's where it came from.]

Zwei nodded, "It happened there. The Pure's infected me with a Haze strain that kills you from sickness and I was about to die when I injected myself with one to counteract it and it gave me a different personality. It made me sane, but not myself. It wasn't me at all. It's name was Shade and it took that name as it's own. It's prolonged the other Haze though." She tightened her own grip on the blade and laughed.
"How do you feel about a little sparring session, for both our sakes?" Carlos had a smile creep on his face as he kept a tight grip on the machete handle. He had listened to everything Zwei had to say for herself and about...Well everything she had told me at least.
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Zwei nodded and giving no time for Carlos to react, she lunged forward, her speed increasing with every step and she swung her blade at him. "I shall enjooooooy this."
He batted the blade aside with hand, his senses heightened and the REAPER strain kicking in. He made a quickdraw with his machete, hoping he'd catch her off guard and off balance. "Too slow."

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