Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(There's a newbie (Eimin) who was helped into the building by Carlos, Oswin and Tony got drunk in the kitchen, Tony went upstairs to "GET 'ER DONE" with Lucas after he was drunk until he was interrupted by Eimin, Oswin and Carlos fought and broke up, Carlos went to the armory and Oswin is still in the kitchen (both in mourning), David and Zwei are still in the lab, and you and Amanda are just kind of standing around in the hallway. I think that's about it.)
(Kk, Imma abandon Amanda, SORRY AMANDA!!!)

Naomi gets bored of standing around, and walks around. She wanders aimlessly, and sees Oswin in the kitchen. "Heyaaa." She says randomly, bored.
Oswin looked up, her eyes a pinkish red from crying. The last person she wanted to see now was Naomi, but, of course, here she was.

"Hey." she said quietly. She nodded her head towards the pantry, "If it's food you want, check the pantry."
"I'm just boreeddd." Naomi says, then notices her puffy blood-shot eyes "Why were you crying?" She asked, her head tilted. She could be a bit oblivious.
Sh*t, I can't explain this to her NOW.

Oswin sighed, hopped off the bar stool, and began raiding the pantry for more food, her back to Naomi's.

"I was thinking..." she thought about what she could say, then an idea popped up in her head "About my mother. My dead mother. Who is very dead. And I'm sad."

I sound like an idiot.
(Here comes the angelic side... and the waterworks... BECAUSE OF YOU!!! *points at Maeve*)

A smattering of tears gather in Naomi's eyes, "I know how you feel..." She says softly, her carefree mood gone. Tears drift down her face silently. She puts an arm around Oswins shoulders, and hugs her for a moment. She then wipes at her eyes furiously.

(OMG, this song was seriously playing while I typed this. I was freaking crying!!! [media]

Oh my God, she's buying it.

As Naomi put her arm around Oswin's shoulders, she hid her uncomfortableness and tried to make herself cry to push the act further. She started thinking about Carlos. His warm hands and his lips and his smells. She felt a few more tears streak down her face.

"Thank you," she said, wiping away her forced out tears.

(Oh my! D:)
(Did you remember in my bio, it said that her mom died... Your manipulating a mourning little girl!!)

"You're welcome." Naomi choked out through the tears streaming down her face. She flashed back...

Naomi smiled at her father, as she held her set of the house keys. She hurried up the steps to her mothers front door, and waved to her father as he drove away. She knocked on the door, "Mom?" She said softly, knocking. She figured that her mother must be asleep. Naomi's brothers were currently at a friends house, unable to see the horrible sight awaiting Naomi. She slowly unlocked the door, and opened it. "Mom?" She said again, a bit louder. The house was oddly cold and quiet. Naomi flicked on a light and screamed. Her mother lay on the floor, a bullet in her head.

Naomi shook her head, tears streaming down it faster and faster.
As Naomi began to cry harder, Oswin had no idea what to do. She wasn't used to comforting people, especially someone as fragile as a 12-year-old girl. Oswin began to distract herself from Carlos by awkwardly wrapping her arms around Naomi into a hug.

This is uncomfortable.
Naomi scarecly noticed the hug, and unconsiously leaned into Oswin. She had spent a long time trying to be strong for her baby brothers, and it all just finally exploded out of her.
Oswin was grateful for forgetting her own worries, the puffy redness I'm her eyes fading to reveal her olive skin once again. As Naomi leaned into her, she rested her chin on top of the little girl's head. "There, there," she said quietly, "just let it out."

Wait. Aren't I the one supposed to be crying? she shrugged it off, not thinking twice about it. 
(Where did everybody gooooooooo?)
(Ok I've been gone for like two days due to the fact that school let out and my friends and I were celebrating sooo I read two pages I think page 85 and oh gosh... oh and than this one...can you guys please explain what happened in between for me???)
(Oswin and Carlos had sex. Oswin and Tony then went down to have a couple of drinks in the kitchen, resulting in the two of them getting drunk. While this happens, Carlos welcomes a newcomer, Eimin, who's stumbled into the building. Tony goes upstairs and tries to seduce Lucas while he's drunk, and is interrupted by Eimin. Carlos and Oswin fight and sever whatever relationship they had, and Carlos went to the armory. Naomi then wandered downstairs and saw Oswin crying, and tried to comfort her, but ended up crying herself. Therefore : Lucas and Tony are in their bedroom, Eimin is in their bedroom doorway, David and Zwei are still in the lab, Carlos is in the armory, Oswin and Naomi are in the kitchen, and Amanda is in the hallway where all of the bedrooms are.)
(Thanks sooo much!!!!! ^.^)

Amanda decided to walk around a bit. She was a bit hungry still. After all, besides the chips, she hasn't eaten for all of five days, she thinks. She didn't have enough time for food, too busy running away from the Hazed people. It's like zombies everywhere. Creepy.
Carlos had finished training in the armory and that didn't help him get over Oswin, not in the slightest. He decided to go outside the front door of the tower. He needed some air, besides the horde wasn't there yet. Carlos had decided this time to lose himself in the chaos of the new world they lived in. He had felt the ground rumbling as he tried to go deeper into his thoughts, he looked up wondering what made the noise. Apparently the horde is almost here. Some little voice his mind told him to sight the sniper down the front and center of the horde and he did so. Well, karma is such a bi***. He ran back to the tower entered and bolted the door behind him. He just noticed that he was crying, he slid down the door and fell into a sitting position. Mom and Dad leading a horde of these freaks and they look no different from the Hazed. Karma, you give me one good thing and now you give me two bad things in return. Utter despair had overcome him, he stood up and went back up to the rooms, riding the elevator and picking a room and just sat on the bed. If I stayed down there I honestly swear I'd pop open the door and just try to kill them....try and get eaten alive.
After keeping Naomi in an awkward embrace, she made the decision to be decent towards her for a change. Gently pulling her away, Oswin gently wiped away Naomi's tears with her thumb.

"How about..." She began, looking down at Naomi with a soft smile, "you stay with me in my room. The worst thing a broken spirit can do is be cast away. Okay?"

Not taking no for an answer, she took Naomi's hand and led her to the elevator, where she pushed the button that led them back to the bedroom-surrounded hallway. She took her back to her room, feeling a metaphorical punch to the gut as she noticed the tangled sheets on the bed. Dammit.

Taking a deep breath, she remade the bed to make it sleepable and/or restable in. After doing so, she slipped back on her jacket and boots.

"There are a couple of chip bags left in my backpack," she told Naomi, "sit here and clear your thoughts, I'm going to go get something out of the kitchen.

Oswin left and shut the door behind her, she began to make her way to the armory. She decided not to tell Naomi where she was really going, due to the fact that she didn't trust Naomi with a gun. The armory would sooth her thoughts and allow her to let out her anger and pain that she was reminded of.
Tony snarled at the boy {your character was a boy right?}, "Get out of my f*cking room, so I can have sex with him." Lucas was shaking his head frantically back and forth. Don't leave him alone with me, don't leave him alone with me, don't leave him alone with me, please don't leave him alone with me. Lucas was desperate. Being left alone with him would mean a world of pain for Lucas. Not walking straight for a week. Pulled muscles. Or like that one time where he broke a bone. Lucas was trembling. Oh god, don't leave him alone with me.
(lol yes boy) Eimin could see his worried face. He looked down and thought to himself. Stay and help him out or leave and save a world of butt kicking. He shook his head more, thinking of doing the right thing. He inhaled as he pounced, pushing off his back leg. He ran but tumbled further into the room, a few inches away from the one who was asking for help. His foot began to ache again as he slowly sat up again. He rubbed his head, from hitting on the hard flooring and sighed. " ouch"
[i'll leave him to break down and cry in the room until someone walks in on him or just i dunno...


Enjoy xD ]
{lol Sol. xD When I think of Carlos, I think of this.}

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