Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

[DX Make me head all the way up there.]

Shade came across the elevator and headed up to the rooms above. Once there, she kept humming and opening doors until she opened one and came upon her drawing board sitting in the corner of the room. Or bed. Whatever he was sitting on. Not like the cared. She felt a mix of emotions, but couldn't name them all at once, so she ignored them. She decided to scream at him, "DRAWING BOARD!"
"Hey there Zwei" Carlos had to try and not looked depressed otherwise Zwei would question what he had said to her earlier. He had plastered a smile on his face as he addressed the young girl. "You finally came up? What do you need, from your drawing board?"
[Make me confused. Zwei, Shade? Which name to use?]

Zwei looked at her drawing board, "Drawing Board looks sad. Did something happen to this one's friend?" She went and sat next to him on the bed before staring at the wall, unsure of what she should do. She continued, "You can't lie to this one either. This one will know if you do."
{I don't know anymore xD }

Carlos didn't want to push it and maybe make her go psycho. "Well I kinda broke up with Oswin, you know potato girl or she broke up with me. I'm not sure. I think I still like her, but I'm not entirely sure about that either. In fact, I'm not so sure about anything anymore. Top it all off I found my parents leading the horde of Hazed outside right now" He really wasn't sure what to feel anymore. He still couldn't stop himself from crying.
Shade didn't know how to react to this and instead, turned around to face Drawing Board and began to stroke his head in a comforting manner, "Poor poor Drawing Board. Zwei is here to be a comforterish person. Shade controls my sanity. Makes it easier to talk. Will you be alright? Want me to siiiiiing?"
"Go ahead and sing, Shade." Maybe the demonic tone of her voice could shake him out of his thoughts and depression. "Sing your best song for your drawing board." He was pushing his sanity but at least it was worth as shot. He waited for her to begin singing. Sing until your lungs give out...

{...this ain't a scene it's a godam arms race~}
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Zwei smiled and began to sing one of her demonic sounding songs in an attempt to calm her Drawing Board and make him feel happy:

"Come little children, come with me

Safe and happy you will be

Away from your homes, now let us run

With Hypno, you'll have so much fun

Oh, little children, please don't cry

Hypno wouldn't hurt a fly

Be free, be free be free to play

Come down in my cave with me to stay

Oh, little children, please don't squirm

Those ropes, I know, will hold you firm

Hypno tells you this is true

But sadly, Hypno lied to you

Oh, little children, you mustn't leave

Your families for you will grieve

Their minds will unravel at the seams

Allowing me to haunt their dreams

But surely, all of you must know

That it is time for you to go

Oh, little children, you weren't clever

Now you shall stay with me forever..."

Carlos had bolted out of the room after she sang. Yup, I'm back. He went to get a little snack from the pantry and gave it to Zwei. "How do you feel about ambushing a horde of Hazed?" A psychotic grin appeared on his face. The singing made him a bit more suicidal.
[Did you like that song Sol?]

Zwei nodded and stood while accepting the food. "Sure. The Haze won't stand a chance against this one. This one can't be infected either. Is my Drawing Board pleased?"

"Yes, Zwei. Let's go down and get equipped, I need to.....have words with my parents." His psychotic grin won't be leaving his face anytime soon. He led Zwei down to the armory "See this...all of this can be used to fight the Hazed." He gestured to the racks of guns row upon row of melee weapons and crates of ammunition. He went over and picked up a nasty looking machete the blade still looked sharp. He took a harness from the table. He also decided to pick two mp5-ks, strapped a Saika shotgun to his back and grabbed the Kalashnikov, as a finisher he crammed as much ammo as he could in his messenger bag. He looked ready to fight to for glory.
This would at least take my mind out of Oswin.


was listening to this as I figured out Carlos's loadout


(So four pages, and there's no one to save Oswin?

"Here's the plan Zwei, once you've picked all you like we go out the back door, I will circle around and draw their attenion and you creep up behind them and start slaughtering them...It's thaaaaaaaat simple~" The pressure of seeing his parents turn, experiencing a break up and listening to Zwei sing was a deadly combination that strained his Sanity. "Whenever you're ready~" 
{ But I don't exactly know where she is }
{LETS NOT SING THAT SONG. O.o Tony sings that to me while Im sleeping and it scares the sh*t out of me.} 
{Its Hypnos lullaby from pokemon. Its a creepypasta.}
{So that's what is was..no wonder it's so familiar....yeah I dunno if I can sleep anymore...memories have resurfaced}
( Oswin was upset about Carlos, wandered around, and started hearing her father's voice. She was drawn outside, attacked, and somehow tore through some of the Haze and scrambled back inside, slumping against the wall. For more info, see post 1133)
{Wait, what was the official explanation why Zwei/Shade kept calling Carlos a drawing board? I think I just had a Eureka moment while eating bacon and eggs for dinner. Don't judge me xD }
(I think I'll just make Carlos walk out of the armory and stumble upon OSwin.,,,,lolololol awkward)

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