Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

(*giggle snorts*)

Oswin, of course, wasn't letting him off alone THAT EASILY. She had snuck out of the room and followed Carlos (quietly, of course). Then, this Shade/Zwei/whoever the f*ck she was girl whipped out a blade and the two took off in a chase so fast that Oswin didn't even know what was going on until he blew past her. She took out her knife and sprung in the other girl's direction, tacking her to the ground, ripping the blade from her person, and launching it at the piece of wall closest to Carlos. She, of course, dug her hand into the girl's blade accidentally, and now had two separate gashes on her palm...because she wasnt already troubled, right?

Oswin inored the gashes and dug her elbow into the other's throat, making her own knife visible. "Does EVERYTHING have to be violent and difficult around here?" She hissed.
[i'll call her Zwei now. And I post with someone else...]

Zwei staggered down the corridor like a drunk person and gave the maniacal laugh as she walked after Lucas, "Come back boy. I want to draw... I need to draw..." She listened for the footsteps of Carlos and increased her speed so she could actually keep up with him.
"Carlos!" Tony was growing impatient. And Lucas was quickly turning into a Haze. Tony knew that he wouldn't be infected, but he at least needed someone else to keep him down. "Where is she?!" Tony was still mad at Carlos. Maybe mad isn't the right word. Jealous? No. I do not get jealous. He didn't realize Lucas was awake until he started talking.

"Im going to die Tony." Oh sh*t.
(Nice save)

Carlos had felt the urge to look back as he ran, after a while gave in. When he did, a blade was sailing toward him. He ducked out of the way and hit it the wall near him. He noticed Oswin struggling against Zwei/Shade. Being the paragon of chivalry that he was and because one of his friends was in danger he had rushed off to help Oswin subdue Shade, not having the slightest idea how to pull it off. As he ran he thought better of it and grabbed Oswin's hand and pulled her along with him, bolting past Zwei and ran up the stairs. 
[de ja vu all over again so it's Silent's post, Maeve's Mine then Lucas in that order for the previous 4] 
[Who's turn is it now?]
[so we play the waiting game for her xD ] 
[wanna just describe how terrifying it is to run from Zwei/Shade/Silent?]
(I read through)

Naomi makes a face, and just hides it behind her. "Will the cure really work?" She asks the only other person in the room that isn't going nuts. Idiot. She called herself, and went over and helped to hold the guy down.
Carlos had dragged Oswin all the way from the lab to operating room. He didn't stop running, He was certain that Zwei was hot on their heels. He caught his breath. "Shade....just went mental." He saw that Naomi had already begun the task that was set to him he went over and helped her hold down Lucas, glancing at the door from time to time.
Lucas smiled over at them. He smiled. Sadistically. He looked like he was going to skin someone. Tony was terrified. Lucas fought the people off and got on his knees looking at Tony. "Lucas. Your not okay." Tony was right about that one. Lucas's eyes were slowly changing from the neon yellow that they used to be to a dull orange, soon to be a bright red. Soon to be a Haze. "Lucas. Let us help y-" He jumped. He jumped, from the table, digging his fingers into Tony's chest and tackling him to the ground. Tony was terrified. And now in pain. "Lucas!" Lucas smiled and dug them in deeper drawing blood from under Tony's shirt.

"Prepare to get infected Anthony.
{I WENT~!}
Carlos was thrown off his feet when Lucas suddenly burst from his position. Lucas was already on Tony<not in that sense> when Carlos regained his senses. He checked his bag. Where the hell was the stun rod I took from the lab? He had retrieved the stun rod from his bag and struck Lucas...only it didn't have an effect and Lucas only got more pissed. First, shade goes mental....now Lucas too. As if the day couldn't get any worse.
Oswin didn't even care about holding Carlos's hand at this point. She was TERRIFIED. Yes, her and Carlos were just thrown to the ground. Yes, her hand was bleeding, but that was hardly the problem at hand, and the pain had turned to numbness, anyway.

As Lucas began to infect Tony, she did all that she could do. She ripped her hand from Carlos's grip and kneeded Lucas in the stomach, driving him off of Tony. And frankly, she used all the force considering the annoyance and anger that was penned inside of her.
Lucas was mad. He was pissed. He was reckless. He was now unconscious. Tony got off of Lucas and pulled the needle out of the boys neck. Tony was bleeding out of his chest and he still had nail marks on his face. "We have to do this now." He looked down at Lucas, who was laying on the floor clenching and unclenching his hands into fists {even though he is unconscious}. "Before he turns completely or his body just..... shuts down."

{Sorry that took so long.}
The situation had turned worse, Carlos sensed this. "Nice one, Potato girl...Oswin" He complimented Oswin with a smile on his face, which turned serious "What needs to be done?" as he asked a bloodied and injured Tony about what would happen next.
Oswin smiled back at Carlos's compliment. And he called her by her name, not "Potato Girl". That was, er, SOMETHING.

'Oh God,' she thought, feeling butterflies in her stomach, 'Distraction. DISTRACTION.'

"I'll help in any way I can as well," she said, eyes darting briefly to the unconscious Lucas.
"We need to get him back on the table." Tony's hands were shaking. He was obviously extremely nervous. "Im going to do it." Tony rubbed his eyes. "I need you to get the oxygen mask out so that he can still breath and I need the IV tube hooked up." He looked around the room, trying to get ahold of himself.

Trying to get ahold of himself by picking things up and putting things down randomly. Tony. Get ahold of yourself. He will live. He'll live. Your going to save him through this. He looked over at Carlos. "What if I mess up?"
"I'll go get the oxygen mask and put it on him" He had retrieved the equipment and was in the process of putting on the oxygen mask on Lucas, when Tony had shared his doubts to Carlos, the very same ones Lucas had. "I'll tell you what I told him. 'It's your significant other who is doing the procedure not some two bit doctor who couldn't give a flying F*** about the client. You're going to do him and do him good, cuz you give two flying F*** and then some." He scolded himself a bit after realizing what he had said and return to the matter at hand.
[sorry for poofing. The alerts hid. And short post...]

Zwei growled as her drawing board ran off. She ran after them, following the sound of voices. She gave an echoing giggle, "I'm coming for you my drawing board. You can't run forever!" She cackled and retrieved her blade.

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