Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(I think I get the gist of everything so far, but I'll just read through everything just in case xD ) 
(Reread and now i'm just like....whoa heavy sh** going on)
Eimin, looked up at him puzzled by his words. "Rape means forced sex right." Eimin was home schooled and his mother tried his best to not bring up subject's like that. He stood and hugged, Lucasm his hand holding the back of his head lightly. "It'll be ok"
Lucas leaned his forehead on Eimins shoulder. "I hope so." Lucas looked at the others through his eyelashes. This hurt. Telling them this hurt, but it was worth it. It was finally off his chest. He wrapped his arms around Eimin and then looked up as Tony walked into the room and froze. He looked at Eimin and then back at Lucas. And then at Oswin, and then back to Lucas. He realized what was happening and took it the wrong way. Lucas knew he was going to do something violent if someone didn't intervene. Tony looked at Eimin and glared.

"What the hell are you doing?"
(And suddenly the victims of each respective relationship is now taking a liking to Eimin xD )
SolG123 said:
(And suddenly the victims of each respective relationship is now taking a liking to Eimin xD )
{As I said earlier in school today when the teacher threatened to beat up a student. "THIS GON BE GOOD!"}
Out of instinct Eimin lightly pushed Lucas to the couch as he turned around, bent down a little. His hand was out while his left was tucked in near his waist. He spread his feet apart as his smile was no longer there. More of a glare, a disgusted one. He hissed under his breath as he straightend up his back and motioned him to try his worst. "You, hurt Lucas, and futher more you were drunk. Have you no shame, " 
(lol Eimin is just plain nice ^^) 
(I was hugging tooo. :( NO ONE LIKES ME!!)

Naomi turns to Tony, her eyes a bit firey "You need to consider how other people feel." She says, going up to him, and poking him in the chest. Her hands are on her hips, and she looks sort of intimidating, even though shes a head shorter than everyone here.
{I SENSE A DOG FIGHT! "This gon be good!"}

Tony snarled at him, ignoring Naomi. "You were just makin the moves on him." Tony looked like he was going to jump the other. "And Im not drunk." Tony took a step forward and stopped as Lucas flinched. "I wouldn't hurt you." Lucas looked up.

"Tony, you did hurt me." Lucas moved a little closer to Eimin, trying to get away from Tony. "Tony, I-I don't think I should be with you any more. I deserve someone who doesn't- er- who doesn't hurt me."

"I didn't hurt you." Tony took a step towards Lucas and then got {all up in his grill} up in Lucas's face. "You know I didn't hurt you. You're just spreading lies, you filthy sl*t. You like it and you won't admit it. Now stop talking to these people and come wh*re for me some more." Lucas looked like he was gonna cry. He pushed on Tony weakly, and when he couldn't move him, he looked at them all desperately.

[ oh TEH TENSHUUN, everyone except maybe Zwei and Carlos, they'll have a confrontation maybe elsewhere in the tower.]
(Pretend it was in the room... I have no idea of what room it is... and she yelled to make you guys shut up!!! DUH!)
As Naomi silenced the room, Oswin lifted herself off of the couch. That only made her dizzy. So she leaned against the arm of the couch.

"Alright," she said weakly, yet firmly and angrily, "Tony, what you did was unexcusable. You RAPED the boy you claim to love. Love isn't sex. Love is gently holding someone when they cry, and protecting them until your last breath. I am sickened by your behavior, and I'm sure that everyone else is as well. All you're doing is strengthening the Pure stereotypes, that you're nothing more than a jealous little leech. And this goes to everyone else as well," she raised her voice, even though it rasped, "I am SO SICK of everyone pushing each other around, and acting like little sh*ts. We are not in the situation to be breaking down like this. So, to each one of us, including myself : 'Get it together, or get the f*ck out, or we're all going to end up no different than all the limping bodies outside." Oswin then clutched to the arm of the couch, quisiness boiling in her stomach.
Naomi hopped off of the table, and helped Oswin lay back down. With nothing else to say, she said "Yeah! Oh, and watch out by any stair and elevators..." She added.
[if it's any consolation, I get the feeling that Eimin will take my place, both being the center of awkward situations and could possibly be the boyfriend of Oswin, he'll just never handle the situation as awkward as I do. xD while Carlos maybe shunned by the group due to what he really IS...and slightly due to being "guilty by association" with Tony] 
[Just a random thought, can't move myself if Silent Howling still isn't here.]
(Not quite sure how to jump in during this all, so I think Alaskas just going to explore outside a little bit?)

Alaska sat high up, perched above the lumbering horde of bodies.

"F*ucking haze." She murmured, lifting herself up and walking around the edge of the crumbling buildings roof, tempting her chances. She looked around and searched for some form of conscious life, but only found a single building that seemed to be in the middle of it all. Thoughts of clearing out this pack were there but so pushed away. 'Too many' she thought.

With not much else to do, the flame headed girl spent the next remainder of time picking off roof shingles and searching for ways to drop down into one of the structures below her, but was only met with locked doors and boarded windows.
Tony glared at her. "Shut the f*ck up you b*tch. I will f*ck this slut whenever the hell I want, and I don't give a d*mn what you think." He grabbed Lucas's arm and pulled him to his feet, ignoring the cry of pain. "You listen to me, Lucas." He put so much contempt into the name, Lucas flinched and tried to pull away. "You are a sl*t and that is all you'll ever be, so you just shut the hell up, stop telling them lies and do your f*cking job." Tony let go of Lucas, letting him drop to the floor and stormed out of the room.
(I'm still figuring out how he would plan to confront Oswin about their relationship as I wait for Silent Howl to come online xD ) 
(Well, ayezombie. here's a recap especially for you and anyone else who wants to jump in.

-The door is open and the Haze outside the tower are annihilated.

-Tower is where everyone is at. you would most likely run into me, cuz I'm still looking for a certain character and wandering around.

-Everyone is fighting in a room somewhere in the tower.

-I dunno if I nailed everything )
Naomi stormed after Tony angrily. She grabbed his arm, and hung down from it, "APOLOGIZE!" She yelled, like an idiot. He was way bigger and older than her. She mentally facepalmed, and dug her feet into the ground.

(Naomi is an idiot...)
As Lucas was pushed to the ground, Oswin rolled herself off of the couch, falling to the floor. She couldn't walk yet, but she could crawl. And that's what she did. She crawled over to Lucas, grabbing him gently and taking his face in her hands. She felt tears roll down her cheeks. Damn, I've done too much crying.

"No, Lucas," she whispered, "you are NOT a slut, and you will not do whatever he wants, do you understand me? One of us will be watching over at ALL times. You will not become his slave, because you are better than that." Oswin then began examining Lucas's body, taking note of all of his bruises.

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