Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]


Oswin clutched the boy's shirt to keep herself from slumping, although her hands felt weak. "Potatoes," she mumbled weakly, "Go figure." Although she didn't know the name of the boy carrying her, she did catch sight of a beaten Lucas.

"Lucas," she said weakly, "You were infected or something weren't you? Do you remember what Tony did to help y ---" she yelped in pain as her stomach cramped again, squeezing Eimin's shirt tighter.
He sniffed again as he narrowed his eyes. "Yea..that smell." He smiled though his thought s being pulled away toward Lucas. "Ah thanks , my mom taught me right then." they need to get some rest or at least lay down on something. So why walk when you can run. He leaned back making sure he had Lucas and the thing in his hands. He dashed off, jumping over that small little footing by the entrance of the hall. He smiled as he continued to run then stopped opening the door with his foot and jumping in. "This is the place right."
"I remember what he did, yes. Are you- are you infected?" He was scooting up on Eimins back, and then realized how uncomfortable that must make him. He jumped as he took off. And clutched tighter. "Yeah, this is it." He looked around, seeing couches and TV's. "Yeah, he changed this from the last time I was here." He scooted around on his back, physically demanding to be let down.

{Lucas is getting off on that. I bet every time he does his 'scooting' Eimin is all like this}<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/5654.gif.9e59cf40304155c8e57af7b3d7d7b810.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/5654.gif.9e59cf40304155c8e57af7b3d7d7b810.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(lol ahhahahhahhah maybe)

Eimin let him off on his back as he carried the girl to one of the couches. "Here you go...whoever you are, because I so wasn't paying attention when Lucas said you name. "He smiled wide , hoping that didn't offend her in any way. "do you guys need anything." He turned his head toward Lucas and the girl who looked weird.
As Oswin was laid onto the couch, she rolled over to look at Lucas.

"Yeah," she said meekly, while panting. She revealed her forearm to Lucas, which contained the dis colored bite that was rapidly spreading up her arm.

"And Oswin," she said to Eimin, "I'm Oswin...probably the one that smells like potatoes."
"I need medical. I need to patch her up." He was looking at her arm. He himself, needed medical, but he couldn't give it to himself without a mirror. His entire body hurt, but he could try his best to save her. He looked back at Eimin desperately. "Please."

{I gotta go. O.o See you later Eimin. I plan on Tony finding out about this. xD }
Amanda continued to explore the place until she came to a room with three people in it. Two of which was in the room earlier and a completely new guy to her. She looked on the couch to see Oswin and Lucas hurt and weak. She covered her mouth and stared in surprise as she walked farther into the room "Oh my gosh. What happened to them?" She asked the new guy
He looked back with his hands on his hips. His expression was none the less of a young spirited boy. "Well I think one is sick and Lucas is hurt...sort of , more like bruised and soare." He walked off leaving the two to rest as he stops by her. "I was told to gather some medical things to help, with the healing process." He gave her a nice smile as he continued to walk, but not to fast so if she decided , she could walk with him.
Amanda nods and follows the guy "I'll come with. How did Lucas get hurt? Was he in a fight or something?" She asks him. If it was a fight, maybe it isn't as serious depending on the fight, but if it's something else like being attacked by Hazed or something, than it could be.
Eimin Shrugged as he tried to remember what happened. "I think, I heard a bump so I went to check it out. I walk in there and the guy is asking for help, while this other guy is holding me up." He turned the corner to a room and opened the door but only saw clothes and warn out luggae. "SO then I helped out Lucas , carried him then stepped on this thing..wait Oswin and carried her to the room we were just in." He stated as he closed the door, then went futher down the hall.
Amanda nods again and walks along side the guy, he was definitely taller than her by at least half a foot. "Ok, I'm guessing you don't know the guy that held you up's name but do you remember what he looks like?" I asked him. I don't even know very many of the people's names but I did get a good look at everybody when I first came. It could be anyone really soo far.
Lucas appeared out of no where. "My leg feels better." He said in explanation. It was a lie. He was still putting most of his weight on one of his legs. He had a black eye, though it wasn't swollen. Just bruised, and he still had the slap mark on his cheek. "Tony has a tendency of letting things get out of hand when his sex drive is active." He limped farther down the hall and opened a door, revealing a white room, that looked like a doctors office. He started talking again as he pulled stuff out of cabinets. "Im not saying that he abuses me or that he has ever raped me, he is just....." Lucas shrugged. "I don't know. He's a pure. Thats what I get for dating him I guess. Its not nearly as bad as last time though." He got on his tip-toes and winced, before scrambling to pull a box down. It fell into his arms and he started limping back out of the room towards the direction of Oswin.
Eimin followed him, after finding out where the stuff was. He held out his hand, taking the things form him and smiling. "I never said he was a bad guy, and your far from ok but ill let you have your way since your here now, but ill be carrying the things." Eimin looked back toward the girl and moved his head toward Lucas. "This one, this one is Lucas." He smiled toward him and looked toward the entrance. "When I put the stuff down do you want me to go get some water...alchaol and bandages wont fix up your bruises."
Lucas gave him the boxes gratefully. "I have never cured anyone, but Im the first person to be cured. I was awake the entire time as the knock out stuff doesn't work on me." He winced again and leaned on the wall scowling. He stared down at his leg in horror. "I think he twisted something." He looked at the others. "I need you to bring that stuff to Oswin." He glared down at his leg. "Amanda can you bring that over to her? And Eimin, can you.....?" He stared at him. Can you stay here with me?

{Oh god, I walk in on Tony watching THIS. And he keeps quoting the d*mn thing.}
eimin blinked a little , curious to the slight pause he had , but never the less he smiled happily and nodded his head. He gave the supplies to Amanda, and pointed to where she was laying. Eimin cleared off a spot for Lucas to sit down with his feet and gestured for him to sit there. "Sure ill stay here with you, I made you a seat so you don't have to stand." 
(the look on his face is killing me )
{Tony and Carlos killed a bunch of Haze outside the tower, Tony did it by running them over with his car. Lucas is going to attempt to cure Oswin who was infected. Lucas was sexually abused by Tony, and he is now constantly in pain. Eimin is now kind of helping Lucas get around. Amanda came out of no where and is helping Eimin and Lucas. I think thats it. Oh, and Tony locked the tower so no one can get out.}

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb3a2670_6606copy.jpeg.8e569b55348e4e67c35e627bf9853cb8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1525" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdb3a2670_6606copy.jpeg.8e569b55348e4e67c35e627bf9853cb8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lucas sank to the floor and hissed. He stared at his leg and pressed his hand down on the stop that it hurt. There was a crack and he bit back a scream. "There, its back in place." He panted as he stared down at his leg, and then looked back up at Eimin. "I need help." He held his arms out towards him.

{I gotta go again. :( I have to go buy a suit. And help Tony pick a suit. Ill see you guys later.}
Eimin smiled as he stood up and took him by his waist. Holding him in princess style again he looked to see if he was secured. "Alright where to."
"We have to go back to the room where Oswin was." Lucas pointed back towards the pointed towards the room where Oswin was. "We have to get back there." His leg kicked out and he winced as it hit the wall. "What the hell?!"

{How tall is Eimin?}
(lol 5'5)

He chuckled when he hit his foot. "Silly." He nodded his head as he moved him toward his back now giving him a piggy back ride. He started to walk toward the room where Oswin was , as he jumped and stepped over the glass. "You shouldn't move your legs around so much."

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