Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood


Zane smiled "you don't have to leave, i was just curious as to why you were following me"Zane said looking up at the sky "you can continue to follow me but where i am going next will be dangerous" Zane said looking down at her and partially wanting to move her out of the way and just leave but part of him was intrigued by her bravery. ?people act strange sometimes but she is trying to be brave even in the face of someone she doesn't know, quiet interesting
Valerie was surprised the woman had decided to speak to her. "I can probally talk for a moment since I am taking a small break." she said while walking over. "I'm Valerie," she introduced herself, "I work at the bathhouse." She smiled at the woman and noticed her legs were not legs but a fin. "Oh wow! Your scales are so shiny! They are really pretty!" ------------------------------------James stayed quiet while he half listened to his mentor tell him he needed to take pride in his work. "I do take pride." he thought to himself as he hammered the piece of iron. ---------------------------------- Aiden wondered if Leah had noticed the haunted look in his eyes. He hoped not. He knew her family was suffering too because her mother had died and her father was paralized. He didn't want to seem selfish. "Yeah maybe the town will feel more normal when there are more villagers." He replied. ------------------------------------ Lily smiled at the siblings. They seemed very close and she believed it was better for family members to get along than fight. "I eat fish sometimes." she replied, "I used to live in a small village in the woods. We normally ate berries, vegetables, rabbits, and deer but sometimes the men would travel to the lake and catch trout and bass." ------------------------------------ (sorry I took so long. was dealing with things)
((oh, it's ok Sage. we've all got stuff we gotta do :) ))

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The woman bowed her head slightly. "Amariana," she said in introduction. She came to the end of her song just as Valerie finished speaking. Amariana laughed a little at her second comment. "Thank you." She paused for a moment, and then said, "Tell me, what happened to this town? It seems so...lonely. I have not seen a soul other than you and my companions." She placed her harp gently on the ground and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

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He shook his head. "Think you can manage here on your own while I go mining, or would you rather hone your mining skills?" he asked. He rarely gave his apprentice choices, but he felt that both jobs would be good for his apprentice.

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Wisty pushed the door open enough so that she and Melody could get through. the two stepped in, and Melody shut the door. Wisty looked back to the adults, and Melody stayed behind her. "'Scuse me, is this the general store? Do you sell stuff to clean with?" Wisty asked. She clutched the wallet she shared with Melody, which was pink and covered in little drawings of flowers, in both of her hands. Melody clasped her hands behind her back and waited patiently.
"Oh, from what I have heard an earthquake hit this town." Valerie told her. "It seems strange to me. This isn't an area prone to quakes." She looked off into the distant, "I'm thinking something else happened, something unnatural." --------------------------------- James stopped hammering for a moment. He debated whether to go mining for a bit or continue working. "I think I could use some air." he told Vincent. "What metals and gems do you want me to gather?" ------------------------------- Aiden looked at the twins and smiled. He thought it was adorable when little kids came into the store to shop. "You want some cleaning supplies?" he asked, knelling down. "What did you need?"
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Amariana closed her eyes and bowed her head to no one in particular. "How tragic."

When she lifted her head again, she said, "It appears I have settled down in a good place. The people here must need their spirits raised." She smiled a little, "That's what I do."

"You said that it might be something unnatural. Do you suppose that there was a sorcerer or a deity behind this?"

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"Well, we found a broom, but there's still lot's of dust in the library. D'ya have a feather duster or something like that?" Wisty asked. Melody fiddled with her fingers a little bit.

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Vincent closed his eyes and thought for a minute. "We're a bit low on gold and copper, but the rarer metals and iron are always good to have a bit of an abundance of. For gems, well, I guess we could do for now with diamonds of any color you can get, sapphires, and amethyst. Anything extra is good." Overall, they needed everything except for iron, rubies, and emeralds, but there was no sense in trying to do everything at once.
James nodded. "Ok I'll head out then." He picked up the supplies he would need and left the blacksmith. James walked through the center of the town. He passed by two women talking but paid them no mind. He walked straight to the mines and once there found a good spot to look for gold ores. -------------------------------- Valerie shook her head. "I'm not sure honestly. Maybe magic influenced the earthquake, maybe not. The town just has a special aura to it." ------------------------------- Aiden thought for a moment. "I will be right back." he tells the twins and Leah. He walks over to where he keeps the brooms and other cleaning supplies and looks around. He takes a few different feather dusters, dustpans, and dustbrushes off the shelf and carries them back to the girls. "Here are some of the smallest ones we have." he tells the girls. He figured it would be easier for them to carry the small ones.
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Amariana inclined her head thoughtfully. "I suppose it does. I have not really thought too much about it. I have been keeping track of two little orphans. I am not sure I can play a hero if we found out that something terrible is transpiring."

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Vincent watched him go and picked up the sword James had been working on and examined it. It's not bad. It just needs sharpening, like all swords, he thought, replacing the sword. He got some iron and went to the forge to start working on a project for himself. They had enough stock, since the town wasn't exactly overly populated, and they usually just did orders anyway. So now, it would be the time to make something for a gift or himself. And since he knew nobody but his apprentice, whom he didn't know that well, he just started on making himself a weapon.

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"Come here, Melody! You can pick yours out," Wisty said. Melody came and stood next to her, shuffling her feet while she looked over what Aiden had brought. The two girls picked matching feather dusters, and Wisty picked out a dustpan. "D'you have one for grown-ups too, Mister? Our caretaker probably will want to help us out," Wisty said.

((going to bed now. g'night!))
(alright. night then.) --------------------------------------------- "Aw that is really nice that you took orphans in." Valerie smiled. "Oh and I hate to cut our chat short but I think I should head back to the bathhouse. I have a lot of work to do." Valerie said goodbye and then went back inside the bathhouse. Once inside she grabbed the broom and started sweeping again. --------------------------------- Aiden nodded and came back with a larger featherduster.
(aw, poor centy. I'm just glad I've got an iPhone and can hang out in bed and still rp. Can't post pics, tho...)"It was nice meeting you, Valerie," Amariana said. She picked up her harp, and after the opening chords of a second song, began to play.----"Thanks, Mister! How much d'you need for this?" Wisty asked, giving what they were buying to Melody so she could open her wallet. Melody took the items without complaint or talking.
Aiden did a quick calulation and gave the girls a sum. Once they paid him he put the dusters bags.
(Ah! D: I'm sorry! My sister took a while. I'm back now, though!)

Ashton listened to him, and calmed down bit by bit as she noticed that he wasn't as angry. When he said the next place he went would be dangerous, the intrigued fear returned. Although she knew Leah would kill her for knowingly doing something dangerous with a man she only just met, it sounced interesting. She wanted to have some adventure, at least before the deliveries started up. "Sure!" she said, nodding, a brave look on her face. She stood up as tall as she could, and upon realizing she was blocking the alleyway, moved to the side a bit, waiting to follow him.


"Interesting." Honovi said, nodding. "Perhaps, if you have time, you could eat dinner with us some time. Our kind eats mostly fish, but I've been researching new ways to cook it, so that we can entertain company, when we meet more townspeople." He nodded his head toward his sister, and said, "Adele is still partial to raw fish, but I think she's adjusting. I just hope she doesn't get bored one day and try to catch something in her teeth while in human form." He smiled slightly at the thought, revealing slightly sharp teeth. One of the reasons he usually smiled with his mouth closed was because some people found seal teeth in a humanesque mouth frightening. But, they came in handy when in seal form, so he wasn't ashamed of them.

Adele looked at him, tilting her head. Honovi thought for a second, then realized she was waiting for a translation. Honovi quickly barked a paraphrased form of the conversation, leaving out what he said about her(while it wasn't exactly mean, she probably still wouldn't like it.) She replied, and Honovi turned his head back to Lily. "She just said that she can't imagine eating anything other than fish. She finds it kind of disgusting...much the way you might feel about some of the dishes of other countries I imagine... I must admit I'm not too keen on trying other forms of meat, either, at least for the time being. I may consider it in small portions at some point, though. I'm just uncertain how my stomach may react, since I've never heard of a selkie straying from the normal seal diet."


Aleah nodded to the twins in greeting, but took an observant role in their visit. "I'll just get ready to check out, when you're done with them." She said quietly to Aiden, though she doubted he actually heard her as he searched for dusting supplies for the girls. She collected her brother from where he stood, and led him around as she grabbed a few more items, waiting for Aiden to finish helping the little girls.

"You don't like him do you?" Jon asked as he followed his sister. Though he had a passing familiarity with most of the old townspeople, his family had only lived there a little under a year before the quake, so he didn't know too much about anyone. Even hi new family, he only knew when he was told and observed.

"Oh, no. He's just and old friend." Aleah told him, her ever present sad smile on her face. "Just someone to reminisce with about he way the town use to be."

Jon looked at the back of Aleah's head as they walked. He couldn't help feeling like his sister was an old woman at times, though he knew she wasn't. Maybe taking over her mother's role had done that to her?
Wisty carefully counted out the sum and handed it to Aiden. She took the bag from him. "T-thanks..." Melody said, and Wisty waved cheerfully at those in the shop. "See you all around," she said, taking Melody's hand and heading towards the door.
(haha yeah that happens) ------------------------------------- Lily thought about his offer. It seemed very nice of him to invite her, but she felt as if she would be intruding. "I...I am grateful for your offer but I feel like I would be in the way" She replied after a moment, holding her arms againist her nervously, "We have all just met and I don't want to give the wrong impression." -------------------------------- Aiden stood behind the counter and put the money away. He smiled at the two girls and wished them a good day.
Melody and Wisty left the shop, and upon heading outside, heard music. "Ama!" the two shouted excitedly, and ran off down the street in the direction of the music. "Ama, we bought some cleaning supplies so we can dust off the books!" Wisty said excitedly. Melody managed a smile, and held up the bag. Amariana smiled, "That's good, girls. How about you two go back and get started, and I'll come see how you've done after I've met some more of our neighbors?" "'Kay! C'mon, Melody!" Wisty said, and the two hurried back to the library.(anyone wanna chat with Ama that isn't doing much?)
Honovi looked at her for a moment, then realized his blunder. "I did not mean today. I meant some time when we become more aquainted, perhaps when we have become better friend." he said, smiling. "You seem very kind and trustworthy, I assure you, but because of certain...beliefs of our kind...I would not think to invite anyone who I just met into our home." Subconsiously, he brought a hand to his Other Skin. He did not feel as frightened of Lily as he sometime was around females, but she also seemed to keep a polite distance away. None the less, he stil lwouldn't doubt he's freak out if she came any closer. "I hope to meet you again some time. You seem very nice, and Adele seemed to have enjoyed having visitors to the beach, even though she cannot communicate well yet."

Adele watched as Honovi talked to Lily, still confused by all the human language. Something her brother had said seemed to make Lily nervous, which she found strange. Usually Honovi was the one who freak out around humans.


Finishing her shopping, Aleah waited by a shelf for the girls to leave, before bringing her own purchases to Aiden. "They seemed sweet." she said, placing the food in neat piles, and taking what her brother held as well. "It's nice to see children moving into town, as well. It's a good sign."
Aiden nodded as he rang up Leah's items. "Yeah, if children are coming then odds are adults will show up too." He rang up the last of the items and told Leah the total. ------------------------------- Lily laughed lightly at her assuption. "Ok, that makes more sense now." She felt a bit idiotic but she guessed anyone could make that mistake. "Um... so you said you are a Selkie? I've heard of tales about your kind but I thought your species stayed away from human towns. What brought you here?" ---------------------------------(Lily is an elf)

Zane chuckled walking past her and out the fastest way possible to the woods, not the happy part most people go to but the dark part were if you didn't know your way you would die. He walked farther knowing there had once been a small mine, but that was his little secret. I wonder if she's keeping up alright Zane thought to himself as he moved through the trees seamlessly

(ish okay spirit-chan)
Kaze (Niwa): *preaching to the mass or at least the few people there*

Soul (Dai): *running quietly through the trees* Dang boar she thinks she can get away from me... Well she is sorely mistaken *Jumps out of the tree landing on top of her* "Come on!, the town needs to eat someone, and they said you'll do just nicely."
Valerie bent down to collect the pile of dust she swept up onto the dustpan. She was about to go outside again to toss the dust when she saw the small trashcan in the back corner of the shop. "I feel like an idiot." she said aloud, dumping the dust into the can. Some dust particles flew up into her face and made her sneeze. She wiped her nose then went back to sweep up the rest of the pile. After finishing sweeping she looked around the front of the shop to admire her work. Everything had been coated in a thick layer of dust, but she had at least cleaned that bit up and the floor was less dirty. "I should probally look for a mop or a rag and a bucket." She thought to herself, going into the storage space. After some searching she found some old rags, a claening brush, and a small bucket. Valerie took the bucket to the women bath section and filled up the bucket with hot, soapy water. She carried the bucket out front again and began scrubbing off the counters with an old rag first.
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The twins stopped outside the library, panting from their run. Melody recovered first, and opened the door. "Let's leave the door open, and see if we can open the windows, too!" Wisty suggested. "Yeah, some air could be good..." Melody said. She placed the bag with cleaning supplies down, and the girls walked to a window. After some struggling, they succeeded in getting it open, and moved on to the next window. After all the windows were open, they returned to the bag and each took out a feather duster. They nodded at each other and then got started.

The girls sang little songs that Amariana had taught them as they worked.
Leah paid for her purchases, and then carefully put them into the bag she had brought. "Yes. And it also means that the town will continue to grow, as the children grow older and find their own place in the town." For a moment, Leah's smile was more natural. She would loved to see the town even come close to where it had once been. She looked up, and gave Aiden a final smile. "Well, we should probably get back, in case our father needs help with something. I hope to talk to you again soon, Aiden!" She stepped back from the counter and placed a hand on her brother's shoulder, turning to leave.


Honovi smiled widely at the question. The only thing he enjoyed more than learning about land culture was talking with someone who knew about his own kind. "Yes, we do tend to avoid humans, but that's what actually drew me to land! When we would occasionally go to land, I would enjoy observing its inhabitants from afar, and it fascinated me, and made me wonder whether our legends might have been wrong, or simply outdated. I got permission from the leader of our pod to live on land and research its various inhabitants. Although I suppose I still carry a bit of my kind's fears, I've found my finding very fascinating! I hope that the Selkie may one day be comfortable to live alongside land-dwellers, so that future generations will not be born with the irrational fears that are instilled in our young right now." He became slightly embarrassed at how much he had said. "I apologize if I said too much. It's just so uncommon to meet someone who knows of the Selkie, nowadays!"

Adele looked up at her brother and Lily, becoming even more confused as he brother rattled on in the land language. "<What are you talking about?>" she asked desperately.

Honovi leaned to his sister's level and explained. "<I'm just telling her about why I've come to land.>" he said, before returning his attention to Lily. Adele scowled that she was out of the loop, even though it was probably partially her fault for not trying harder than was neccessary to learn Human.


Ashton followed after him as quickly as possible, not wanting to be left behind. When they entered the woods, her eyes widened, not with the fear one might expect, but with curiousity. She had know there woere woods at this edge of town, but had never ventured into them. She madecareful note of where she was going, so she wouldn't get lost, but knew it was probably futile, since one tree looked like another to her. Still, she did her best to remember which way she was going, so that she'd have at least some idea.

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