Haze: Outbreak [Always Open]

[Take your time I don't think the others would be up anytime soon] 
[Decided to go read everything from the beginning, my brain started melting when I reached the part that I introduced myself.]
[Join me revel in insanity the xD seriously I dunno why, but I am laughing at my posts in page 36 and 37 xD ]
[Awesome! I suppose I'll write my post now. Prepare for a massive personality change]

Shade remembered everything about herself and her eyes widened as the rush of bad memories entered her brain. She staggered to her feet and laughed maniacally before slowly staggering out of the room and towards the top of the building. She walked with her head titled back and a smile on her face. Time to get back to work, before the others come and get me! Zwei Frost! The maddest Pure around. She gave another laugh and stopped at some stairs.
[The new people could be her underlings, once Lucas approves them. Thereby making it two separate factions xD ]
[ Let's RECAP:

-Lucas is in the operating room on the verge of turning.

-Tony is going to "cure" Lucas in the operating room.

-David is still somewhere in the tower.

-Oswin, Naomi and Carlos are in the operating room watching the procedure.

-Shade has regained her memory, did a complete 180 with her personality and goes by the name "Zwei Frost."

-The backdoor to the tower is still open. That can be used by the newcomers, if there are any, to enter the tower and join in, alternatively they can try to kick down the front door and trigger the alarms again.

-The tower is the current general location of the RP so far. Zwei/Shade in the lab, David somewhere there, the rest are in the operating room

-Tony plans to kill/punish Carlos<I think> for harassing his boyfriend, Lucas.

Everyone up to speed? Good, cuz i'm not sure I got everything right.]
{We are almost at 500 posts. Thank you guys so much! >////<}

She seems to be awake now.

Tony looked up in relief. "Finally!" No matter how jealous of him he was, or how much he wanted to kill him, he still needed Carlos's help. His head turned and he glared at him over his shoulder. "Go find Shade. We need her in here." There was an ear splitting scream from Lucas laying on the table. "Now."

{Sorry, short post. I don't know where to go now...... *Runs away yelling, "SERPENTINE!"*}
[500 posts worth, most of them OOC commentary xD ]

Carlos did as he was told and ran down to the lab. Once again I escape the jaws of death. He arrived at the lab to find shade standing there.....supposed to find her. She was nowhere to be found, he searched the lab and the nearby corridors.She's not here, where could she go? He had heard the echo of laughter fill the corridor behind him. A thousand chills once again raced up his spine not unlike his encounter with Tony a while ago. He had a bad feeling about this but went and checked anyway. He had found shade standing by the stairs he came from.

[Not sure whether to refer to her as Zwei or not now...]

Shade spun around with a smirk on her face. She tilted her head and laughed, "Zwei remembers you. You are Carlos." She laughed again and took a step onto the stairs, slowly followed by another one. She flung her arm downwards to bring out the blade hidden up her sleeve, "Heheeee. Time to draw again... how fun?"
[should I make a backup character now? btw, two more people at the sign ups waiting for evaluation if you haven't already Lucas]

"Holy S***" The statement was not even done when Carlos had already turned and started running. Dark Corridors, a Pure hot on my trial with murderous intent? I should have just defied Tony's orders. The laugh still echoed in the corridors of the basement and made his knees weak, he couldn't run straight. His will overpowering the natural tendency to freeze in fear. I stop, I die simple as that.

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