Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

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Amariana didn't say anything, caught up in the flow of the song. She made a mental note to reply later, however.

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Brendan pondered this for a moment. "Yeah, the city is filled with rude people. I've only lived here for a year, but it feels like this was always my home," he thought back to the few memories he had of the city. Dusty, noisy, the fast paced movement of the people, and the smoke of factories. "I'm sure it's a lot easier to work here."

((just a quick before-school post. see you all after school!))
(sorry i never got back on last night. i ended up falling asleep while waiting for the site to come back up.)--- Merged Double Post ---"Yes, this town is much nicer than the city. The city doesn't offer this beautiful scenry. The nature around here has given me inspiration for my art." Lily took a pause to eat a bit of her food and take a sip of water. "Oh I make pottery by the way." she told him, wanting to better explain herself. "I promise the room I'm staying in won't be as messy as it is right now with the clay dust everywhere." --------------------------------------- Cecilia looked up in the direction of the male's voice. "I was being sarcastic." she explained, but I do have to agree with the girl. There are better ways to get someone's attention than throwing things at their heads." She laughed. ---------------------------------- Aiden finished organizing the cans and went back to the counter and sat down on a chair. He sighed. When there was no business the store got boring real quick. He remembered back to when his parents were alive, how much fun the store had been. People came in and out all the time and Aiden enjoyed talking to all the different types of people. A tear fell down Aiden's face when he thought of his parents and he quickly wiped it away. ---------------------------------------- James made his way deep within the cave. He found the area he had mined diamonds from before. He put down the bag and held the pickaxe with both hands. He began to chip away at the stones. ------------------------------------- Valerie scrubbed the bathtub as hard as she could. The built up dirt and whatever else were a challege to clean off. She took the cleaning brush and rubbed some soap onto it. She then started scrubbing harder, some of the filth coming off finally.--- Merged Double Post --- (i will be on around 3:20 my time)
(3:20 your time is when?)Soul: what you find rude other people find funny, just remember that.
((OMG guys I went back and found Mossville. I had no clue what I was doing at the start of that roleplay...

I hate writer's block. immensely.))

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"Yeah, it's always been beautful here. Even after the earthquake..." Brendan looked pensive, but the look faded back into a smile. "You make pottery? Do you enjoy it?" he asked, completely ignoring the part about her messy room. He didn't mind cleaning it, really. He might have tripped and gotten a bump on his head after forgetting where he put a broom or something, but that was normal for him.
Lily's eyes sparkled with passion for her work. "Yes, I absoultly love it." she said happily, "It's my life's passion." She loved talking about pottery. Some people would call her obseved. "I have been interested in it since I was a kid."
(Lol. Send me a link to it, if you can. I want to see it!)

Ash continued peering around the tree, still not sure what to make of either one of them. "It's still rude if it's only funny to you." she said, a bit quieter than she should have, but not caring whether the mysterious tree person heard it or not. She kept her stare on the woman, since it's easier to make decisions about someone who was right in front of you.


Honovi was beginning to nod off, not having anything to do but watch his fishing rod. Just as his eyes were beginning to close, however, he felt a tug, and jumped to his feet. Smiling, he worked to reel in a decent-sized fish. Nothing impressive, but it would be a good size to sell, if anyone came looking for fish. Remembering his promise to his sister, he went straight to his shack after he had the fish under control.

When her brother entered, Adele jumped from her seat, a fork sticking out of her mouth as she tried to figure out how to get a chunk of fish off of it without scraping her teeth. She tried to ask him something, but it came out jumbled, thanks to the eating utensil.

"<Without the fork, please.>" Honovi said, putting the fish on the table and getting out a small pot an some cooking oil.

Adele grabbed the edge of the fish piece with her teeth, and pulled it off, not realizing it would be that easy. "<I said, are we going to town now?>" she asked, chewing her food. She watched her brother, and said, "<What are you doing withg the pan?>"

"I'm deep-frying a fish for my lunch.>" he explained, going to the ice box to get one of the older fish that were reserved for his and Adele's meals, along with an egg to make batter with. As he grabbed his bag of flour, he continued, "We'll go to town as soon as it's done. I'll even degut the fish I just caught while it's cooking.>"

Adele watched her brother mix the eggs and flour together, and cut the fish into slightly smaller pieces, bipping them in the batter before dropping them into the oil. "<I can degut the fish.>" she offered, eating another chunk of fish off the table.

"<Nah, that's okay. Finish eating. I'll be fine.>" he told her, already sitting down to work on the fresh catch. Adele nodded, and watched her brother quickly take everything that most humans didn't like out of the fish, and then store the cut up creature in the ice box. He then turned off the stove, and put the fried pieces of fish in a paper napkin, and eat them as Adele finished her own lunch. She crinkled her nose at the strange way her brother ate them. "<Okay, let's go now!>" she said impatiently, getting up from her chair. Wordlessly, Honovi want out the door with his sister towards town, enjoying his lunch much more than his sister might think she might have.
Cecilia looks up into the tree where she scents the boy is at. "Okay, you had your fun. Why don't you show yourself now?"
Soul: *laughs a little but comes down by sliding on the tree trucks until he landed in front of Cecilia on his right foot and left knee with his staff in front of him. A second later he got up at looked at Cecilia* Well, that was fun haha.
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Wisty groaned as she set down the next set of books. "You know...maybe this isn't going to be that easy..." Wisty sighed. Melody set down her load next to her sister's. "Maybe we should ask Ama to help us, or take a break for a little while..." Melody suggested. Wisty's eyes lit up. "Let's go to the beach for a little while! Maybe there'll be someone our age there!" Melody shrugged, and Wisty grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the door. "Hey, we gotta shut the door and the windows!" Melody said. "Oh, right..."

After shutting the doors and windows, since Amariana had been very adamant about the fact that the windows and door must be closed if no one they knew was in the library. The two walked together down towards the beach.

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Brendan raised his eyebrows. "Really? I always liked to cook, but I kinda wanted to be a cowboy or something like that when I was younger. And technically, I'm just the waiter here. There's just nobody left to work here..." He shook his head a little. "Enough about me. You must be good at your self-designated job making pottery then, yes?"
(Ugh...my parents decided to go out to eat on THE worst day possible, so I'm not going to be back until late... Like, 8-ish. Sorry! I'll try to keep posting until we leave, though. >_<)

When the man jumped out of the tree, Ash ducked behind her tree further, out of reflex. He was really creepy-looking in her opinion, especially on the backdrop of the forest. If she had to pick one of these people to trust, it would have ot be the woman. At least she looked normal...ish. She wasn't trusting either one, though. Not yet, at least. "Who are you peope!?!" she yelled, coming out from behind the woodland barrier. She tried to stand her ground as best she could. They didn't seem like they'd be mean, but...
Cecilia sighed shaking her head. "Shouldn't you say sorry to that girl over there?" She smiled, her fangs showing for a moment. ----------------------------------------- "A cowboy?" Lily asked. "What made you want to be that?" She thought that sounded like a dangerous job. "And I think I am really good, but still need to improve. I'm actually traveling right now to find the right insiration." She laughed quickly, "I haven't made a lot of money and traveling is expensive."

Reisuke enjoyed making scrambled eggs for breakfast. Not only was it fun, but it tasted good too. He had a cocky grin on his face as he watched the eggs fly into the air, and then skillfully land back into the frying pan, where it sizzled and cracked, with a nice pop sound. It was starting to burn, so he dumped what he had made onto the glass plate that he had nearby, and turned off the stove. He jumped off the stool, and grabbed the plate using his two hand puppets, Lin and Len.

Smells good! Lin told him. He smiled at her modestly, while Len nodded in encouragement.
Ash's eyes Widened slightly when she noticed the woma'n fangs, but she didn't move, and tried not to flinch. In relation to what the woman said, she turned toward the hooded person. She was still waiting for them to answer her question, though.
Soul: *chuckled* I will, but not because you are making me. *half-heartily toward the girl* sorry. *looks Cecilia up and down without saying anything*
Cecilia takes a step back feeling uncomfortble. Normally she didn't feel uncomfortble around people but the guy was different. He was odd.
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Well, he actually wasn't too sure of the answer himself. "I guess in all the stories I'd read, cowboys roamed the open spaces. I'm a city boy myself, and was crammed into an apartment with a sister, a brother, parents, a cousin, and an aunt...I guess being in the open appealed to me," Brendan shrugged. "Traveling is rather expensive, I suppose. I never really got the chance."

Brendan then realized something. "I'm sorry, I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Brendan, the one and only inn worker."
Soul: so, you're a vampire... I thought they were extinct like my people... *turns to the girl* now, what was your question?
"Oh that seems like a good reason to dream of that." Lily said. "Oh and I'm Lily and it is nice to meet you Brendan."
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"There is a certain allure to the things you're good at, however, and alas, I never rode a horse through open plains. In fact, I'd probably fall off the horse within a couple of seconds." Brendan could imagine his sister laughing as she imagined him falling off a horse. "It's pleasurable to make your acquaintance, Lily."
Cecilia was surprised. She wasn't used to people noticing what she really was.

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Lily smiled. "Yours too." She finished the rest of her food. "How muc do I owe you?" She asked, taking out her coinbag.
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((is 200 weird? I never buy sandwiches in HM games....))

"200 gold is fine," Brendan said, guessing off the top of his head. He used to have these numbers memorized...he'd have to go back and look at the menus again if he was just guessing.

Raiden walked up to the edge of town "now were is that brother of mine hiding?" Raiden asked himself as he walked around the town sticking to the woods not wanting to appear out of place, not yet

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Mashik hid between two houses as the day started "hopefully no one here recognizes me" He said as he walks out of the alley and down the main street of town
"Ok." Lily said, pulling out 200G. She handed him the money. She then pulled out another 20G. "Sorry that's all I can give for a tip right now."
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"Thanks! And that's okay. Everyone's falling on hard times around here. Then again, I don't think that can be helped," Brendan accepted the money and shrugged. "But the more people that come to town, the more we can build this place up again!" Slipping the money into his pocket, to deposit in the drawer (cash register?) later, he picked up the assorted dishes. "I'll be seeing you around, then!"

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