Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

{I made new thread. It seems weird at first glance, but does anyone want to join?} 
{And I can do next post to move this along}
(Imma postttt and Lucas, the question was "Why wasn't this availiable earlier?" And she says it icily and meanily. Plus, I'm the protangonist!!! MWA HA HA HA!!! until I kill Tony or Lucas if I don't get a good answer...)
Carlos was still, in fact, troubled about whether he should tell Oswin or not. I mean would she? He had not realized he was still staring at Oswin. He broke the stare and proceeded to find things that would occupy his attention as he turned over the possibilities of what he was about to say. Everything is kinda back to normal now....kinda.

[still having trouble deciding whether to reciprocate her or turn her down. Thoughts? Let's make this a democracy. xD ]
{LOTR reference; One does not simply kill Lucas and Tony.}

Tony looked coldly over at her and moved slightly to the side, effectively blocking Lucas from her. "This wasn't available before, because this is the first time anyone has ever been cured." Tony looked over his shoulder at Lucas. "He's the first. And you stay out of his way." Lucas looked up in surprise, from where he had been staring at his arm. No one is ever that protective of me. He blinked a couple times, but stayed quiet.

{There. Done.}
(Well, sorryyy if my brain ish messed up. :tongue: )

Naomi glares at him for a moment angrily. Liar. She thought. No matter what he had said, she still would have been ticked off at him. She slammed herself into a chair, and picked at the stiching covering her wound. To heck with infection. If only her brothers had lived to now. If only she could have brought them here. If only...
[one vote: recipro whatever let's do this]

"Oswin..uhhh." Carlos never really had much confidence in himself, So saying important things like these took him awhile to compose himself. He also said her actual name which makes it that much more important. I dunno if I can do this but oh well here goes. "Let's uh take this outside of the room." Even though no one seemed to pay attention to him he still felt uneasy about doing it here. Here goes absolutely nothing, at the very least all the immediate problems are done and over.

Oswin tried to remain calm on the outside, but she was incredibly terrified on the inside. On one hand, she DID care about him, but on the other hand, she was never really good at expressin her feelings...AT ALL.

As he suggested to leave the room, she knew this was going to be incredibly awkward, but knew this would have to come sooner or later.

Oswin nodded slowly and made her way outside. When the two of them were alone, she took a deep breath and said softly "Okay. What do you need to tell me?"

(My posts will be a little scarce for the next couple of hours. Forced to go swimming with family. I'll check back ASAP.)
Oswin had accompanied Carlos outside the operating room. Now they were out of earshot of anyone. "Ummm, I don't know how to word this properly. So I'll just start by telling you how I feel. You know, like I wanna protect you. You've possibly given me another purpose to breath this air. You are special to me and uhhh I like you? I mean I know we only know each other for less than a day. and uhh" He wasn't sure if what he was saying was even getting through to her which made him stumble through what he was saying. He could never be calm and collected in these moments, He couldn't say something profound so smoothly and sometimes taken with two meaning like what he did with Tony and Lucas and Shade. He could feel his heart beat faster with each passing second. He felt like he was running out of air to breathe.
SolG123 said:
Oswin had accompanied Carlos outside the operating room. Now they were out of earshot of anyone. "Ummm, I don't know how to word this properly. So I'll just start by telling you how I feel. You know, like I wanna protect you. You've possibly given me another purpose to breath this air. You are special to me and uhhh I like you? I mean I know we only know each other for less than a day. and uhh" He wasn't sure if what he was saying was even getting through to her which made him stumble through what he was saying. He could never be calm and collected in these moments, He couldn't say something profound so smoothly and sometimes taken with two meaning like what he did with Tony and Lucas and Shade. He could feel his heart beat faster with each passing second. He felt like he was running out of air to breathe.
(Awh, cute! Sharpening knife timeee!*sharpens machete*)

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