Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

"Im not meaning to do that." He snuggled up to Eimin and put his chin on Eimins shoulder. "Your kinda cute." He clapped his hand over his mouth. "Oh god, did I just say that out loud?" He pressed his face into Eimin's shoulder in embarrassment, as his face turned red.

{HOLY SH*T THERE WAS A SPIDER ON MY FACE! *gets on the floor* *tries not to cry* *cries*}
Eimin blushed as he looked away. "I u..ugh thank you." He tried to laugh it off a little as he continued to move towards the room. This time he didn't need to look down since there were no galss on the floor. "Your not to bad yourself ."

"Im sorry for saying that." He brushed his bangs out of his eyes and blushed harder. "I am SO SORRY." He pressed his face deeper into his shoulder. "Oh god, why do I do this to myself?"

{I asked Tony to kill it and he climbed on my kitchen table. And then threw a cup at it, and it actually hit the spider, MAKING IT ANGRY!}
Eimin looked back as he gave him a soft smile. " No need to say sorry about it, " He walked into the room , setting him down on a chair near the entrance. "Thanks htough...your the first to tell me that other than my mom."

(cough- mmmm this girl is bringing medical supplies Owin <<< may have gotten that name wrong , um eimin is taking Lucas to the room, soon dropping him onto a chair..he said he was cute >.< , and Owin<< may have said the wrong is inffectied and is soon going to die ^^..oh yes I threw a spider on nirvana)
(Alright, at least he hasn't brought Tony inside the tower yet xD ) 
(So Tony and Carlos are locked out in addition to what you just said. WHERE IS THAT MAJESTIC EIGHT-LEGGED FREAK?)
(SLR I had swim team practice!!!!!)

Amanda nods quickly, taking the stuff and heading towards the other room where Oswin was, half running. She enters it and sets it down by her. The girl looks at her and hopes she will be ok. When she arrived in this place some guy was healing another guy from something, but she was still unsure of what.
{we left Shade with Oswin last I remember, the tower is on lockdown until tony and carlos get back from slaughtering hordes of Hazed. But they moved Oswin and disregarded shade, so she's basically wandering inside the tower.
Carlos kept waiting for the grieving Tony. He must have really loved that car, ehh nothing water can't fix, the smell however would be a different case altogether. He had decided he had rested enough by the door and went out to search the piles of corpses for the Shotgun and the SMGs he dropped during the fight. Even though the wind blew away most of the stench, close proximity still seemed to assault his nose. His thoughts returned back to his parents as he searched for the guns. They had whispered a name before he killed them....

....Zwei. Whatever it is that happened to them Zwei has to know something about it and about this inhuman rush I get when I fight Hazed and why I'm still not infected with it. I mean, this was never the first time I've been bitten and yet I still showed up clean on Tony's scans. I'll just have to ask her when I get back inside.
He glanced over to Tony. He doesn't look like he'll be moving from the car anytime soon. 
[ I'm trapped outside with Tony T_T]
Tony stood up and pushed the hood up. He stared into the the car for a moment and then reached over and ripped the brakes out. He threw them as far as he possibly could and then got back in the car. He turned it on, but left the door open. The car started moving, and Tony simply got out and walked back to the tower. He got to the door and tapped a code onto a track pad. The door opened and he hobbled inside. "Carlos, are you coming?"

Lucas pushed himself up and limped over to Oswin. "This is going to hurt." He pushed her sleeve up and stared at the bite. "Yeah. Okay. Well then." He dug through the medecine and pulled out a needle. "You already have a place to give you this." He pushed the needle into the bite and injected her with the cure. "That should work." Lucas stared at her face. "Oswin?"

"Coming." Carlos had replied to Tony as he ran toward the Tower entrance, with all the guns stowed on him and smelling like one of the corpses. "So how did the car look like? Can it still serve its master?" He asked Tony when he was sure Tony was within earshot. "Hey could you do a scan on me when we get back? I dunno why, but I think I'll turn up clean again." He said as he looked over some of the bite marks. "I mean this wasn't the first time I was bitten you know." Then proceeded to enter the tower. After that, I should go confront Zwei.
Yes. It did hurt. As the needle jabbed her, she grabbed Lucas's shirt and yelped in pain. After a few minutes of pain and panting, she released her clutched hand.

If the cure was supposed to work, it sure as hell didn't feel like it. After sharp shoots of pain, Oswin felt like her brain was separated from her own body, the whole world around her seeming like a dream. Her thin, soft fingers touched Lucas's face. Wait, was she smiling? Why was she smiling?

"You're face is soft," she said quietly with glassed-over eyes and a dazed smile, "It's a shame Tony had to that pretty face." Oh God, what was she saying?

She felt her eyes growing heavy, but she weakly jerked, afraid that if she closed her eyes she would never open them again.
"Oswin, stay awake." Lucas clutched her hand and squeezed. "You gotta stay awake. Stay awake for Carlos. And Tony. Stay awake for potato chips, hell, stay awake for me." He shook his head. "You can't fall asleep. You can't leave me, this has to work. I can't have red on my ledger. I can't be the one who killed you. Don't you dare fall asleep."
Oswin giggled.

"You sound funny when you're trying to be serious." Holy sh*t, I'm losing it.

She lifted herself up into sitting position, leaning her head against the back cushion.

"Let's see," she said quietly, a sad look in her eye, "Carlos? No, he had sex with me and left me on my own. I hate him. Tony? He's a Pure. The Pure killed my mother. The Pure did that to you." She gently touched the edges of Lucas's black eye.

"Congratulations," she muttered bitterly, "Looks like you're the only one left that I actually care for. And maybe Eimin." She looked over her shoulder at Eimin, "You both seem to be at a tie with potato chips."

"Eimin likes you and you like him," she said under her breath, loud enough for Lucas to hear yet quiet enough so Eimin couldn't hear, "you seem a lot happier with him than you do with Tony, y'know."

She grabbed her side with one hand and bit back a yell. God, this was painful.
Carlos had began his journey back to the operating room, he had a thought that Zwei might be there. He needed to find Zwei soon, she had something to do with everything that had happened outside and he wants to get answers. Zwei, Haze researcher, pure, shunned by the rest of the pure due to research complications. What were those complications? What did she do to merit her losing her memories. Somehow I think running across her wasn't by chance anymore, neither was me killing my parents, neither was my inhuman ability displayed out there, neither Oswin breaking up with me, and was definitely neither running into this group. I need to get to the bottom of this, of who or what I am. He had an emotionless face as he moved around the tower in search for Zwei.
Lucas stared at her. "I barely know him. I think he's cute, but theres nothing else I know. Plus I don't even know if he's like me." If he's gay. "And Tony is-" What is Tony? He just abused you. He should be dead to you. But why do you stay with him? Lucas's eyes widened in realization. "You think he doesn't deserve me. You think I can do better." He shook his head. "Im a terrible person. You don't know half the things Ive done." Lucas sighed and leaned forward. "Your a nice lady, and Im going to try my best to save you."

Tony got into the building and dropped Vindemiatrix on the floor. He was sick of the Haze. He didn't need his car anymore. He waited for Carlos, and then shut the door. "The car is un-drivable." He sighed and leaned against the wall. "I hope someone took care of Lucas." He started walking down the hall, towards the kitchen.
Maeve sighed a tired, aching sigh.

"Call me crazy," she said weakly, "but look at you NOW. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past, because you can't go back in time and change it. So don't think of yourself as a bad person because of the way you were before."

She jerked again, cold sweats fading in and out.

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