Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(No! DON'T KILL CARLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Oswin was done with Zwei. Not in the way in which one is done with their meal and simply disposes of it in the trash, she was done with the singing and the creepy backstory and the voices. She wanted to hear what Carlos had to say to her, and she would rater die than let him become a drawing board.

She mustered up all the energy she could, even though she was terribly exhausted, and stood in front of Carlos, her eyes narrowed.

"You're going to have to kill me before you make him your drawing board." There was no other way she could've put it.
Lucas's head snapped up. "Whats happening?" He was looking around at them in a mixture of shock and surprise. He looked over at Tony, who just shrugs. "What is going on?" He saw the girl against the wall and frowns. "Im out for.... what, and hour and half? And this happens?"

Zwei stared at Carlos and tilted her head before staring at Lucas. She seemed puzzled for a bit and thought to herself.
Cured the Haaaaaze? Hoooooow? When I caaaan't cure my own problems... She spread out of the ground and rolled about while staring at Carlos again with wide, curious eyes.
[The one she wants to draw on. She doesn't quite realise that its not a real person and will draw on the picture. In this case, a picture of Carlos. xD ]
[How the hell does she have a picture of Carlos?]

Zwei suddenly rolled on the floor not looking at everyone else but just dead straight at Carlos. He couldn't help but approach the curiosity in front of him. Slowly, against his will he takes another step toward Zwei. That curiousity? where have I seen that before?
Apparently Carlos was on some kind of stupid gas.

As he began to step towards Zwei, Oswin grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"What the hell are you doing?" She hissed, "stay back, unless you want to be a drawing board." Oswin took a shaky breath.

"Carlos, don't make me beg."

Zwei just stared as Carlos took a step towards her and clapped her hands together while giving a happy giggle, "Carlos knows about me. What I am and what I do. Hehehe."
I want to talk normally, but my insanity prevents me...
"I don't think she means harm, Oswin" Carlos looked her straight in the eye and held her there for a while "And maybe I'm sorry that you might never hear what I was going to say" before continuing on to Zwei at a normal pace. I don't think she'll kill me....Not yet, I'll just get severely wounded at worst. He had worn a poker face for this encounter. "Well here I am, Zwei" gesturing to himself.
((Don't forget David is pointing a gun at everyone! Nobody ever thinks about David! D:

I feel like a bystander. Pff, I shoot Carlos and I become the main antagonist.. hmm..))
Zwei turned around and pulled herself up so she was staring into Carlos' eyes with an innocent gaze. She tilted her head and gave a yawn before smiling happily, "Friend. Draw with me? Carlos my friend? Or will he hurt me like the others did?" She felt tears in her eyes and blinked them away, "I must be strong for a man never cries."

"Yeah, I'll draw with you. And no I won't hurt you, Shade." Carlos had a gut feeling that somewhere down there Shade was still there<no rhyme intended>. He just had to find a way to surface that. Baby steps. Was what went through his mind. I cheated death.....again or was he never here to begin with?
Zwei smiled and yawned. "I always wanted a friend. Shade did as well. But we never got to be friends with anyone." She got a sudden sad look on her face and she rubbed at her eyes to avoid from having some tears leak out. "We were forever alone in the dark dark room of doom."

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