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Realistic or Modern Haven Falls Characters


No, I don't have too many characters.
Hello, hello. I don't care how you format it, but here's the things that should be included on your character sheet:

Face Claim
Personality (either virtues/vices or written out)
Backstory (preferably at least a couple paragraphs)
  • I'm just waiting for my day to come,
    And I think, oh, I don't wanna let you down.
    I spend a lot of nights on the run
    And I think, oh, like I'm lost and can't be found.
coded by natasha.


  • Instagram


    (cont. in comments) someone suggested I take a more sensible photo...regret.

    View all 36 comments




    is my contact name still "from school" on your phone



Name: Li Mei Williams

Face claim: Shen Yue

Age: 16

Grade: 11th Grade

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Height: 5”5”

Style: Li Mei primarily wears oversized or loose-fitting clothing if she can help it. She doesn’t tolerate anything too tight or constricting. Her go to if it’s cold is a large hoodie and flared or wide-leg jeans or cargo pants. If it’s warm she likes big Tee’s, wide leg shorts, balloon pants and occasionally a long skirt. She is a fan of sneakers, Birkenstocks or, on occasion, doc Martin style boots. Rarely seen in anything but her oldest pair of white sneakers though.


Distinguishing features: has some round glasses she uses for reading, often wears socks with “annoying seams” inside out


Chai Tea, rats, succulents, woodworking projects, spicy food, sour sweets, gifgiving, DIY

Noisy environments, group social situations, attention on her, public speaking, hugs, overly emotional people, injustice, lies, bland food


Generous, strong sense of justice, hardworking, passionate


Unforgiving, antisocial, easily overwhelmed, blunt, gullible


Li Mei is quite noticeably different from most when you first start talking to her. She speaks in a way that is kind of flat, and genuinely does not do sarcasm. She generally does not smile to be polite or make others comfortable, but rather only if she truely feels it necessary to smile to convey how she is feeling, so she comes across ‘moody’ or ‘serious’.
Li Mei also finds it difficult to maintain normal amount of eye-contact with others and occasionally catches herself starring for too long at others. She just never seems to get the balence of tone, posture, eye-contact or flow of conversation quite right. Often she hides these traits quite well, just seeming ‘a little awkward’ as opposed to outright abnormal, but it does take a lot out of her to do so.
In order to socialise, Li tends to reach for the illicit substances or alcohol, especially in any sort of social occasion like a party. Once she relaxes a little, you might notice other things about her. Her strong moral compass, for instance. Someone could be 6 foot, dwarf her in strength, confidence or authority/power, and she would still run her big mouth if she felt someone was being treated unjustly. Li Mei is not good at holding her tongue, and wears her heart on her sleeve. She feels genuinely uncomfortable with the casual lies that most people tell on a daily basis. Quite often, she will not catch people in a lie though. She will often misread intentions and often subtle bullying will go over her head of someone is not overt enough when making fun of her.
Once you befriend Li Mei, she will become more relaxed around you. She will reveal how passionate she is about her interests and hobbies. She shows the people she likes affection by truely listening to them and getting very personalised gifts. She does enjoy putting things together for people if she thinks it will make them happy. On the flip side, Li Mei can be a harsh, unforgiving and sometimes unreasonable person. Aware of the fact that she often misreads intentions, once you have been caught in a lie or have wronged her in some way, it is not easy to regain her trust. She will overreact to things that might be small to most people. Her anger is quite volatile, and she is quite aware that it is an issue. Sometimes acting on her anger will make her do things that usually, she would be quite appalled at in others. She can be downright cruel in bad moments, saying things she cannot take back. When she becomes overwhelmed, and seemingly insignificant things can cause this, she has be known to lash out physically, however she mostly has this under control and often makes sure she removes herself if she feels the overwhelm begging, either physically or by dissociating.


Pacing when stressed out,
Always has sour sweets or mints nearby
Stares too long at others
If possible, Likes to run as fast as she can when she is feeling overwhelmed


Li Mei lived in a fairly happy family growing up. She had a Chinese mother and a Chinese/American father who moved her and her sister over to America when Li Mei was 5 and and sister was 3. Her grandparents did not support the move, cut contact with their family completely the second they got on that one way flight. Li Mei picked up English very quickly, to her parents delight. Although she had aways been a shy and uncouth child, she was incredibly gifted with language, speaking her first words very early for her developmental age. Despite this, she rarely spoke unless it was about her favourite things which, at the time, were insects, and small animals such as rodents.
At the age of 10, two fairly significant things happened in her life. She was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and her mother and younger sister were both killed in a random mass shooting that took place at their school. Her mother was a teacher and her sister was at school that day. Mei Li, was not at school, she had the day off as her dad had taken her to an appointment to finalise said diagnosis.
After that her life went pretty sharply downhill. Her mother and sisters faces were constantly on the news with the other victims. Mei Li became hard to take care of. She regressed, became mostly non verbal, would frequently engage in harmful/ self injurious behaviour to manage her emotions. Not only was the financial strain wearing on her father for the support, the appointments the therapy, the OT ect, but the emotional pain was taking it’s toll as well. Mei Li’s father somehow convinced himself he had lost everyone in that shooting, despite the fact that She was still very much alive and in his care. He began drinking, he began using, then it slowly became obvious to the neighbors and her classmates that she was being neglected. Often she would not let her father convince her to bathe, she hated the water, the soaps, going from dry to wet to dry, and so he stopped trying. She was always wearing the same clothes, until it was a quite apparent to anyone in her vicinity that she was terribly unclean. She would also show up with various bruises and scrapes, all which were caused by her own meltdowns but that were not prevented by her father, who often left her alone.
Eventually, social services arrived, and Li Mei was in the system. To this day, she does not know what became of her father. She was adopted by a well off young couple. They already had two blonde boys and adopted her as more of a symbol to show their neighbors how charitable they were. Li Mei was given the best occupational and speech therapy that money could buy. She was given every support she needed, apart from actual maternal love.
They endlessly bought her expensive clothing and lavish gifts, but never listened to her speak about what she loved, or let her indulge in any of her interests, never accomodated her sensitivity’s, continuing to force her to wear jeans that were too tight, close fitting dresses and scratchy blouses. In front of her friends they would talk about her as if she was a much yonger child than she was. They liked to tell people about all the progress she was making in theraoy, and how sad the situation they 'Rescued" her from was. Whenever she aced a test or mastered a new skill they were happy to spread the good news around to everyone. This behaviour was afforded to each of their children, of course, and they would frequently pit them against one another, directly comparing the three of them with one another. In her brother's eyes, it seemed, she had stollen their spotlight. Behind closed doors the family unit was falling apart. Her adoptive mother had caught the father cheating on her, years back and ever since their marriage has been a charade, Instead of banding the three kids together, they would use them in arguments, force them to take sides or get involved.

Finally, upon turning 15-16, the novelty seems to have worn off, and she was afforded more freedoms. She could work, she could buy her own clothes, she was generally allowed to go where she pleased, as long as she did not tarnish her family’s reputation. Her silence for her freedom is a deal she made that constantly is at war with her own personal morals and values. Li Mei is currently trying her best to figure out her own path in life, and distance herself from her suffocating family situation. Recently she has started to come out of her shell…




created by junie junie

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good ole days.







tavon greene



seventeen, senior




  • dreaming

    I wish somebody would've told me
    someday, these will be the good ole days
    someday, soon your life's gonna change
    you'll miss the magic of these good ole days

♡coded by uxie♡
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