Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

[well it's a start xD I can't move my character cuz no one else seems to be on T_T. I didn't know that.]
Seeing that Tony had taken a pretty good hold on the confrontation, Oswin took a closer look at her gashed hand. She had saved Carlos from Zwei about...how many minutes ago? It seemed so long ago, and everything seemed to be moving way too fast. She strode over towards the cluster of tables, and picked up some gauze. Her palm was pretty much completely bloodied now, so she figured the best thing to do was just wrap it.

As he did so, Oswin found herself wandering over next to Carlos despite the voice in the back of her head screaming 'RETREAT. RETREAT. DON'T DO THIS NOW.'

Too late. Wrapping her hand, Oswin said quietly, and not too graciously, because she wasn't exactly good at these sort of things,

"Um...what you said about...um...me being important to you...that was...um...nice. Thank you."

God, she hated apologizing.

"And I'm sorry I went a tad batsh*t crazy. This place is a freaking nuthouse."
He had heard Oswin speak beside him. He had calmed down and accepted the fact that everyone in the room, him included, were insane and that Oswin was safe. "Don't worry about it Potato Girl, we're all insane here." gesturing to the unconscious Lucas "Even he's insane."

He had continued working, but stopped for a bit. "Oswin, ummm..uh...." he said barely above a whisper. It was one of those rare times he had used her name, but he couldn't find the guts to say it and went back to working, as if the singing from Zwei, the filming from Naomi, the gun pointing of David and the shouting of Tony were just parts of his everyday life.
Tony looked at Carlos and gave him a weak smile and then looked at Maeve. "I don't think she is going to be of any help." He looked over at Lucas. "That means you guys are going to help me do this. And we are going to do it now." Lucas's eyelashes fluttered again. "Yeah, we do this now."
"I'll help too." Naomi said, shutting off her camera. It seemed like it was hard enough for the one guy already, so she didn't want to make it any harder. She jammed it into her pocket, and hoped that they wouldn't manage to figure out her status or something; that would sorta suck. "What should I do?" She asked the guy(Tony), a bit uncertain about the whole thing.
As Oswin finished bandaging her hand, her stomach somersaulted as he stopped what he was going to say.

'Oh my God,' she thought, 'Was he going to say what I think he was going to say?'

Trying to keep a steady voice, she nudged him very gently.

"You didn't finish. If you want to say something, just say it." Oswin was bubbling several of possibilities on what was going I happen, and frankly there was a lot going on around the two of them, but right now she wanted to hear what he was going to say. 
(Sigh, posting simultaneously again.)
[Lol you're all forgetting me xD ]

"I'll tell you after this, when things have calmed down." He momentarily addressed Oswin with a smile. "We better hurry up, Tony!" He addressed Tony this time. "I don't think she'll keep singing for long" He pointed his head toward Zwei as he kept the oxygen mask on Lucas.
"I can distract her." Naomi said, smiling as she remembered the times that she had managed to keep her brothers from burning down their house. She went back over to the girl, and gave her a large packet of songs that were similar to the one that she was singing "Could you sing these? You have a beautiful voice." She said gently, smiling. 
(And my friends say that I'm not a sweet little angel!*angelic face*)
Tony ran over to Lucas and looked at Carlos. "I need you to reach and grab that heart meter thingy." {He can't remember the name of it in times of stress.....} He reached over to the counter and started grabbing random things [scalpel, syringes, liquids, pills, etc, etc, etc] and putting them onto the table next to Lucas. Lucas's back had started arching off the table and he looked like he was in extreme pain. "Computer, put crossfire on loop. And play it softly." The song started playing as a bit of back round noise {as if there wasn't enough already}, and Tony stared down at Lucas, who calmed down a bit, but still looked in pain.
Carlos did as he was told and took the heart meter thingy from the table. "Then what?" he returned to his original position one hand holding the heart thing and the other keeping the oxygen mask from falling off Lucas.
"Well, now I need to know if his heart rate is over- Oh." Tony leaned over Lucas and tapped the computer screen. "Yeah, his heart rate is going a little hay-wire. We need to do this now." He reached and grabbed a scalpel. He looked down at his hand and then looked nervously at Lucas.
Carlos tried to keep his cool as he kept Lucas stable. The song floating around vaguely reminded him of something that happened a while ago. This is not the time for that. Carlos tried to keep down his laughter, He could remember Lucas and Tony dancing slowly to this song. Tried to, at least, he kept Lucas stable but couldn't stop laughing. People will definitely think I'm insane, then again.
Amanda thought she was all alone in here until she heard some noises from coming up ahead. Curious, she started to follow the noise. It seems like everyone is gathered into one room and there's a lot more people than just her. Oblivious to the fact that it could be danger, she kept walking towards it. As she walked, Amanda's feet made no noise. Finally she was at the door to the room. First thing she heard was singing and smiled. She loved music, although Amanda didn't really get why this girl was singing. Silently Amanda opened the door, but stayed there looking at the backs of everyone's head with her large round eyes.
Carlos kept working and glancing around the area especially at Zwei and David. He noticed a new comer standing by the entrance. He waved to her with his free hand, still laughing as the song kept playing in the background and as he worked on keeping Lucas stable. For all intents and purposes he had looked completely insane. This could scare her off.
Tony looked at the heart monitor and sighed. He bent down and dug the scalpel into Lucas's arm {upper arm}. And of course. He has to do this now. Lucas's eyes flew open. They weren't the dull orange anymore. They looked like his usual {or as usual as this color is for someone to have for an eye color} yellow color. He started gasping into the mask and shut his eyes tightly, trying to keep the change down. Tony bent down, ignoring Carlos's giggles. What the hell is he laughing at anyways? "Come on Luke. You got to fight it. Get through this for me." He started making the incision larger so he could get in there {don't start on this Sol}. "We can go to the beach and walk around." He glanced around, looking for the cure he made. He had to put it in one of the main arteries. "We can dance all night." Seeing it, he leaned over, stretched..... almost have it........ and grabbed it. "We can save some lives." He shoved the cure into Lucas's arm {the gash in his arm, that is}, and waited for the scream of pain that never came. He looked down at Lucas, who was laying there with his hands clenching onto the table. He had tears in his eyes and looked terrified. Tony sug around and pulled out medical thread so close the wound. He started stitching him up and realized something.

"Lucas." His eyes slid slowly over to Tony's. Oh look. They aren't yellow anymore. They are that pretty green color again.

"Lucas. Do you realize what just happened? You were just cured."

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Naomi noticed that they finished, and saw that the kid was cured "Why wasn't this available earlier?" She says icily, her muscles and limbs tense.
{Im going offline. Im tired. I have school in the morning. Ill be back on in 8 hours. See ya later my Little Crimpy Glimmers friends. Im going to go and sleep. Tired Lucas is tired. Ive been doing homework for 5 hours. I deserve a break. Homework + RPNation = Exhausted Lucas. (and exhausted Lucas means cranky Lucas. Cranky Lucas means unhappy boyfriend (Yes, Tony is based off a real person). Unhappy boyfriend (the base of Tony) means no free lunch. No free lunch means unhappy Lucas. The cycle just goes on and on.)}
[such a vicious cycle, fine I'll lay off xD ]

It was over. "See I told you, you'd make it and pull it off" He addressed Lucas and Tony both. He beamed with pride, but still had other things to worry about. Zwei was still singing in the corner, he still hadn't told Oswin what he meant to say and his life is still in danger. Seems legit. He left the happy couple to their machinations and tried to figure out how to solve his problem. Meaning: How do I make Shade sane again and not want to kill me?
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Some guy waved at Amanda and she waved back. I wonder how he knew I was here... She thought but than giggled at how insane the guy looked. She's not that scared of crazy people. Sometimes she can be a bit insane herself. Amanda watched as they did something to a guy laying on a table, a little interested in what they were doing.
Zwei stopped singing in the corner and stood before walking into the room of the newly cured Lucas and everyone else. She narrowed her eyes, "I'm doooone! Now can I haaaave my drawing boooooard?" She leaned against the wall and sank to her knees while staring at everyone with her grin, "Heheeeee..."
Carlos had seen noticed Zwei stop singing. What snapped him out of his thoughts was that she screamed "I'm done!" that echoed five times over inside his body. She was sitting down and staring at everyone, but he knew she kept focusing on him, he knew it in his gut. If her scream echoed in his body, her laugh pierced his very soul. He had felt rooted on his spot, like a trapped animal waiting for the hunter. 
[You ARE going to tell me if you decide to murder my character right? So I can make a back up and post it on the sign ups. Right, Howl?]

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