Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

Oswin was half-conscious...no, quarter conscious.

Everything she saw was in a blur, the words of the people that passed echoed in her head, even though she could hardly make out what they were saying.

The only thing she knew is that she was alone with Zwei, who was supposed to help her...but Zwei had that wild look in her eye.

She didn't want Zwei. She didn't want anybody.

As the pain coarsed through her veins, the bite spreading throughout her skin like a fungus, cramps began to pop up. With the unaffected arm, Oswin grabbed her stomach and let out a strained, in-pain, "Ah..." It was louder than she expected.

Can't I just die already? Either someondy needs to find a way to get rid if the infection or put a bullet through my skull and end this.
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He looked at him confused as he tilted his head. "Why...well I because I can hhahhha he's sore so I am carrying him." He lifted Lucas up a little then back down so he could rest properly on his shoulder. "What are you doing ."
Tony hit the brakes on the car. "We did it. I cant believe we did it." He pulled the gun off his arm and threw it towards the tower. "So happy that things out of here." He got out of the car and walked around to the front. "Oh, well, this is ruined."

Lucas leaned against him. "Go downstairs. Theres an elevator at the end of the hall." He tightened his grip. "Bring me down stairs." He sighed and rubbed his arm from around Eimin's arm. His wrists hurt.
Carlos had simply watched Tony from where he was seated, his body was too tired to move around much. I'll get the guns after I've rested a bit, God knows where they are in these piles of bodies. Tony seemed like a mix of shock and awe. Awe, because he couldn't believe that they did it, neither did Carlos. Shock, because the car looked like a mess. I assume it was his favorite car. He can take his time looking at the car and I'll take my time resting by the entrance
Eimin nodded as he walked past the girl. "This would be much faster right...were only on the third floor." Eimin has jumped from higher and landed, but also , he had something dormant in him so it wouldn't hurt him. He held tightly on to Lucas as she jumped from the third floor to the last floor. His feet mad a thump sound as he landed , he knees bent a little. "here, bottom floor correct."
(Tony and Carlos slaughters a horde of Hazed, the new guy(Eimin) seems to be putting the moves on Lucas, Naomi is being ignored, Oswin is infected and Zwei is with her. David dunno where he is, and I dunno where you left your character. I assume you know about the break up between Carlos and Oswin, if not don't bother. I think i nailed it all down xD )
(Naomi will get mad when she's ignored... dun dun dunnn. It's really bad that I just watched the Parent Trap on Saturday... or Sunday. I forget...)

Naomi makes a face at their back. Time to be evil. She goes around, and sets up traps by every elevator entrance and exit, including; melted marshmellow bombs, water ballons, chocolate spray guns, honey on the floor, and water everywhere. She also set up intricate spider-web like nets.
(Thanks!!!!! Ohhh yea there was a prank scenes in that movie!!!! It was Sunday morning around 4:00am)

Amanda decided to look around the place which was giant compared to her old place. That was all of one extremely tiny room in the middle of nowhere with splinters sticking up out of the floor boards everywhere. It was not a very fun place to stay which is why the blue haired girl likes this place much more.
Lucas clung to him as he jumped. When they hit the ground, he let out the breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "That was something." He looked nervously around. "Tony should be down here. I would recommend avoiding him." Lucas sighed and leaned on Eimin again. "No one has ever held me like this."

{Awwww, theyre cuddling.}
(Mwa ha ha!!!)

Naomi follows Lucas and the new guy, and takes a picture of them cuddling with her camera. She then slips away, trying not to puke. She avoids her traps, and sets up more by the stairs. SHe pours honey down them, and sets up trip wires which trigger chocolate to spray on them, or honey, or syrup. She also adds a waterfall of chocolate, chips, syrup, honey, and marshmallows which is triggered by the exit from the tower.

(Your welcome Maeve.)
Eimin coughed a little as he looked away toward the entrance where he once was. A faint smile spread across his face as he glanced toward Lucas. "EH, it'll be fine , I can take anything." He had looked around for a couch but only saw a hard flooring with some bars sticking up from the ground. "And besides , he should have nothing to worry about, you are a friend." Eimin nodded as he looked around more, lifting him up slightly as he walked over the fallen glass, and some metal plates that fell from the building being so old.
Lucas was surprised he was still being carried. He knew he was light, but he wasn't that light. Lucas snuggled up to him and shivered. It was cold here. Why didn't Tony ever turn the damn heat up? And Tony, where is he? Oh yeah, outside. While, he's away from me. That means that he won't be trying to abuse me.... Tony wasn't abusing him. He knew {he thinks} that. "There should be somewhere to set me down, around the corner." He pointed weakly towards a door leading into a hallway.
(And did you see my potatoe trap??? lol. IT'S JUST FOR OSWIN xD )
Eimin nodded his head and began to turn the corner. His feet all of a sudden went up then down. He stopped before continuing. "Did...did I just step on someone." He didn't know since he never really looked down when he was walking. He turned his head confused by the sight. "Ugh...Lucas who is that."

(> :D I stepped on you oswinnnnnnnnn)
Lucas turned and looked at the person. "Oh god. Thats Oswin." He observed her for a moment. "It looks like she's dead." He stared at her for a while. "Well, thats a shame." He looked down the hall. "Theres a door at the end there." He pointed. "Thats like a living room."
Although her vision was blurred by the cold sweat dripping down her face, she felt a sharp pain as someone clumsily stepped on her. Mixed with the pain that dying from infection was causing her, this didn't put her in the best of moods.

"Sh*t," she hissed, looking up to try and see who it was. A cramp sent shock waves in her stomach from the infection, and she gasped for clean air. Even though the building was full of clean air, it sure as hell didn't feel like it. 
(*waves arms* She's not deeeeeaaad! Don't leave her!)
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Eimin looked down and , and tilted his head. "No...that thing is alive here..let me do this. He moved Lucas to his back very gently so he didn't cause him any more pain than he was already in. He hunched his back over so he could Lucas arms around his neck, and his legs around his waist. "now hold on." He turned toward the fallen thing on the floor and picked it up, holding it princess style since there was no other way. As he nodded his head he moved but stopped as he sniffed. "Potatos." 

Lucas said:
Lucas wrapped his legs around the boys waist and loosely wrapped his arms around his neck. "Your such a gentleman." He smiled and shifted around a bit. "Its so nice of you to do this." He froze as he spoke. "What? Potatoes?" He looked over Eimin's shoulder at Oswin. "You hear that? There's potatoes!"

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