Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

[sorry. I love Hypno's Lullaby. I can sing it again along with the last song I sang. As for Shade/Zwei calling Carlos a Drawing board would be due to her insane moment of wanting to draw on Carlos.]

Zwei nodded and followed Carlos, just taking a dagger with her to defend herself from the Haze. This'll be fun fun fun. We get to gooooo and kiiiiiill the Haaaaaze! She gave a little skip every now and then plus she was humming the song she just sang.
There is another infected in the tower.

Tony's head snapped up from where it had been on Lucas's neck. What was he a f*cking vampire? He tried to wrap his head around the fact that there was another infected in his tower. "Who?"

The older female.

Sh*t. Tony looked to the side. What was he suposed to do now? Oh, wait he had cured Lucas earlier...... Oh sh*t Lucas. He stepped back hastily, releasing the other boys arms, and stared as his partner slid down the wall onto the floor. Had Tony been holding him up with his knee? That couldn't have been comfortab- holy hell. Lucas entire neck was covered in bruises, and there were marks around his wrists that looked like Tony's hands. There was a red mark on his face as if Tony had hit him. No. He had just abused Lucas.

Sir, they need you down there.

Tony bolted from the room. He was flying. For the second time in his life he was flying down the stairs. He got downstairs and saw Carlos and Zwei. "Don't go." He turned and ran farther down the hall. "Open tower wide com." There was a click. "To everyone left in the tower. Do not leave. It isn't safe. I can't have anyone else hurt. Lucas is already hurt. Actually can someone go check on him? Im going out to meet the Haze. I have a special weapon, but I need someone here watching Lucas."
Two insane people about to take on dozens of Hazed, this'll be interesting...I just have to put down my parents is all, they don't seem like they could be saved. Carlos took the lead walking out of the armory dressed and equipped for what looks like a one way trip outside.

He had been moving towards the back exit, when near it he saw a figure slumped on the floor. He decided to go nearer to it...It was Oswin and she wasn't looking good and with a bite mark on her arm he leaned to whisper to Oswin's ear "I'm about to do something stupid for all our sakes...happy now?".

He looked over to Zwei. "Zwei, can you bring her up to the rest, I'm sorry but I think I'll have to play with the Haze outside on my own. Also I think she is infected and can you please notify Tony of that as well?" Down to one last person going on a suicide mission. He had waited for Zwei to pick up Oswin. 
{dammit I posted wrong} 
"Tony...I need to do this, my parents are out there leading that horde. I need to put them down myself." The psychotic grin never left his face as he had spoken to Tony. "Zwei, please be a dear and just bring Oswin up." He sounded very agitated as he ordered Zwei to bring up Oswin to the others.
Tony stared at him, and then nodded. "I had to put my and Lucas's family down. He was too scared to do it, so I did it for him. I understand, but you can't drag other people into this." He looked overwhelmed for a moment. "Someone has to stay here and watch Lucas." He bit his lip. "I hurt him and I don't trust myself with him, and this is my tower. Im going to protect it no matter what. I hated my dad, but this is a hell of a gift and Im not letting it get destroyed."

Vindemiatrix is ready.

Tony smiled. "Excellent." There was clicking noise and a door opened in the armory. A simple white gun sit on a case. He walked over and picked it up, where it instantly lit up. "This is my baby. She's all ready to play." He smiled at Carlos. "Are you ready to do this?"

{Your not killing Carlos off are you?}
(Hell no, Imma make a twist cuz I got an idea from the Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin anime, and based it off his bio. It also has something to do with his family and Zwei. talked it over with her over convo, still have to wait if she thinks it's plausible)

Carlos had cocked all his weapons and checked that they are fully loaded. "Yeah, ready as I can be for the suicide mission....and the broken state I am in." His face now fully psychotic. "One thing, once I see my parents, they are MINE." He turned to Zwei "Zwei, bring Oswin up then look after Lucas for me will you?" Carlos didn't bother waiting for confirmation from Zwei, he simply started walking off toward the exit.
Tony walked after him. Well this looks oddly familiar. He was remembering the moment he killed his own parent. He had been standing on a car holding a flame thrower. A homemade flame thrower. He had burned his parent alive and hadn't cared. He looked at Vinde. It was fully charged. Or as charged as it will ever be. He slowly walked behind Carlos, reliving the moments of horror.
Carlos did not feel anything on the way out. The stress of a break up, The fact that his parents are out there possibly waiting to eat him, The fact that he could not calm down, Everything felt like it was stacked up against him. He had made it to the exit and swung the door open. He had taken in the view, dozens of Hazed milling about minding their own business. Shambling here and there. We all know they start running when they see food. So let's give them a meal they won't soon forget. He took his time to see any signs of his parents....none, not yet. He shouldered the Kalashnikov aimed at the neck of the nearest Hazed and opened fire....
Tony jumped as the gun fired. Dang, I forgot how loud that was. He held the gun up. Here goes test one. Tony let the gun open fire, shooting a blue laser, before turning around and sealing the door. "Make sure no one else can get out, and only we can get back in." There was a click and the door locked. Tony turned back around before coming face to face with a haze. A haze he recognized. He held the gun un der its chin and blew its head off. Was that.....? No. It couldn't be. Tony sighed and kicked the pile of goo. He held the laser back up and started shooting haze.

{Tony made a lazer. o 3o Thats how I spell 'Lazer.'}
He dropped the one he had fired on. Remember 1S1K, if you don't think you can kill them, kneecap them. he had begun going fully automatic at the legs of the Hazed...most of them stumbled down and tried to get back up limping. He had decided to go on the offensive. He stowed the Kalashnikov and pulled out his Saika and started shooting into clusters of Hazed, The shotgun shells spreading and clipping the necks passing through flesh and bone at the range between Carlos and them. He had ran out of shells and most have been bitten a few times as he fought on. He tossed the shotgun away ran back to the tower door and pulled out both MP5-Ks and started peppering the crowd with bullets. Always aim for the neck. he noticed He had aggro'd a lot of them. He went about weaving around the crowds of Hazed, circle strafing the horde, as if something inhuman in him was triggered.

Carlos had taken it upon himself to form his own bullets from the existing ones he had taken from the armory, he sharpened the tips to allow a piercing affect. and always aimed for the neck as he went on in target practice. Because the spinal cord is connected to the neck anyway.

He technically had gone ballistic at some point)
Tony continued mowing down Haze after Haze, their head dropping to the ground. He looked over at Carlos, and then at his own car parked. Nooo, not this. "Carlos! Get over here!" Tony was trying to yell over guns, and laser. He kept shooting. He couldn't get infected, so he could get as close as possible. He could get bitten, and he wouldn't get infected. He ran over to his car. "Carlos please!"
He had seen his parents....Mom...Dad...He carved a path through to them, he was already bitten a few times, but the adrenaline kept the pain and the effects of the bite at bay. At this point he stowed his weapons and was fighting close range with the machete....I need to get over to them. He was a sloppy blade dancer but got the job done.
Tony saw Carlos run off into a crowd of Haze. "No!" Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea. He got in the car and started it up. "Okay, this is a really stupid idea." He hit the gas and started running over Hazed, but avoiding Carlos.

{So he doesn't hit Carlos's parents.}
Eimin crawled over to Lucas and gave off a smile. "are you feeling ok, are you in pain." Eimin could help if he had the right stuff or he could just massage it. Either one would work. "He didn't harm you to much right."

The car had made for a good crowd cleaner. He had his chance and rushed over to his parents knocking them down and screaming "WHY?!" over and over as he physically assaulted them. He had heard them mutter something...a name, but he was too caught up in grief, stress, rage and loneliness to think about. He had simply stood up kicked the bodies and slashed the backs of both of them. Quick and clean.

He wasn't feeling satisfied quite yet and the crowd had reformed a sort of barrier back to the tower. This time he was weaving through the crowd, dodging and ducking at inhuman speeds, always aiming at the back of the neck for a quick slash then proceeding on the the next target. This time he was venting out all his frustrations with the Oswin incident.
Lucas looked up. "He doesn't do this on purpose. I know he doesn't. Sometimes he just can't control himself." Lucas rubbed his neck and winced. "Im sore, so can I have some help walking?" He put his hand on the wall and struggled to his feet. "I feel... okay right now, but I can't say he didn't hurt me a lot." He pulled his sleeve back, looking at the bruises. He sighed. "These are probably all over my body." Lucas looked at the boy and smiled. "Im Lucas, by the way." 
{I have to go do some Viola-playing stuff. Ill be back in an 1-1.25 hours.}
(dammit, i'm just getting inspiration from an anime to help my character<DEFINITELY INFECTED> go cut through a crowd. Aim for the back of the necks for a quick slash, just ranting xD )
Eimin stood to his feet as he nodded his head. He worked better by carrying, no good with support like that. He walked to the side of him and picked him up gently. His hands scooping under his legs and back side like a princess hold. Hey may have been small but he was strong, one he got food back in his belly. "Sorry this is easier for me." He gave him a smile as he opened the door wider with his foot. "My name is Eimin."
(Tony and Carlos are outside on a killing spree, Oswin is infected and they left Zwei to bring her up, Tony had just finished with Lucas, Lucas and Eimin are talking, and I think Carlos is infected too as in just right now).
(Imma talk to Eimin and Lucas, and probably end up having a breakdown again. :big grin: )

Naomi sits up, rubbing her eyes. She stumbles out of the room, and wanders around the building. She glances around, and sees Lucas and another guy. "Hi." She says, walking over to them, "WHere is everyone.."

(..=question mark)
Lucas was in shock for a moment. No had ever picked him up like this. He stay frozen for a moment before wrapping his arms around Eimin's neck. He leaned on him. He didn't care what image this made to the others, he was tired and sore. He looked up as he realized Naomi was there. "Tony and Carlos went out." Simple answer. Not explaining to much or giving away to little. He knew that she was probably judging him for his appearance, but honestly, Lucas didn't care. He leaned his head against Eimin's shoulder and gave him a slight smile.
Eimin nodded his head toward the new one. His smile was wide and bright as he looked up toward Lucas. "Where to Lucas?" He said as he walked out of the room and into the hallways, were the other rooms where and the stairs. Eimin was more concerned on where to take him then exchanging greetings. Lucas needed to rest and he need to work out.
Naomi noticed the new person holding Lucas. She looked at them confused. "Okayyy..." She sad slowly, "Why are you carrying Lucas?" She asked, very confused.
It took them a while, but with the help of Tony and his car they were both able to wipe out the Hazed horde. Carlos sat down by the entrance to the tower and examined the bite marks that riddled his body as he waited for Tony to get there and unlock the override to the door.

What did I do back there? how the hell was I able to take on a lot of them at a time. I should ask Tony to rescan me to see if I got infected or not, but I get this nagging feeling that I'll turn up clean anyway, I mean this wasn't the first time I was bitten.

At least the problem with my parents is done with, I wish I could have saved them. And apparently this blew off a lot of steam...I should do this again some time.
He could feel the breeze rolling through the slaughter field blowing away the scent of burned flesh caused by Tony's Lazer gun.

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