Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(You guys are so good at poofing up pictures. Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here like

{I must make my leave now! Tony demands I make cookies~! *does ballet into Tony's lap* I shall make them later!}

[QUOTE="Maeve Harris](I'm debating on whether to keep Oswin in the armory or having her go outside and be put in danger somehow. xD )


xD )
(ofc, if you put her in danger i dunno who will save her ass, she could well be infected when she comes back or whatever xD )
(I kind of a general idea of what I MIGHT DO, but you and I seem to be the only ones online right now so I might post now and wait for someone, or wait until someone actually gets on and posts.)
(Ah, what the hell. I'll post, go to bed, and see what happens when I wake up tomorrow morning.)

Oswin was in the armory, practically blowing up everything in sight. She supposed it made her feel better, but she still thought about Carlos. She was also tired...so tired.

Firing the last shot, she began to feel lightheaded again from the anger she was releasing. Oswin stormed out of the armory, slamming the door behind her, leaning against it, and taking a deep breath.

"Oswin! Where are you?"

Oswin's ears perked up. That voice. Oh my God. I remember that voice.

"Pumpkin Spice! Where'd you go?"

There's only one person who calls me Pumpkin Spice. My Dad.

Before she could think, her body was carrying her to the closest door that led outside, hearing her father's voice over and over and over again.

Oswin found herself grabbing the doorknob on one of the back doors. As she opened it, she felt a hand on the front of her shirt before the door was fully open. She was yanked outside, and slammed against the wall of the building. Disoriented but trained, she whipped her knife from her belt and thrust the knife into the void in front of her. The knife made contact with flesh, and a scream echoed. A scream that was not her father's. She pushed the body away, yanking out her knife. Her head was now throbbing at twice it's previous rate. Darkness in the sky was enveloping appearances, but she could almost feel the presence of the Hazed. Many, many hazed.

She tore through whatever body came close, fear causing her body to tremble. While doing this, she scrambled for the door that she had just exited from, but the night seemed to have swallowed it up. "Dad!" She yelled, but no reply came. Was she hallucinating? She didn't know. What Oswin DID know was that she needed to get back inside.

Just when she started to feel the surface of the door, she felt a sharp pain shoot up her arm.

She had been bitten.

Shrieking in pain, she swung her knife into one if the Hazed skulls. The teeth were lifted from the skin on her forearm. Oswin finally felt the surface of the doorknob on her palm, yanking it open, rushing in, slamming the door, and locking it with furiously trembling fingers.

In the light of the hallway, she looked down at her forearm. It was bad. No use in crying out. No use in calling for help. She was going to die.

Her legs began to weaken as her eyes fixed on to the bite mark. Oswin began to slide down onto the floor, her thoughts sparking out as if someone was cutting a wire in her brain.

Well,she thought weakly,I'm sure death was coming sooner or later.

(There. Now maybe more people can have the chance to join in on saving Oswin's ass)
(I feel so loved right now! Lol, would have responded sooner; I fell asleep...)

Naomi nods softly, and cries herself to sleep.

(Very short... o_O)
{lol knew it she'd get infected xD , well Carlos still can't do anything he's still wrecked and taking the break up harder than he should}
( thank you, but nah. I'm just gonna go back to derping around my room in a very hot afternoon xD )
[Oswin got infected, Oswin and Carlos broke up. Carlos is being all emo. uhh, Eimin(new guy) walked in on Tony and Lucas getting it on. that's about it]
[Well can you do, he's crying himself to sleep in one of the rooms xD ] 
{I made him take the break up harder than he should xD man the feels T_T}
[All I originally saw was Carlos and Oswin broke up. Not that she'd been infected. xD Silly me. Am I able to move though? Or is David still keeping me there?]
{No one is keeping you in the operating room xD I dunno, David hasn't moved or responded} 
{well no one knows she is infected yet.}
[Okay. Shade shall stumble across Carlos in her semi sane state.]

Shade got bored and started wandering around. She looked around and opened doors that she found, but never shutting them. She yawned and began to hum the creepy song that she was singing before. I wonder where everyoooooone is? They aren't aroooooound anymoooore...

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