• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Haven Falls Characters


No, I don't have too many characters.
Hello, hello. I don't care how you format it, but here's the things that should be included on your character sheet:

Face Claim
Personality (either virtues/vices or written out)
Backstory (preferably at least a couple paragraphs)
  • I'm just waiting for my day to come,
    And I think, oh, I don't wanna let you down.
    I spend a lot of nights on the run
    And I think, oh, like I'm lost and can't be found.
coded by natasha.


  • Instagram


    (cont. in comments) someone suggested I take a more sensible photo...regret.

    View all 36 comments




    is my contact name still "from school" on your phone

♡requested by dreamglow, coded by uxie♡
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Name: Li Mei Williams

Face claim: Shen Yue

Age: 16

Grade: 11th Grade

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual


Height: 5”5”

Style: Li Mei primarily wears oversized or loose-fitting clothing if she can help it. She doesn’t tolerate anything too tight or constricting. Her go to if it’s cold is a large hoodie and flared or wide-leg jeans or cargo pants. If it’s warm she likes big Tee’s, wide leg shorts, balloon pants and occasionally a long skirt. She is a fan of sneakers, Birkenstocks or, on occasion, doc Martin style boots. Rarely seen in anything but her oldest pair of white sneakers though.


Distinguishing features: has some round glasses she uses for reading, often wears socks with “annoying seams” inside out


Chai Tea, rats, succulents, woodworking projects, spicy food, sour sweets, gifgiving, DIY

Noisy environments, group social situations, attention on her, public speaking, hugs, overly emotional people, injustice, lies, bland food


Generous, strong sense of justice, hardworking, passionate


Unforgiving, antisocial, easily overwhelmed, blunt, gullible


Li Mei is quite noticeably different from most when you first start talking to her. She speaks in a way that is kind of flat, and genuinely does not do sarcasm. She generally does not smile to be polite or make others comfortable, but rather only if she truely feels it necessary to smile to convey how she is feeling, so she comes across ‘moody’ or ‘serious’.
Li Mei also finds it difficult to maintain normal amount of eye-contact with others and occasionally catches herself starring for too long at others. She just never seems to get the balence of tone, posture, eye-contact or flow of conversation quite right. Often she hides these traits quite well, just seeming ‘a little awkward’ as opposed to outright abnormal, but it does take a lot out of her to do so.
In order to socialise, Li tends to reach for the illicit substances or alcohol, especially in any sort of social occasion like a party. Once she relaxes a little, you might notice other things about her. Her strong moral compass, for instance. Someone could be 6 foot, dwarf her in strength, confidence or authority/power, and she would still run her big mouth if she felt someone was being treated unjustly. Li Mei is not good at holding her tongue, and wears her heart on her sleeve. She feels genuinely uncomfortable with the casual lies that most people tell on a daily basis. Quite often, she will not catch people in a lie though. She will often misread intentions and often subtle bullying will go over her head of someone is not overt enough when making fun of her.
Once you befriend Li Mei, she will become more relaxed around you. She will reveal how passionate she is about her interests and hobbies. She shows the people she likes affection by truely listening to them and getting very personalised gifts. She does enjoy putting things together for people if she thinks it will make them happy. On the flip side, Li Mei can be a harsh, unforgiving and sometimes unreasonable person. Aware of the fact that she often misreads intentions, once you have been caught in a lie or have wronged her in some way, it is not easy to regain her trust. She will overreact to things that might be small to most people. Her anger is quite volatile, and she is quite aware that it is an issue. Sometimes acting on her anger will make her do things that usually, she would be quite appalled at in others. She can be downright cruel in bad moments, saying things she cannot take back. When she becomes overwhelmed, and seemingly insignificant things can cause this, she has be known to lash out physically, however she mostly has this under control and often makes sure she removes herself if she feels the overwhelm begging, either physically or by dissociating.


Pacing when stressed out,
Always has sour sweets or mints nearby
Stares too long at others
If possible, Likes to run as fast as she can when she is feeling overwhelmed


Li Mei lived in a fairly happy family growing up. She had a Chinese mother and a Chinese/American father who moved her and her sister over to America when Li Mei was 5 and and sister was 3. Her grandparents did not support the move, cut contact with their family completely the second they got on that one way flight. Li Mei picked up English very quickly, to her parents delight. Although she had aways been a shy and uncouth child, she was incredibly gifted with language, speaking her first words very early for her developmental age. Despite this, she rarely spoke unless it was about her favourite things which, at the time, were insects, and small animals such as rodents.
At the age of 10, two fairly significant things happened in her life. She was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and her mother and younger sister were both killed in a random mass shooting that took place at their school. Her mother was a teacher and her sister was at school that day. Mei Li, was not at school, she had the day off as her dad had taken her to an appointment to finalise said diagnosis.
After that her life went pretty sharply downhill. Her mother and sisters faces were constantly on the news with the other victims. Mei Li became hard to take care of. She regressed, became mostly non verbal, would frequently engage in harmful/ self injurious behaviour to manage her emotions. Not only was the financial strain wearing on her father for the support, the appointments the therapy, the OT ect, but the emotional pain was taking it’s toll as well. Mei Li’s father somehow convinced himself he had lost everyone in that shooting, despite the fact that She was still very much alive and in his care. He began drinking, he began using, then it slowly became obvious to the neighbors and her classmates that she was being neglected. Often she would not let her father convince her to bathe, she hated the water, the soaps, going from dry to wet to dry, and so he stopped trying. She was always wearing the same clothes, until it was a quite apparent to anyone in her vicinity that she was terribly unclean. She would also show up with various bruises and scrapes, all which were caused by her own meltdowns but that were not prevented by her father, who often left her alone.
Eventually, social services arrived, and Li Mei was in the system. To this day, she does not know what became of her father. She was adopted by a well off young couple. They already had two blonde boys and adopted her as more of a symbol to show their neighbors how charitable they were. Li Mei was given the best occupational and speech therapy that money could buy. She was given every support she needed, apart from actual maternal love.
They endlessly bought her expensive clothing and lavish gifts, but never listened to her speak about what she loved, or let her indulge in any of her interests, never accomodated her sensitivity’s, continuing to force her to wear jeans that were too tight, close fitting dresses and scratchy blouses. In front of her friends they would talk about her as if she was a much yonger child than she was. They liked to tell people about all the progress she was making in theraoy, and how sad the situation they 'Rescued" her from was. Whenever she aced a test or mastered a new skill they were happy to spread the good news around to everyone. This behaviour was afforded to each of their children, of course, and they would frequently pit them against one another, directly comparing the three of them with one another. In her brother's eyes, it seemed, she had stollen their spotlight. Behind closed doors the family unit was falling apart. Her adoptive mother had caught the father cheating on her, years back and ever since their marriage has been a charade, Instead of banding the three kids together, they would use them in arguments, force them to take sides or get involved.

Finally, upon turning 15-16, the novelty seems to have worn off, and she was afforded more freedoms. She could work, she could buy her own clothes, she was generally allowed to go where she pleased, as long as she did not tarnish her family’s reputation. Her silence for her freedom is a deal she made that constantly is at war with her own personal morals and values. Li Mei is currently trying her best to figure out her own path in life, and distance herself from her suffocating family situation. Recently she has started to come out of her shell…




created by junie junie

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If you never take it seriously you never get hurt, if you never get hurt you always have fun.

Penny Lane

The Class Clown


full name

Ines Angelica Burke






November 18th


Haven Falls, ND



across the universe

fiona apple




5ft 5in



hair c.

Light Brown

eye c.



Odessa A'Zion



The bright and creative youngest child of her family, Ines is well known around town for her offbeat outlook and idiosyncratic sense of humor. Drawn to the spotlight she would enjoy entertaining friends and neighbors with her eccentric personality or little jokes she would tell. A natural born comedian, perhaps due to her desire to stay unique amongst the hustle and blur of her other two siblings. Her parents tended to guide her with a gentler hand than perhaps she deserved, which may have been kind treatment to a young child but unfortunately had the consequence of Ines developing a bit of a sense of entitlement when it comes to being told what to do or how to act, something that her teachers in school really enjoyed of course. In addition to being a bit stubborn and spoiled, she also has a sensitive heart and is prone to emotional outbursts of anger or anguish, or whatever feeling currently sat at the helm of her head.

When you let heart guide you wherever you want, odds are you're gonna run into some trouble. Which Ines certainly has from time to time, though she tends to keep a level head in the face of danger. On the outside at least, she may be scared shitless on the inside but she'll pretend like she's fine. Until she doesn't anyways. There's only so much a teenager can take, even if it is often induced by her own hubris and occasional hedonistic impulses. Still, by either her own resolution or perhaps getting bailed out by chance by her wealthy parents Ines is pretty confident she can get herself out of anything with her silver tongue and can-do attitude.


iced coffee, warm wool socks, the smiths, salty sea air, george carlin, crinkle cut french fries, vodka tonics, chocolate chip scones, the 1999 classic film the mummy, friendship bracelets, thrifting


Snakes, close talkers, people who take things too seriously, vapes, ketchup, football, spiders, the olympics, when you're swimming and put your foot into something icky, mumble rap, car guys


loud noises, snakes



Sometime in the early '00s, Désirée Laurent and Sean Burke met in a hotel bar in Montreal. Both of them were out-of-towners and celebrating their respective victories in their careers. Désirée was a marketing associate who had just landed a huge campaign from Québec and Sean was a salesman from a small town in North Dakota called Haven Falls. They shared a few glasses of wine and Sean had managed to use his high school French classes to understand that Désirée was asking him back to her room. One thing lead to another and within a few months he'd convinced her to move with him to the states. Though less excited about trading her city life for a small town but love had its way with her and after some trial and error she found her work-life balance between parenting her children and her career.

Despite being born to two very professional individuals, Ines somehow managed to inherit zero of their neat and proper qualities. Though she spent a bit more time in the time out chair than the average kid, she had a fairly normal upbringing surrounded by the love and attention of her parents, especially when compared to how they treated her older siblings. Even if she didn't always deserve it.

When it came time for school she wasn't particularly astonishing in either high achievement or low achievement and maintained fairly average grades, though they were slightly higher in any subject that allowed her to write creatively, which was few and far between. While her future was often a vague idea that she rarely thought about, she knew that she wanted to do something that allowed her to be the free spirit that she desired. Much like her grades, when it came to friends she was popular, but not exceptionally so, but she wasn't a loner either. People were often drawn to her for her sense of humor and her tendency to always be down for whatever adventure a person might pitch to her.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




Sean Burke (Father, 46), Désirée Burke (Mother, 44)


- make the best grilled cheese
- entered the school talent show with a dance she choreographed herself when she was 9
- has a poster of brendan fraizer in her room
- has seen jurassic park like 25 times despite it not being a particular favorite
- was obsessed with scooby doo as a little girl
- favorite disney princess is jasmin
- had two hermit crabs when she was in middle school, their names were rusty and biscuit
- the majority of her wardrobe is thrifted
- failed her driver's test three times before she passed
- had a cosplay phase that she refuses to talk about
- was kicked by a horse at her friend's birthday party one time
- always has cereal for breakfast
- falls asleep to youtube videos every night
- really good at laser tag

♡coded by uxie♡
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It's hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world.

Dolly Parton

the Southern Belle

Claudia Jean.

full name

Claudia Jean Patterson Taylor. That's Claudia Jean, both together, two first names.


Claudia, C.J, Claude, 'That Insatiable Gossip'




June 29th


Covington, GA



Talk of The Town





5ft 4in



hair c.


eye c.



Kathryn Newton



Think of a classic southern belle, forgiving, a great cook, polite, basically an angel, right? Yeah, that's not Claudia Jean, that's her mom. The only thing that The rest? Not so much... Not all at once anyways, that's more so her mother. It's not that Claudia Jean is a mean girl by any means, she just has her moments. It's the kind of thing that happens naturally when you're the only child and center of your parents' whole world. She really is a nice girl, she just also happens to be plagued by the same diseases that any other teenaged person gets afflicted by. The obsessions with friends, the stressors of school, the infatuations with crushes, the utter humiliation by your parents. All of it can get to a girl's head. And it does.

She's not completely at the mercy of her adolescent world. Her parents and their efforts to instill some southern hospitality into their daughter weren't all in vain. She'll lend you a hairtie or a pad, let you copy her homework, cry on her shoulder. She's caring and smart and is sure as hell willing to tell you all about it. Whether it's in the positive or the negative Claudia Jean is not one to sit still and look pretty, she knows she has a voice and she will certainly use it.

That voice? It's sorta her fatal flaw honestly. As the child of a hairdresser she knows all about the art of a good gossip session and will be happy to engage in one with or without willing participants. It's not that she wants to hurt peoples feelings, she just can't help herself. She wants to spread joy and where she comes from sharing a little hot tidbit is just as good as sharing some baked goods or a comforting embrace. Safe to say she has a lot to learn about just how things work out of the south.


Pink, sparkles, fried chicken, boba, reality TV, disney movies, ugg boots, twinkly lights, baking, dolphins, baby's breath flowers, the beach


Murky colors, boring people, sushi, Ben Stiller (Don't ask, she's just not a fan), flipflops, true crime podcasts, scary movies, underboob, cornflakes, brain freezes, cheap pizza, mud.


Something bad happening to her family, bears



Merriweather Gaylon is a daughter of Georgia through and through, if she tripped and fell she just might bleed ranch dressing. The same of course goes for Brady Taylor, a car dealer's son who wooed her with midnight rides in his Ford truck and picnics in the town square. Once Merriweather finished cosmetology school they married in a ceremony that would've made Martha Stewart shed a few tears. He worked for his father and she worked her tail off opening her own salon, Southern Charm. Both of which became institutions of their small southern town. It wasn't too long before Merri was having to make adjustments to her hair cutting technique to make sure she wasn't running into her clients with her growing bump.

Claudia Jean was just as southern as her parents, and even as a toddler her little pink fingers were on the town's pulse. With her mother's determined work ethic and the fact that she owned her own business, she wasn't at all concerned with finding childcare. Instead she brought her daughter along, initially wearing her in a sling or parking her in a playpen before she was old enough to play on the floor beside her or work on her homework sitting against the wall between the chairs.

As she grew up there in the heart of the town she learned she had inherited her mother's tendency to have strangers treat her like friends. She was a listening ear for her own peers like her mother was for hers, though what Merriweather had that Claudia Jean lacked, was the ability to filter her own thoughts. It was hard for her not to share whatever she had learned, either second hand from her mother and her salon clients or from her own friends with others around town. It earned her both enemies and friends alike, though before any long term consequences could exactly ensnare her everything changed.

Some bad business choices on Brady's father left him out of a job and the rest of the family scrambling. One thing led to another and in their efforts to try and salvage the business led to the Taylors losing their home. There were offers of help from neighbors, but Brady and his pride never let him accept them. Instead a tip from a cousin's cousin's friend informed him about Haven Falls, a small but supposedly up and coming town that was in need of someone with the business savvy that he possessed. Merriweather, through of course frustrated by her husband and his family's actions, saw a chance to make lemonade from lemons and attempt to franchise. After all, she was the primary breadwinner now. A second location of Southern Charm was bound to be a hit in another small town.

So the three of them packed up and headed for North Dakota.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.




Brady Taylor (Father, 38), Merriweather 'Merri' Taylor (Mother, 38)


- She has a pet poodle named Princess Sugar Muffin the Second, she was a gift for her eighth birthday and her choice of name reflects that. Nowadays she mostly just calls her Muffy
- Wants to be a cosmetologist like her mama, she already works as a shampoo girl at the salon after school
- Very sensitive to scary stuff, she can't even watch 'Law and Order'
- Adores Haribo Cola gummies
- Couldn't ride a bike until she was like 14 years old
- Favorite romcom is '13 Going on 30'
- Easily influenced by TikTok and Social Media
- Her favorite color is obviously pink, but teal is a close second
- Actually pretty decent at holding her liquor, but she doesn't like to drink
- Dressed as a mermaid like five Halloweens in a row
- Can sleep if she doesn't brush her teeth
- Kept all her Barbie dolls and still plays with them when she's stressed out
- Has a crush on Zachary Quinto
- Shaves her legs every single Tuesday
- Keeps begging her grandma for her biscuits recipe but she refuses to pass it down to her yet
- Was on the drill team back in Covington
- Adores Reba, Dolly, and Loretta

♡coded by uxie♡
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good ole days.







tavon greene



seventeen, senior




  • dreaming

    I wish somebody would've told me
    someday, these will be the good ole days
    someday, soon your life's gonna change
    you'll miss the magic of these good ole days

♡coded by uxie♡
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Name: Byron Williams

Face claim: Matt Simpson

Age: 16

Grade: 11th Grade

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Height: 5'10"

Style: Byron wears a lot of name brands. His style is pretty trendy, slim fit jeans, trendy and expensive branded T-shirts. He likes to wear expensive watches and chains. He likes his Ray Ban Sunnys, and will usually be found in a pair. He does not understate his wealth. Nothing he wears ever seems worn in or well used.


Distinguishing features:
He has his ears pierced.


Being the center of attention, Partying, Singing (Although he doesn't really show others this one), Pokemon cards (Again not something advertised, Fast cars, Adrenaline

Most people, Losing, Maths/science, Sitting still, Spicy food,

Witty, Charming, Inquisitive, Resourceful, Determined, Eloquent,

Low self esteem, Negative thinker, Impulsive, Hot-headed, Messy, Irresponsible


Byron is well known throughout the school to be that kid who try's way to hard, and makes it painfully obvious. The only two things securing his place amongst the popular kids is: His money, and his pure wit. He is charming In a way that both makes you want to hit him and hug him simultaneously. Its difficult to stay annoyed when you are trying not to laugh, Afterall. He relys on his social skills and charisma to talk his way out of trouble, since he is always impulsively talking his way INTO it. Byron is your typical act now, regret later kind of guy. He has no concept of personal saftey, no clue about the value of money and no care to learn either of those things. Byron likes to think he is tough, and he is: He also likes to think he is intelligent, and he is . However most of his life he has felt out-shadowed in both categories and more by his brother. He is a clever boy with a good head on him despite his cushioned upbringing, yet he is so reddled with his own lack of self worth that he can't see it and nor can anyone else. He keeps his head above water at school and managed to stay ahead of most of his peers academically however anything that isn't 100 percent may as well be a fail to him. The worst thing you can do to Byron is not to poke fun, but to ignore. Byron is so desperate for attention that he would rather have someone despise him than be indifferent to him.

Byron has issues with the current learning environment he is in. It seems, no matter how much he cares or how much effort he puts in, he is always missing details, putting things off, failing to meet deadlines, getting distracted in class or not being prepared for anything. It's a good thing money is no issue, because he loses something important nearly every week. Despite all of this, Byron manages to half fluke his way to success where he should be failing. He is so incredibly frustrated at second best, he is very close to hitting fuck it. He is incredibly spiteful towards those he ACTUALLY cares for. He channels his frustration into putting others down and flies off the handle at the slightest provocation. When Byron is angry enough, and it doesn't take much these days, his logic, charm and wit go out the window. He will throw fists at someone twice is size in an instant, or put a hole through the wall. He also has an incredibly low tolerance for any kind of perceived humiliation or belittling of him. In this way, he could be quite easy to manipulate.

Byron is, someone who feels things deeply. In private, he has a few hobbies that he indulges in to get those feelings out in a way that is not impulsive or life-ruining. His parent put him through choir when he was little and since leaving that behind he sometimes writes and sing music when no one else is home. To him it's nothing more than a release, and not something he ever plans on showing off.

Cracks his knuckles.
ALWAYS has something in his hands that he is fiddling with
Should not be allowed behind a wheel, especially of anything fast.


Byron was born in Haven falls, and has lived here all him life thus far. His parents owned half the town by the time he was learning to talk. His little family unit came from multiple generations of wealth and power in this town, so from the get go Byron had more money than he could ever hope to spend. Haven falls was currently shared by the few old family’s that have lived here for generations. In order to keep your standing, your reputation was key. It was a vicious world of giants that not many were privileged enough to see.

Byron was the second child, coming along a year after his brother was born. Byron always felt closer to his sibling than to his parents. They were pretty close for most of their young lives. Together they would hide in there room while their parents yelled at one another and play card games like Pokémon go try to distract themselves. Byron’s parents had been fighting since he was small enough to understand it. In fact, Byron was pretty sure he was never even meant to happen. Byron, even back then, could sense how much harder he seemingly had to work to keep up with his brother. His mother already seemed to favour his brother. Byron was somewhat spared but his brother always had to pick sides when their parents fought. He was always in the Center of it all, having to deal with the pain and emotions of the adults in his life.

The fighting eventually died down to a resentful acceptance. When the two boys hit school and tangible measures of success and failure began to be produced by the boys, Byron felt like he was constantly drowning. School was a nightmare for him early days. He was always in trouble, he always felt stupid, he was constantly getting into fights with other kids. He was not only getting in his own way but he was embarrassing his parents. Subsequently his mum and dad cracked down on him hard. Not only did their farther have no qualms with physically punishing his Sons, but they also began to emotionally abuse him. They would constantly remind him of his failures, using his own brother as an example of who he should be.

Then, one day they did something worse. They got themselves a new project. When Byron was 10 years old they adopted a 10 year old girl called Li Mei. Suddenly Byron didn’t just feel like a disappointment, he felt like nothing. Thrown away, just a failed endeavour. Byron responded in the only way he had been taught. He treated this new ‘sister’ and his older brother with malice, trying where ever he could to knock them down a peg.

Unfortunately, even he could not physically hurt little Autistic li Mei, and physical altercations with his brother usually ended up with his face firmly planted in the dirt, so he had to play to his strengths. He began to lean into what he had: his wealth and the status that came with it. He worked on his active listening and social skills and became quite good at talking. Suddenly he was an adolescent boy who had not only won over most of his peers and lost his virginity in the one year, but had found something he was better at than his brother manipulation and people skills. Sure, his brother enjoyed the natural popularity that came with his Jock status. But Byron had begun winning over his friends slowly but surely. Could he somehow take that glowing reputation and drag it through the mud?



created by junie junie
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Click Tabs




    16 (junior)


    Bristol, CT

    Her favorite food is sushi

    Cariba Heine
Coded by Ambiloquous

Alright, so that's it for the moment. Please let me know if I should change or redo anything.
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I'm Good
7:25 pm / 9/19/24
  • Liana is a 16-year-old high schooler, seen as the "good girl". Always does well in school and meets expectations. She feels restless, wanting to break free, caught between wanting to rebel and not letting anyone down.
    #Golden girl #Expectations #Over It
    + INFO
    Liana Carranza
    May 1st
    Liana has a striking, beauty that draws attention without her even trying. She has long, dark, almost jet-black hair that's left in soft waves just past her shoulders. Her eyes are almond-shaped, with a deep shade of brown color. She has thick, shaped eyebrows framing her eyes, adding to her expressive features. Her skin is smooth, warm toned, and is flawless and glowing. Her face is heart-shaped, with high cheekbones and a softly defined jawline. She has full, natural lips. She stands at 5'3, with a slim but athletic build. Her style is put-together, leaning towards simple yet chic outfits.
    Face Claim: Camilla Mendes



Name: Kathrine May Burke

Face claim: Grace Van Patten

Age: 17

Grade: 12th grade

Gender: female

Sexuality: Homosexual


Height: 5'9”

Style: Kat has a style that is quite classical feminine, mostly to his the fact that she is so tall. She likes floral patterns, flowing skirts and cute tank tops. She is always accessorised, sporting jewellery, and various hair accessories. She usually has a face full of makeup but tries to make it look understated and natural.


Distinguishing features:
There is a small scar that leads from the left side of her temple up to her left eyebrow. It’s pretty faded and usually her hair is swept over it.
She has both ears pierced twice, the second piercing on each ear usually sports a small gold stud


Painting, art, flowers, perfume, incense (especially if it smells like lavender, her favourite), iced coffee, pancakes, indie/singer songwriter music, Piano music

Rap, metal or loud over the top music in general, noisy people, loud chewers, ticking clocks, cold weather, mess and clutter

Organized, slow to anger, level headed, creative, Overachiever

Holds a grudge, anxious, obsessive, bossy, Immature


Kathrine what can only be described, as a perfectionist. Or, if you wanted to be less kind bout it, neurotic. She has Misophonia, meaning there are certain sounds that provoke a visceral reaction from her. It's not just sounds, of course. She is wound up very tight about everything. Doing a group project with Kathrine is like being under martial law. On the plus side, she is a natural leader. She is great at assessing people's strengths and playing to them, she conveys her ideas clearly and is very good at reacting to situations and thinking on her feet.
On the down side though, she does not take criticism very well, can be bossy, and likes things to go her own way. While, of course, she has matured a lot in terms of this trait, and she is aware of how much it rubs people the wrong way, she still finds herself falling into bad habits, especially when she feels really in the zone with something, and is challenged.

All of her rigidity tends to stem from her anxiety. She has always felt the need to have her life figured out. Her parents always seemed to expect her to be constantly thinking about the future, and now that she is in her final year of schooling, the pressure is really starting to get to her. She feels stifled, trapped in a box and is constantly worrying about what she is doing to set herself up for the most successful life.
Her worries seem to be unfounded to most. She is naturally gifted at a number of things, doesn't have to work very hard to be above average in bot academics and creative endeavors. There is no doubt that the future is bright for her, she will get into the collage of her choice, her grades are good, she has always been involved in leadership positions at school and had several extra-curriculars. But instead, she wants to feel carefree, like her sister. She wants to be relaxed and funny and liked. She feels almost like she has lost the ability to shut her brain off and just be. To indulge in hobbies that were not productive in anyway.
Kathrine feels the need to always be doing something, and feels a sense of anxiety and guilt when she feels she had not got enough done that day.

Kat has developed several nervous "ticks".:
Scrunching her nose over and over
Blinking rapidly
Sometimes when she is very stressed she will scratch herself or pinch herself to keep herself grounded.


big wip

Except when she is painting. At brings her back down to earth. She treats it like a guilty pleasure, almost. Her parents had not outright said that pursuing art was a waste of her time, but the jokes and the snide comments. The way they changed the subject whenever she used to talk about it as a little girl. Slowly overtime, she had begun to feel guilty indulging in her passion.



created by junie junie
Last edited:
7:25 pm / 9/19/24
  • Leo is a rebellious, hot-head who struggles with dyslexia and anger issues. Living in the shadow of his "perfect" sister. He finds comfort in hanging with the wrong crowd. He cares but struggles with pressure of family expectations.
    #Dyslexic #Troubled #Angered
    + INFO
    Leo Carranza
    Nov 28th
    Leo has an effortless, rugged charm. He is 5'11 with a lean but athletic build. His skin is tanned and warm toned. He has sharp, expressive brown eyes and dark brown thick and wavy hair, usually falling messily around his forehead. He has a slightly defined jawline with slightly fuller lips and high cheekbones. He wears a brooding or distant expression. His clothing style is casual, typically wearing graphic t-shirts, hoodies, ripped jeans, and sneakers.
    Face Claim: Michael Cimino

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  • NAME:
    Samantha Realiey

    Sam / Sammy



    July 2nd

    11th // Junior

    Adelaide Kane
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