Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Zane sighed realizing his follower had disapeared he jumped down into the mine and found the amethyst he wanted and started chipping away at it

((i swear she gets on just to get off >.>))
Lily smiled. "Yep." Sje stood up and pushed her chair in. "Well thanks for the meal. I will see you later." She left the dinner and headed back up to her room. She wanted to start organzing her finished pieces to sell.

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(do you mean moon? she has to share the computer with her sister, is in clubs, and her family likes to go out sometimes. if you meant me, im sorry. i have internet though my phone and when my bf calls i gotta take it. since him and i cant talk much)
(( i meant you but i was joking, and i know your all very busy people, unlike me who wastes his days away on the computer waiting for people to reply))
((I have to go to bed soon *sighs* I'm also probably gunna get my @$$ kicked by someone or another at some point))
(haha probally. who of my characters do you want me to play? i have lily in the in, valerie in the bathhouse, aiden in the supermarket, james in the mining cave, and cecilia in the woods.)
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The stranger walked into town, looking around critically, taking everything in. He sensed magical auras in many places, practically everywhere. He also felt the duller presence of a few scattered humans. Not that it mattered. Not yet, anyway. And yet...there was...somethign special about this place. The stranger couldn't quite place his finger on it.

Of course, this stranger was a wizard. He wore a hooded black cloak (similar to his picture) to disguise his face, mostly as a habit. In some places, witches and wizards were frowned upon. Perhaps that was what had happened to his parents.

There was one place in particular he was looking for. The inn. That was the only place he could really stay in a like this, regardless of the number of people who had moved in overnight or the kindness of the villagers, unless he bought his own house here. This he planned to do eventually, but who would he go to for such a thing?

It did not take long to find the inn, as it was a prominent building. The man stepped into the room, the door squeaking a little as it opened. His boots made loud noises on the quiet floor. Brendan, having just finished washing the dishes, came out front to greet his customer. "Can I get you anything, sir?" Brendan asked with a smile. "I would...like a room..." the stranger said. "Sure thing. One night is 50 gold, you pay for a whole week up front. This only covers the room and service, not the food," Brendan said. He was unused to this part of the work, but he would deal. The stranger took the 350 gold necessary out of his pocket. "When the week is up...if I remain here...I shall pay you again." Brendan took the money, "Alrighty then! I'll get you a room key, and show you to your room."

Once the stranger had left his single bag in his room, he placed his room key in his pocket and left the inn. Brendan watched him pass with a shake of his head.


The stranger left the inn, and looked around, trying to pinpoint an aura, so that he might figure out what was going on in this town.

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Just entering the beach, Wisty and Melody passed two people, a man and woman. "G'day!" Wisty said cheerfully.

((leaving this open to interpretation on purpose, it's directed at Honovi. whoever wishes to chat with my lovely fortune teller may. I have to go to bed now...))
((why is it that I have to leave JUST when the chaos begins? I might just stay awake a bit in bed to witness this....))

Raiden saw his brother between houses and walked through the gap and drew his sword "today, you will die" Raiden said to himself walking out behind Mashik "today you die" Raiden said as he rushed mashik sword raised to cleave Mashik from head to crotch


Mashik heard rapid footsteps behind him and dove to his left as he heard his brother say today you die "not, this time" Mashik said drawing his sword and coming to a standing position looking at raiden as he raised his hand and snapped and an explosion happened next to Mashik knocking him to his back flustered "when the hell did you learn to do that?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

((well it has BEGAN!!! also did anyone else catch my asdf movie referance?))
Lily was placing some of the plates into a box when she heard the explotion. "What was that!?" she asked aloud, although no one heard her. Curious about what had happened, she left her room in a hurry to go outside and see what caused it. She made it to the spot where the noice had come from and saw two men. ---------------------------------- Valerie was still cleaning when she heard the explotion. She frooze. She could sense magic had been used. She threw down the brush and raced outside. She found the two men about the same time Lily did. "What happened here?" she asked them. ---------------------------------- Aiden had dozed off and the explotion awoke him. His heart was pounding hard and he locked up the store to see what had happened.

Raiden looked at the crowd that started to gather and rushed his brother again while he was still on his back "now, your soul shall be mine" Raiden said as he drew his arm back to swing at Mashik knowing this fight was his and his brothers he drew his other hand back as well making a small fireball in his hand and flinging it at Mashik


Mashik rolled as his brother slashed at him again and dove yet again and dodged the fireball that when it hit made a crater in the ground "what the hell, i thought they wanted me alive" Mashik said now attatching his blade onto his staff to make his scythe and rushed his brother jumping and spinning his scythe around trying to cleave his brothers head clear off and noticing the crowd "shit" he said quietly to himself as Raiden ducked his swing and hit him in the gut with a punch and then a kick that sent him flying backwards
((well...hell hath begun to unleash its fury...yeah, I'll post characters reactions later. Night!))
"Stop!" Valerie yelled. She casted out two magic ropes, tying each brother up with one. "Stop fighting. You are going to destroy the town!" Valerie normally never yelled or showed her magic publicly but she knew someone had to stop them before things got worst.
Mashik rolled to a stop after being bound by magic rope "at least it doesn't chafe" Mashik said jokingly "and i didn't start this" mashik said moving his head towards raiden "he did"

Raiden felt the ropes tighten around him "weak" he said as he brought his arms up and snapped the rope "well, looks like i will have to do this again" Raiden said letting his other darker side show it's power as he was surrounded by a shadowy substance. "who should i take this time" Raiden said looking at the people who had shown up so far

Mashik heard raiden "run all of you now!"mashik said rolling to his feet and rushing foreward as Raiden appeared behind lily

Raiden chuckled "you will do just fine" he said wrapping his arm around her and vanishing to the roof of the inn

((sorry about auto moving your char but i needed to for this to work))
(its fine. i can work it in. and lily was probally the best choice. shes the weakest and probally wouldn't be great in a fight.)"Wha-?" was all Lily had time to say before Raiden grabbed her and transported her to the Inn's roof. "L-let me go!" she begged terrified. She looked down and shivered. She hated heights. --------------------------------- Valerie was satisfied for a moment, thinking she had stopped the two. That was shattered when the one broke the rope. She cursed at herself for not practicing her magic more often.
Mashik sighed as he looked up "are we really gonna have to go through this again brother?" Mashik yelled up as he released some of his own energy and broke his own rope

Raiden chuckled looking at the girl and picked her up by her shirt and held her over the edge "you sure you want me to let you go still?" Raiden asked sadistically as his brother said his comment "only if you won't come easy and obviously you won't" Raiden said still holding the girl over the ledge

((i ish super powered for a minute lol only cause these guys were powerful before and now there more powerful because of there changes :D ))
(haha yeah I can tell. and lily is just going to make them look crazy powerful. if cecilia was there then there would be some challege.) --------------------------------- Lily whimpered looking down. "N-no..." she said tears forming in her eyes. She shut her eyes afraid to look down again.
((yeah and i see something interesting happening since Mashik is a newly formed vampire *evil smile* and i want to face someone more powerfull sometime in this rp))

Mashik saw the girl freaking out and sighed thinking of how he could seperate them without hurting her then realized he was about as strong as raiden and a little faster Mashik seemed to start to run foreward then phased out of sight and was next visible slamming his fist into the side of raiden's head and then he disapeared again as raiden dropped the girl he appeared next to her and caught her bridal style and moved again at his high speed back down to the ground. god no the blood, i forgot. Mashik thought to himself as he held her gently but he smelled her fear the rushing of her blood through her veins

Raiden went flying as Mashik hit him "fine brother we will settle this the old fashion way" Raiden said disapearing and reapearing back on the ground about a block from them "two days and then we fight again" Raiden said disapearing yet again only to sit on a roof watching them letting his power hid him

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