Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(And should Oswin go and fight Zwei while Carlos and Tony are operating?)
[ xD I swear that not all alerts show. As for fighting. I don't care. All Shade/Zwei wants to do is carve some pictures into Carlos.]
[Why does every girl take interest in my character one way or another? xD , well what happens next would have to be a decision from all of us.]
[ well i wouldn't really mind either way but i guess I'd have to make Carlos bolt again, keep Zwei distracted as Oswin and Tony operate on Lucas. I mean she IS after me anyway right?]
(Okay...Oswin has nothing else to do at the moment. xD )

"I'm coming for you, my drawing board! You can't run forever!"

The voice was chilling, almost shrill. Oswin knew by "drawing board", that she meant Carlos. Almost subconsciously, she slipped out the door as the little pep talk between Carlos and Tony ensued, her knife strapped to her belt and her bloody hand almost forgotten.

'Why are you protecting him?' a little voice inside of he head whispered, 'He did nothing for you. Just let him die. Let them ALL die. Find another group. It's so simple.'

'No.' She thought to herself ferociously, 'I don't know how I feel about him, but I'm his Potato Girl, and that means SOMETHING. He doesn't deserve death. Not now.'

Soon enough, Oswin was face to face with the mysterious girl. She assumed she would just call her Zwei.

"Alright," Oswin hissed, "there will be no drawing, I'm afraid."
[ xD I'm his Potato Girl!? I'm trying not to burst out laughing from that one sentence.]

Zwei stopped and stared at the girl, "Zwei doesn't know you. Zwei wants her drawing board so she can draw lots of pretty pictures." She said the last sentence with a smile and threw her arms out to emphasise her point. She laughed evilly and stared curiously, "I don't know what to do with you, strange giiiiirl." Zwei dragged out the word 'girl' and stared at her.
(I know, I know. xD )

Oswin was officially creeped out of her freaking mind.

She couldn't get over Zwei's demonic disposition. That smile was just wrong in every possible way. It was a smile that could rip through a wild beast, but Oswin knew that she was either going to keep this THING away from Carlos or die trying.

"You're not going to use your little drawing board, I'm afraid. I'll be your drawing board before I let you get in the way of what's going on. Or maybe I'll just kill you right now."
[Who's turn? lol POTATO GIRL,what's with the interest from both girls? xD one wants to kill Carlos, the other is denying that she likes Carlos. xD I think]

Zwei giggled, "They already tried that. The Pure's tried to kill me off with Haze." She paused and gave a cry, "but they failed as you can seeeeeee." She took a step forward, "Heheeeee. They performed maaaany experiments on meeee. Zwei can only remember pain and blood. Drawing and blood. Tests and blood. Corpses of Haze victims and bloooooood."
Carlos could hear the exchange of both girls. He wanted to put a stop to it but couldn't leave Tony alone with the surgery.There had to be another way, He can't just let it play out like this. Unless... "Zwei you're only interested in my right?!" He threw out the question, hoping that Zwei would respond.

[lol full-psycho]
As Zwei took a step foward, Oswin took a step back. Trying to process Zwei's little backstory, she squeezed the hilt of the knife in her belt. It was a creepy and sick story.

"Great," she muttered, "blood and pain. Fantastic. Where are going with all of this?"

(I'm creeped out as well.)
[*Shudders* Creepiest character I own. And most confusing. The song used is not mine either.]

Zwei stopped talking and laughed, "Yeeees. Shade seeeemed to grow attached to yooooou Carlooooos." She cackled again and swayed before continuing, "Shade was Zwei and Zwei was Shade. Which one is which? I do wonder?" She took a couple more drunken steps and tilted her head so it was facing the ground.

On and on the road does go,

Down into the depth below...

Off you went to call the king,

You wish to hear the Devil sing...

Ask you will and ask you may,

The fate of love on this fair day...

Wander freely, wander far,

Off beneath the Devil's Star...

In the dark, the girl so bright,

Got up to see the day by night...

Her fear in hand, her fear in heart,

Her fear did tug her soul apart...

The white of flesh, the white of bone,

The worms will leave your soul alone...

Petals fall and flowers wither,

The voices call, "Come now! Come hither!"

Deep in the shadow depths there's a place,

Where devils and demon's presence does grace...

Carlos felt as though he couldn't get through to Zwei, Oswin was too fired up. What don't you get, Oswin? I'm trying to protect you. He silently kept working on keeping the Oxygen mask strapped to Lucas and hooking up the IV, the strap on the mask had already rotted away. 
[ is your character really singing that singing that? Cuz i'm picturing it with a child singing it and now I dont think I can sleep, stupid brain xD 10pm]
Zwei started singing and he took that as his cue that Zwei can respond. It was hard to keep calm as she continued singing, but he had to do this. "Then how would you feel to have me all for yourself?" This is extremely risky but it would at least prevent Oswin from getting hurt. No response, Oswin had already tackled Zwei. You IDIOT!
[That sounds so horrible in my mind. xD Short post cause I'm creeped out.]

Zwei finished her song and glanced up, "All to myself you saaaaaay?" She laughed again and managed to stagger into the room and stared at Carlos with a grin, "Sooooundssss fuuuun. I could enjoy this... Heheheheheeeeee."
"Stay out of this!" Oswin yelled in Carlos's direction, "You can't be hurt! Not now! What do I have left to fight for, anyway? A bag of f*cking potato chips?"

With anger bubbling, she dived in Zwei's direction, knocking the blade out of her hand once more and pinning her against the wall.
[ xD I agree.]

Zwei fought against Oswin and pushed the girl away. She picked up her blade and staggered to the corner. "Zwei will be good. Zwei draw pretty picture for yooou." She began to carve a picture into the wall that just looked like a jumble of lines put together. She began to hum the song that she just sang.

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