Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Lily took a moment to think of what she was hungry for. She knew she wanted something light, but filling. "Um... could I possibly have a sandwhich with ham, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo?" She asked Brendan.

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(Yeah doctors are slow. Oh hey what you think of Cecilia?)
Aleah continued listening, and sat on the ground, her legs to one side, so she could do so without her legs tiring. She took care to sit where she would not be in anyones way, and watched the harp player, following her fingers as she plucked the strings. It looked so elegant, to her. She gave the harp player a polite smile, and nodded in a show of appreciation and thanks for the beautiful sounds she was providing for the town. Mayve she would come here more often, she she wasn't busy.


Jon sat beside his father, stuffing envelopes and licking the flaps shut. The envelopes were beginning to pile up a bit, but he was still not caught up to the letters his father was still writing, yet. He considered asking why they needed so many fliers when there were so few townspeople at the moment, but thought against it. Considering the question to himself, he decided he was probably just stockpiling a few, so they could send some to new residents as they arrived, without having to take the time from mail sorting to make them every time. "So, father, do you believe we will send these out today, or will Ashton and I probably have to get up tomorrow to deliver them?" he asked instead.

"Oh, I'm not sure. It depends on whether I finish with them or not. If you and Ashe are getting antsy, though..." Mr. Janes looked up, realizing he had not seen his youngest daughter since overhearing her fight with Jon that morning. "Jonathan, do you know where your sister might be?" he inquired.

Jon shook his head. "No, I don't. She left this morning after Leah said she could, and hasn't returned yet." Truthfully, that had been part of why he had asked. He hoped the deliveries could wait until the next day, or at least the afternoon, so that he would not get stuck delivering all of them. Although, it would be a good way to meet some of the new townspeople...
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Amariana noticed the woman's smile, and gestured with her head for her to come closer, so they could talk. This woman acted somehwat different from Valerie, like she had experienced a much deeper sadness than she had. This was a reason why she had come to the town, of course.

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Brendan quickly jotted down: S: ham, LT, mayo. He smiled. "I'll get right on that for you, miss," he said cheerfully, going back to the kitchen. He settled quickly into the familiar rhythm of cooking, though there was nothing to truly cook. Just some mayo slathered on bread, two slices of cold ham, with some lettuce and tomato. Nothing to it, really. He cut it into two triangles, put a pickle next to it like the old cook always did, and brought it back to her on a simple plate. "Can I get you something to drink also?" he asked, still with his easy smile.
Leah stood up and walked over to the harp player. She continued smiling, but said nothing, not wanting to disturb her. It wasn't until now that she noticed the interesting anatomy of the performer, but her eyes only lingered for a second, be fore she reurned to watching her play. What business was it to her what the harp player was or looked like? From what she had been hearing, many interesting people were moving in to town, so this was not the first non-human she had seen (obvious, being as her brother was half elf), and would most likely not be the last.
Lily sat down at a nearby table when Brendan left. When he returned with the sandwich she smiled a thank you. "A glass of water would be fine." She told him. She never cared for much else but water to drink, although she sometimes drank juice or milk.
Soul: Well i'm going to go back out hunting so we can have dinner. So see ya later bro *starts leaving*

Kaze: ok bye *moves to the altar of the church to pray*

Soul: *leaves and heads into the woods. He soon climbs a tree and begins running through the trees to have a good view of things in the trees and on the ground floor.*
((sorry for ignoring your ooc, Sage. didn't mean to. I like Cecilia, I think she's got the kind of backstory that makes a story, if that makes any sense.))

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At first, Amariana said nothing. Then, she said something just barely audible above the music, "Something terrible happened here. An earthquake, right? How many people from the original town are left?"

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"Yup!" Brendan said cheerfully, heading back into the kitchen to pour her a glass of water. He came back shortly, and set the glass down next to her plate gently. "Need anything else, just give me a holler, ok? I'll be in the back," he said, heading into the back to throw together a sandwich for himself. He didn't often eat on the job, but when there were so few customers, it didn't matter too much whether he did or not.
(its ok. oh and im going to be lazy and not post pictures right now. i hate having to type the code up each time since my phone doesnt copy and paste) Lily smiled again. "Thank you." she said before starting to eat. Lily always took a long time to eat. She took small bites of her food and let herself enjoy the food more than most people did. --------------------------------- Cecilia finished drinking her cup of blood feeling full. She took her glass over to the sink and washed the few dishes there were. She then went into her room and found a large leather backpack. She filled the back part with fur and then carefully filled the remaining space with meat and organs. She then walked out of her house after locking the door.
(I forget exactly how many people are old residence. I remember the Janes family, Aiden, and Dai and Niwa stayed. If I missed anyone, I'm sorry, and will gladly fix it.)

Leah nodded to the question, a sad look passing through her eyes. "Yes, we had a very large earthquake. I think only seven or so stayed. Everyone else either left or..." She licked her lips, not wishing to finish the sentence. "But there are many new residents moving in. It give me hope that the town is beginning to rebuild. And I thank you dearly for your role in the town. I'm sure you'll lift many people's spirits, just as you have lifted mine." He smile widened as she spoke. She brought her hands together into a thankful position.


Ash continued walking, following the strange man. Still trying to remember in as great detail as she could how to get out. Then, she looked around and realized the man was gone. In trying not to get lost, she had accidentally gotten herself lost, and had no clear idea how to get back. But, she steeled herself, and began walking the way she believe was the way out. There was no way she was going to admit she was lost. She could do this on her own. She hoped...
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"I found it!" Wisty called from the librarian's desk. She held up a list of books, but started flipping through it. "Geez, this is short. There's more books than this in the storage room! We'll just have'ta make a new one!" Wisty said cheerfully. Melody came back to the desk. "The books are organized by authors' last names, and then by book title, she said, and Wisty nodded. "You go get a pen and a pad of paper, we've got some records to make!" Melody nodded, and ran off.

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With a bit of fancy manuvering, impressing no one but himself, Brendan put together a chicken salad sandwich. Pouring himself a glass of orange juice, he took his sandwich and went to sit with the girl he'd served. He didn't try to initiate conversation, but felt he just needed to spend a bit of time near another human being that wasn't selling him something.
Soul: *stopped and took a look around*Hmm... a girl in the woods alone? oh what evil fun this will great *lightly tosses an acorn onto her head* (it should hurt lol)
(haha lily is an elf)-------------------------------- Lily looked up startled when Brendan sat down at her table. He was eating, so she wondered if he had taken a break. Feeling idiotic for not saying anything she stuttered out a hello.

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Cecilia began walking to town wearing the packed bag on her back. She hoped she could make a decent profit on all of what she had to sell. She kept walking and picked up the scent of two people nearby.
((anyone else watch Final Fantasy: Unlimited? probably not. pretty sure that's where Kaze got his username from :) {i'm such a nerd *headdesk*}

oh yeah, you missed Brendan, Moon, but I can't say I blame you for missing him, he's a newer adition to the people that stayed))

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So few... Amariana thought to herself. "I bring unto thou only what I can bring. Music just happens to be my gift, and it would be selfish of me not to share it. I am pleased to know I have lifted your spirits." She smiled, thinking of what she might be able to do for other townsfolk.
Ash bit her lip as she continued weaving around trees, trying to remember something that might help her get out. Suddenly, something hit her on her head. "OW!" she exclaimed, as she saw an acorn hit the ground at her feet. She looked around, and angry look on her face. "Why threw that?" she yelled, searching furiously for the source, her attempt at escaping forgotten. She looked up into the trees, thinking it might have been a squirrel, but also looked on a ground level. Inside, she was beginning to become slightly afraid. Didn't the man say the woods could be dangerous, if one didn't know their way around?
(yes, i have watched FF:U aka the name, good eye)

Soul: *didn't move from the tree even though he picked up the scent of another person*hmm... another hunter perhaps? *yells down*I did!
(Oh, oops. And, I haven't watched Final Fantasy: Unlimited, but I think there's a preview for it on one of my DVDs...if it's the one I'm thinking of, it looked interesting. I might watch it, when I have time for anime again...)

Aleah nodded. "And I'm glad that you are here in the first place. It truly is a gift. I must admit, I'm slightly envious that I don't have a talent as wonderful as yours. You don't mind if I sit awhile to continue listening, do you?" She did not want to invade on the harpist's space, but would so enjoy staying. She supposed she could find someplace else to sit, if the harp player wanted to focus on her harp again without someone hovering over her.
Cecilia hears a man yell from above a bit away from her. She wonders whether or not she should investigate. Her curiousity gets the best of her and she sneaks sliently behind the trees and spots a young human girl. She can smell the scent of the boy nearby but she is not sure where.
(my User Icon on the forum here is of Kaze or Black Wind on the show *avatar pic*)
"Why?" she yelled, her hands clenching into fists. "It really hurt!" The fact that the assailant had a voice ment they (probably) weren't some type of moster, but she still kept her guard up. Goddess knows what one might try, when they were all alone in the woods, and had the upper hand? Her legs shook slightly, but she did her best to hide it.
"O-oh. It's ok." Lily tells the man. "And no I'm not from around here. I'm just doing some traveling."
(sorry for not posting, didn't see the post >.> also gonna make pretty later...maybe))

Zane chuckled as he stood at the edge of the mine having went a slightly round about way so he could get to the deeper part faster "a warning once you enter your on your own for defending yourself" Zane told her as he pulled his knives out knowing they were sharp enough to get the stones he needed
((that's what I thought! it's been a long time since I watched it, but that gun is one of the things I remember. and the girl that's always shouting Mr. Kaze...

also, I should add that I'm leaving for dance class soon. I've gotta go now.))

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"I'm sure you have a special talent of your own. Of course you may sit here. My music is meant to be enjoyed," Amariana said. She recoiled her tail into a more comfortable position. As her song ended and she immediately launched into the next one, she realized what the song meant when it was translated from her native language to the human language. She sang the song of the death of a young girl in her tongue, so that her companion would not understand it's mournful end. She could not help the mournful tone in her voice as she sang, as the death of a young lamia is an uncommon tragedy.

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"A traveler, eh? I bet there are some great places in the world. I guess I just haven't ever wanted to leave after I got here," Brendan said, thinking back to old times, when his sister was still around. Those were the days, I suppose... he thought.
Soul: To get your atten... *stops in mid-thought as the presence of the other girl is nearby* *towards the hidden girl* I know you're there, you should just come out now.

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