Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

"Yeah I hope that can happen." Aiden said then wished Leah and Jon a good day as they left. ----------------------------------------
"I think that is a wonderful goal." Lily told him. "My kind has been afraid to interact with humans as well for generations." Lily told Honovi. "My village believed humans would destroyed them if they let them near. I left as soon as I could though. I didn't like the seclution."
Soul: *walks in as Leah and Jon are leaving, he has a bag over his shoulder and the thing inside is squirming around* "hey Aiden, i caught the witch. She's still alive but thats even better for the town" *walks towards Aiden*
Aiden looks at Soul confused. "What do you mean?" he asks, "What witch?" (Im confused. Are you talking about my witch character Valerie?)
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"ACHOO!" Wisty giggled, "Bless you. Again." "Thanks, Wisty." Melody started humming a little. Until she sneezed again. "Bless you."

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"Gah, we're out of everything again!" the man with orange hair complained, not that anyone could hear him. He'd gotten used to accidently talking to no one, or exclaiming his annoyances out loud. For often, unless the locals came in for lunch, he was alone. Guess it's time to pay a visit to Aiden.... he thought, taking off his apron before leaving the inn.

It wasn't a long walk to the general store, and the man wasn't surprised to see someone in the store. The people coming into town would need supplies, of course. He just stepped into the building, and started to walk to the counter. "Hey Aiden, can I get my usual order?"

(I'm assuming familiarity, since Brendan lived here before the quake)
Leah gave a final wave as she left, holding the door open for a man who was enter as she was leaving. Jon, who's line of sight was lower, stopped for a moment at the sight of the squirming bag, before scurrying after his sister. From the clips of conversation he heard while leaving, he didn't know whether he wanted to know what was going on.

When they were out the door, Aleah flipped the strap over her head and plopped the bag of food onto her brother's shoulder. "I'm going to let you carry it, as practice for letter carrying. Is that okay?" she asked him.

"Sure." he said, adjusting the strap so it was more comfortable. It was a bit heavier than he was use to carrying, but he'd manage. But would a bag of groceries compare in weight to a bag of letters? It didn't matter. Practice was practice. Together, the siblings set off for home, Jonathan going a bit slower than usual.


"Ah..." Honovi nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "I see we have much in common. That might also explain the small quantity of elves I've come across in my travels. Although, my kind wasn't exactly secluded. We'd occasionally cross paths with merpeople and other sea-based species, but our seal forms tended to limit our ability to interact.We interacted more with them than with some of the northern pods, though." He made an uncomfortable face at the thought. The Scottish pods tended to keep their distance from the arctic pods for...reason best left to biology books. "Now, not to pry, but was there any particular reason that the Elves do not like humans, or was it a customary separation, lost to history. You don't have to answer, if you don't wish to. I'm just curious." His eyes lit up with the scholar in him having completely reawakened.

After watching her brother for a while, Adele decided she probably wouldn't be interested in the conversation, even if she knew what they were saying. She understood a few words, like 'selkie' and 'seal', for obvious reasons, but these discussions about land species tended to be boring, no matter what language they were in. SHe wanted to meet interesting people, not learn the details of their history. She squatted in the sand, and began looking for pretty shells that the tides might have buried.
"Excuse me for a moment." Aiden told Soul when Brendan walked in. "Ok Bren, give me a moment." Aiden made a quick trip around the store, picking up what he knew Brendan usually ordered. He brought it all to the counter. "Did I get everything?" he asked, he didn't want to make a mistake. -------------------------------------- Lily thought for a moment. "What had the Elders told me?" she wondered to herself. She could not remember. "I honestly don't remember what the reason was IF there even was a reason." She had never given it much thought. "There are a few other elves in the town so many they may know." She then noticed Adele looking very bored. "I should probally be leaving now anyways. I have a lot of work to do and I think your sister would like to do something else instead of listen to us talk."
View attachment 1528"'Course you did Aiden, you always get everything," Brendan said, flicking his gaze over the items. "You seen anyone new lately? I haven't had much in the way of customers for a while now..." he said, pulling at his wallet to count the money Aiden would need.
Honovi nodded, and took out a small note pad, to make a note to ask around nevt time he took Adele around town. "Okay. I'll see if anyone is willing to tell me about it. Thanks for the information, anyway." He looked down at his sister. "I think it's just that she doesn't like when I talk history with people. She's more of a hands-on learner, so she tends to get bored with conversations like this whether she understands or not. I hope to see you again some time, though. You were very interesting to talk to." He gave her a friendly smile, and tapped his sister on the back. "<Say good bye to her, Adele. Lily's leaving.> Good. Bye." he barked quietly to her, before slowly telling her the human word.

Adele looked up at him, thinking for a moment. She looked at Lily and said "Good. Bye?" It came out as more of a question, and she glanced at her brother to see if she said it right. He nodded, so she repeated it to their new aquaintence again. "Good-bye." The words felt strange on her toungue. But, she wanted to try harder to learn. That way, maybe she could have a bit of a conversation by herself, next time Lily or another people came to the beach. It would probably be a while before she got the hang of it, though.
Soul: *waited until Aiden was done* (this happens after Aiden is done) "So that is 120g for the boar and after what I owe you that brings it down to... 100g".
"Ok just making sure." Aiden said to Brendan as he rung up the items. He told him the same total he always said. He had it all memorized but he had to put the data in the register or he would forget to later. After he finished with Brendan he turned to Soul. "Okay, that sounds reasonable." Aiden handed Soul the money. --------------------------------- "I hope we do." Lily smiled. When Adele said goodbye in human speak she smiled. She thought it was adorable. "Goodbye." she smiled at Adele. "I'll come by again when I can." she told Honovi before putting her shoes back on and heading back to the Inn. Lily headed straight up to her room to work on painting the plates she had made the day before. ------------------------------------- James sat down on a rock in the mining cave. He had gathered a good amount of gems and ores and it had taken a lot of of him. His arms and back ached a lot and he knew he needed to slow down.
Soul: *took the money and bowed* Just wondering, are you wanting me to kill it for you now or do you think you can handle it later?
"Um...actually yes could you kill it? I could never bring myself to do that." Aiden replied nervously. He could handle the blood and the animals insides but he could never bring himself to kill anything. --------------------------------- Valerie finished scrubbing the front room. It had taken her awhile but she was proud of herself for doing it all by herself. Her boss was away and trusting her to get the bathhouse up and running before they returned. She hoped she could.
Bren gave Aiden his money, said goodbye, and left with the groceries. He returned to the inn, and put away the groceries. ~~Amariana settled on a different street, still playing her harp.~~Vincent looked at his half-finished product. He had crafted two blades, which he would add to the two ends of a staff so that he would have a double bladed staff. ((sorry that it isn't that much, but I'm off to bed. Adieu))
Soul: *he nodded and took the boar to the back and grabbed a bucket. He then held the bag open just enough so the boar could get its head out in which he then tied the bag and slit its throat over the bucket. After a few minutes it was completely dead and he put the head back into the bag and gave the bag and bucket to Aiden* hey can you pour the stuff in the bucket into a jar please, boars blood is special.
Aiden never heard that blood of any type was special but he shrugged it off. "Ok I'll do that now." He pulled out a jar and carefully poured the blood into it. "Here you go. And thanks." He handed the jar after sealing it to Soul.
Soul: no problem, and thank you as well. Remember if you need me just contact the father, AKA my brother Kaze, at the church. *with that he walks out of the store while placing the jar carefully in his bag on his shoulder*
After Lily left, Honovi turned his attention back to his fishing rod. He sighed, as he watched the string float without a single pull on the end. Adele crouched down beside him, golding a few small and broken shells in her hand, the kind that people never took much interest in. "<Why do you spend so much time fishing when we have so many fish in the ice box?>" he asked, as the edge of her dress fell back to her waist.

"<Adele, you have to be careful about your clothes when we're on land!>" he told her, pressing her legs down, and pulling her skirt back over her knees. Nudity, even with family members, didn't bother Selkies much, because they were completely naked except for their Other Skins when they came to land, but he still tried to teach her that most land-creatures didn't see it the same way. At least she's gotten use to undergarments. he thought with a laugh. "<Now, the reason I fish all the time is because I sell the extra fish to make money, so we can buy things when we need them.>" he explained, motioning to the sign in front of their house about his willingness to sell fish for any reasonable offer.

"<And...how do you say that in Human? Fishing?>"

"Fish-ing." he told her.

"Fish shing?" she tried.

Honovi nodded. "<And I'm a fisherman.> Fish-er-man."

Adele looked at him wierd. "<Wouldn't you be a fisher-selkie?>" she asked, as 'man' and 'human' were the same in selkie.

Honovi chuckled. "<In this sense...I believe it means a male creature who fishes. But, I guess you're still right in some sense. Now, do you want to try it?> Fish-er-man."

"Fish-sure-man..." she tried, before standing up. "<Human's hard. Can we take a walk before you teach me any more?>"

"<Wait for me to catch another fish, and then we'll have a look around town.>" he told her. Adele sighed. Bored, she walked back to the shack. Honovi had been trying to teach her how to use a fork and spoon, so she supposed she could practice that with an early lunch until then.


As they walked, Aleah heard a harp playing nearby. It was beautiful. Though some may debate the importance of music in a disaster-wrecked town, she was glad for it. Even if it may not directly improve the town, it would keep the spirits of the villagers up. "Can you put the groceries away by yourself, Jon? I want to listen to the music for a bit." she told her brother.

Jon looked at his sister, and nodded. Although she still wore the same sad smile, her eyes seemed to be sparkling a bit. She didn't look as...tired, he supposed he'd put it. "Yeah. I can get home by myself, easily." he told her, knowing she probably deserved a break, anyway. He continued home, and went straight to he kitchen to put everything away before it began to spoil. "Hello, Father." he said to his adopted parent as he hurried around the room. He was exactly where they had left him, huddled over paper as he wrote fliers.

"Oh, hello Jonathan." Benjamin said, looking up at him. "Where's your sister."

"Oh...she heard someone playing a harp, so she'll be back in a bit. She just wanted to listen."

Mr. Janes nodded, smiling. "Good. She deserves to do something she enjoys at times." he said, before going back to his letters. He may not be able to work anymore, at least in the way he use to, but he could still feel useful by helping with thier new service to the town as best he could.

Jonathan sat beside him, watching him write. "So...is there anything I can help with?" he asked.

Mr. Janes thought for a moment. "Yes. Why don't you put some of the dried fliers in envelopes? So far, their all for local residence, so you don't have to worry about addresses."

Jon jumped up and began looking for the envelopes. Aleah and Mr. Janes might have already accepted him into their family, but that didn't mean he didn't still feel obligated to helping them, as thanks for taking him in.


Aleah walked over to where the harp player was, and stood a few feet away, her eyes closed as she took in the music. She did not notice the unique qualities of the woman, nor would she have cared if she had. It had been a while since she remembered there being performers of any type in town, so she was glad that some of the lesser-noticed beauty of the town had returned. She sighed, thinking about a time when she was small, and she had tried to teach Ashton how to dance in the main square. Oh, how she missed those days!
Lily finished painting the first coat on the plates she had made and fired the other day. She always created her pieces by firing them at least three times. The first time was after it had dried, so it would hold its shape. The second was to add the base color, the color the piece would be. And the third time was to add small details and patterns. She had done this as long as she could remember and although other pottery makers did all the painting in one firing, she felt her way was okay. After loading the final piece into the kilm, Lily's stomach started to rumble. "I haven't eaten at all today!" she relized. Lily walked out of her room, down the stairs and walked into the Inn's dinner. "Excuse me?" she said to the red haired man unloading food. "Are you open?" ---------------------------------------------- With all the customers now taken care of Aiden took the boar into the backroom. He butchered it, cutting the boar into sections. He then took the meat into the freezer and put it in there so it would not rot. After he was done, he cleaned himself up, then went back into the main section of the store. The cans he was working on before he went to help the people who came in where still a bit unorganized so he went over to them and started organizing them again. ------------------------------------ James' arms and back stopped aching and he stood up. He figured he could now get back to mining. James picked up the bag he was holding the collected ores in and his pickaxe. He needed to find some diamonds and he knew he would need to travel deeper into the cave to find any. -------------------------------------- Valerie stepped into the woman's bath to clean it first. Looking at all the mess she sighed. She was already getting tired from all the cleaning and wanted another break. She shook off her annoyance with the mess and started filling up the tub slightly with hot, soapy water. She then took off her shoes and walked into the large tub and started scrubbing.
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Amariana looked up at the woman who was standing just a bit away and smiled. Her music rose into a more gentle tune than the one she had just been playing, and she turned back to her harp.

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Alrighty then! That's the groceries away, and now, I just need someone to cook for! thought Brendan. he mentally groaned, realizing that could take awhile. There weren't that many ways to amuse himelf until then. Just as he was thinking this, he heard footsteps on the stairs. His tenant. He turned to look at the girl. "Huh? Oh, yeah, we're open. What can I get ya?" Brendan said, grabbing the nearest notepad and pen, just in case he needed a reminder later.

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to the forest. Until his apprentice came back, he placed the two identical blades on his workbench and thought about starting a spear or an axe.

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The feather dusters were on the floor, as were the two girls that had been using them. "We should try to figure out the organizational system," Melody said. "Hm?" "The way the books are. By title or by author. And then we should figure out where the stored books go." "Hm, you're right Mels. I'm gunna go see if I can find a list of books at the desk or something. You can start on the title-author whatever-that-word-was thingy."
Soul: *walks to the church and heads inside because sermon was over* Kaze, you should have seen the look on Aiden's face.

Kaze: what did you tell/do to him this time?

Soul: I told him that boar's blood was special.

Kaze: Soul, you've got to try not doing certain stuff like this anymore.

Soul: Yeah I know, but it's too good to pass up haha.
Deep in the woods, Cecilia dashed through the trees. "Get back here you little sh*t!" she yelled at a rabbit hopping as fast as it could away from her. "Take this!" she flicked two of her fingers and a cage made of tree roots caged the rabbit in. She ran up the the earth based cage and examined her prey. "She looks pretty young, so the meat should be tender." Cecilia thought to herself. She grabbed the rabbit and killed it, then put it in her bag that already contained two other rabbits, two phesants, and a baby boar. "That's probally more than enough for the day." she told herself as she picked up the heavy bag effortlessly and carried it back to her cabin deeper in the woods. The cabin was nothing special and its only real purpose besides giving Cecilia a place to live, was to hide her far away from humans until she had handled her bloodlust and could socialize with them. Once inside the cabin Cecilia took out one of the dead rabbits and started skinning it. She tossed the fur into a barrel she kept all the animal fur in. She noticed it was getting full and made a mental note to go into town and see if either the blacksmith would buy it from her to make leather or try to sell it at the supermarket. If she could get the tool to make her own leather she would make a lot more money but sadly she could not find one anyone was willing to sell. Cecilia gutted the rabbit, putting each organ she knew people ate in a seperate bag and labeling it. "I still can't believe some people eat this part of the animal." she said aloud to no one in disguise. "It's sick." Once the rabbit was gutted she poured the blood into a jar and put the meat in a bag, labeling it. She took the bags of organs and meat, and put them in a deep freezer. She took the jar of blood and put it in the frige. She then went back to the butchering table and repeated the same process over with the rabbits and the baby boar. With the phesants, she plucked the feathers off one by one and put them in another barrel, filled with feathers. After finishing the butchering, she cleaned off the knif, table, and herself, then took a jar of blood out of the refrigulator and poured some of it into a cup. She drank the blood, refilled her glass once more, before putting the jar back in the frige. She walked into the living room section of her cabin home and sat down on a chair to relax, while pulling out an old book to read.

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