Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Lily smiled. "I have seen quite a few amazing places." she replied, "I went to the big city, it was okay but the people were horriblely rude. This town has a special charm to it though. And I find working is much easier here than in the city."
"How did he detect me?" Cecilia wondered. "Should I run off and pretend I wasn't here?" She shook off that idea. She had just feed so she wasn't risking hurting them by mistake. Slowly and careful she walked out into view.

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(aw centy dont kill zane. if you are bored with hom maybe make another character? i do that to help flow the rp along)
"I very well might have a telent, but I haven't discovered it yet, and it might be a while before I do, since I'll probably be busy for a while." she said, sighing. As she sat down beside her. She didn't regret her devotion to helping her family, but she did wish it could have waited longer, so that she might have had more time to find her place in the world. It was part of the reason she was rarely very strict on her siblings: she did not want to cause them to lose their chance to make their own mark on the world before the world marked them. As she listened to the song, she closed her eyes and placed her head in her hand, sighing again. The song was so sad. Although she couldn't understand what it was specifically about, she could tell it was a very mournful. How fitting for a town, a woman, who seemed to be stuck in constant mourning? But, the way it reflected her mood only made it seem more beautiful to her. Rather than having to battle with her emotions, the song seemed to perform a waltz with them, fitting right into that area of her heart.

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(Aw...I liked Zane. That's part of the reason I had Ash stalk him. I only left because you weren't on for a long time...I'm sorry! >_<;; )
Ash continued listening to the mysterious voice, scowling. There were better ways to attract her notice than throwing things at her! She opened her mouth to tell him so, when she heard him address someone else nearby. She heard a rustle behind her, and turned, walking backwards away from whatever was there, just to be safe. The woman who appeared was pretty, but she still kept her distance. Again, who knew what might happen, this far in the woods? Plus, there was something strange about her... Geez, are there any normal people in this town anymore? she wondered, her scowl deepening.

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( D: T~T You do remember what *that* was! I'm going to go cry and mourn the loss of my darling pickle boy's naivity(spelling help, please? nai-ev-it-tay). *not serious, though I did get a flash of sadness* Lol. I was actually tempted to bring back my original four, until I noticed Karma had an Aiden, though. Might have been interesting to have them in the same RP again, but without the middle woman. *cough* ;) )
( Sorry for the lateness and stuffz. >.<' )

Lucia looked at her brother with her best pleading eyes. "Oh, Ty-Ty, can I please go out into the city?" Being a shape-shifter into sneaky, red foxes, this wouldn't be too hard to persuade.


Tyler sighed, rolling his emerald eyes. He looked down at his watch. "Okay, fine. Your shift is over anyway. Just don't cause any trouble."

"Okay!" His sister replied and ran off without another word. Tyler shook his head. Little sisters these days, ​he thought to himself.
(yeah im bringing my brothers back but this time on better terms and zane shall be the first victim of raiden *muahaha* and i thought that's what you had meant, but wasn't sure, and was that in irisville? cause i can't find my original profiles for them)
(Um...I think so. Irisville was the very first one, right? I remember our characters but I forgot the town name. I know it was the first one, though, because I didn't know you well yet, and felt legit sad, until I reminded myself it was just to make it interesting, and it was just an RP. Then you kept promising to make it up to me, but the RP's died before we got the chance. And, yeah, that's what I meant. It's dumb I still remember that, but I feel like a mommy to all my characters. ^^;; I did like them, though, other than Raiden stealing my boy's woman [lol, sorry, Sage].)
(ehh i made the character to make it up to you too, i made sarah but i can't find my original characters now >.> so i will do my best for them both, gonna improvise some))
('Kay, good luck. And I'm sorry to leave you alone, but I gotta help my sis with homework, and I'm not sure if I'll be back before the maintanence starts. See you later, though! :D )
(sory my bf called. ill b around when the matientce is over)

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(Oh and the old towns name was Mossvile now gunna do homework. cya all around 8!)
(it may have been deleted...)

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(if someone is waiting for me to reply to them please let me know. I just wanna double check I didn't misread anything)
(my character is waiting on you hidden hunter to show herself because he called her out, unless i missed a post)
Soul: *he chuckled* So, tell me are you a hunter? *he didn't budge one inch in the tree he was in.*
"Yes." Cecilia replied. "I was actually heading into town to sell some things when I heard you torturing this poor hu- ,poor little girl." Cecilia had to stop herself from saying human. She figured people would find it strange if she referred to the girl as her species instead of her gender.
Soul: *kept his cool but was a little offended by that comment* hey, i was not torturing her.
Ash continued backing up, hiding herself behind a tree. "Who are you people?" she asked. "And, better yet, aren't there better ways to get someone's attention that throwing acorns at her from a freakin' tree, without even showing your face?" she yelled to the tree-man specifically. "Like, maybe a simple hello?" It was strange the way she sometimes rambled when she was frightened. Even before she started trying to act tough, she did that, although it was a different sort then.
((we all are because im making it seem as though they just came from there previous life because of some great calamity, ohh i just figured out what i could do to include Zane in there fun > :D ))

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