Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

The next moment happened in a flash and Lily could not coperhand what had happened. One moment she was being held over a building, then the next she was saftly on the ground. She looked at Mashik grateful. "Th-thank you..." she said quietly.
A sudden quake went through mashik "i wouldn't be thanking me yet" Mashik said as the smell of her blood was captured within his nose and he opened his mouth only for his fangs to elongate as he backed up into the inn behind him were were all the other people, if they would be here i could stop myself Mashik thought to himself as his thirst started to overload his sense of right and wrong and his need for blood came to the front of his head but he didn't want to feed from this innocent and leave her alive but stuck to him as his blood servant
Lily seemed a bit confused by his statement. She watched Valerie and Aiden head back into their stores. (wow writers block.)
((it's okay your about to be bitten though *laughs evily* so the drama continues, i was hoping to get a chance to use my new race semi -early and now you have done it *laughs manicaly* sorry havn't been a vamp in a long time))

Mashik lost all thought at that moment and moved his hand from his side up to the back of her neck and around to the side gently moving the hair so her neck was exposed "now here's the question, was it better to be saved by me?" Mashik asked mainly himself as he drew back his lips and leaned down and bit into the flesh of her neck knowing she would feel a prick and then none of it as he started to drink her blood his arms wrapped around her waist so she couldn't run or fall
"What do you mean?" Lily asked seconds before he bit her. "He was going to kill-" she whinced as he bit her. Suddenly all thoughts left and Lily felt as if she were in another world, all her own. (I recently read a book where when a vampire bit someone the vampire would produce something that reliefed all pain while they drank. it was addictive though)
((ohh fun lol, so i might end up with a stalker who always wants me to bite them))

Mashik drank slowly to savor the favor of her still over anxious heart beat she started to calm as he continued to drink he stopped himself when he felt her lose her footing and almost fall he pulled away from her neck as the wounds closed up "well that was tasty and im sorry but i must leave you now" mashik said realizing he now needed to rest or he would try and drain her and that would definitely not be good he set her down so she wouldn't fall and disapeared onto a closeby roof to make sure she got back inside safely "i'm not heartless that's the difference between me and him" Mashik told himself
(Ne, sorry for being gone so long. It slipped my mind that I'm taking a college class on Wednesdays. But, just so you all know from now on, I'm not going to be on 6-9 on Wednesdays, for probably the rest of the school year. :( But, I'll be on for an hour or so tonight, until my hair dries, if anyone's still on...)

Ash narrowed her eyes more, still not sure what she wanted to make of these two. "I asked, who are you two?" she replied, slightly calmer in tone, but steadily becoming more frightened. The woman was a vampire? Yeah, probably not the best person to meet in a dark wood. And the other person...goddess knows what he might be, especially with that hood. Maybe a better question would be what for him. And maybe making sure they're not going to eat me or something, but they probably wouldn't be truthful about that, if they were going to... She licked her lips, trying to keep her calm, confident guise.


Upon hearing the explosion somewhere nearby, Aleah was ripped from the calm trance she had put herself into while listening to the harp music. She stood up, looking toward the sound, but unsure if she should leave. "Oh...I hope they're all okay..." she said to herself. Though it was hard to ascertain exactly where the sound came from, it was in the general area of her home. She didn't know what she'd do if something happened to her family again... "I'm sorry to leave so suddenly, but I want to check on my father and siblings." she told the harp player, smiling apologetically.


Jonathan and Mr. Janes sat, continuing their separate jobs in making the fliers and putting them into envelopes. An explosion when off a few houses down, causing Jon to jump up, and Benjamin to turn his head towards the door, curious and surprised. He wished he could see what was going on. If nobody was in danger, it was bound to be interesting in the least. He turned to his adopted son to tall him to see what was going on, but never got the chance.

"I'm sorry to leave you, Father, but I want to see whatthat explosion was." Jon told him, putting the enveloped aside and going towards the door.

"Very well. Just fill me in on what's happening when you get back."

Jon peeked his head out the door, but didn't get much closer to that. After the earthquake, he was still a bit hesitant to go near any loud noises. His eyes widened as he watched the action, but it seemed to be over before it even began. He couldn't hear what was going on, of course, so he didn't know the details, but it still looked about done to him, so he went back to his father's side. "Some guy carried a girl to the roof of the inn, and another guy followed him." he explained to the older man. "Then, it was just over, I guess. I'll ask one of the neighbors about it later, if you wish."

"That's fine for now, Jonathan." Mr. Janes said, smiling greatfully at the boy. "If you're fine with sitting with me for a bit longer, I'd like to get this done as soon as we can, so we can distribute them throughout the town."

"No, I'll stay. You're right, this needs done." Jon sat down in his chair and got back to work as if nothing had ever happened.


As the siblings began to leave the beach, they passed to young girls arriving. Adele smiled, glad to have more visitors, and turned and began waving to them. She wasn't sure what they had said, and didn't make the mistake of trying to greet them in seal, either. She just waved furiously, with a large smile on her face, hoping they were as friendly as Lily had been.

"Oh, hello, ladies." Honovi said, turning to greet them for both of them. "Here to walk along the beach, and maybe play in the water? I could make you some nice fish sticks or something, if you get hungry." he told them, trying to be both hospitable and sell some of the fish he had set aside.

Adele pulled on his Other Skin/jacket, trying to get his attention. "<Honovi, can we stay? Thay look like they'll be nice, too!>" she asked, an excited look in her eye.

"<Oh course. You know I'm always glad to help you make friends.>" he replied, smiling. Good fortune they had not left a moment sooner, or they might have missed the multiple oppertunities it opened for both of them.
(actually it is only badly addictive if the person is feed from multiple times within a short timespan) Lily's mind was clouded for a moment. When Mashik had left she finally was able to clear her head. She looked around and wondered what she was doing there. Slowly, she stood up. She was still a bit lightheaded from the bite but she managed to walk up to her room. Once inside she went into the bathroom. Looking in the mirrior she noticed her neck was bleeding. "How did that happen?" she wondered as she went to clean it off.
(OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting, I've been busy with school the last few days... I'm still going to be busy a while longer, so I likely won't be able to post more than once to twice a day till the weekend. You've been warned.)

Gailen walked into a bar on the edge of town, a small establishment called "The Rising Sun". He yawned and stared eerily at the owner, Relen. "Why do you always open the frikkin' bar at weird times, ya fool!" Gailen shakes his head, and walks spitefully up to his post as the bartender. "Hmm? Oh, sorry Gailen, I was spacing out again. That's a truly bad habit of mine. Well, when do you suggest I should open? I'm always open to input." Relen moans, "Ah, whatever. Do what you want." Soon after, Kayla walks in, and joyfully walks over to a seat in the corner. "Hey Arcel! How ya doing? Having a good day?" She nearly trips over chair as she goes to sit down, but catches herself before she falls. "Oh, um... I'm doing okay I guess. I'm doing better now that you're here." Relen gave a spaced out smile, while Gailen scowled. He hated it when Relen did that, and disapproved of his sister's flirtations. Kayla stared at Relen dreamily as he started to finish wiping down the counters.
Soul: The Name is Dai Satari, 2nd Prince of the last of the Askards *slightly bows then as he comes back up removes his hood to reveal his elf ears.*
((hmm good don't need a stalker yet and im still awake it's only 7:30 here))

Mashik sighed as she got inside and just sat there on the roof thinking about what he was going to do obviously raiden had caught up and he wouldn't be able to lose him now

Raiden sighed as he disapeared into the woods and found three people talking and stopped so he could hear them and watch

Zane having got all the materials he needed left the mine and walked back to town not knowing anything that had happened
(its ok sup, oh and i thought relen was deaf.) -------------------------------------- "I'm Cecilia Willow." Cecilia replied after Soul had. "What is your name?" she asked since Soul hadn't.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(just saw what centy posted so adding more to cecilias post) After asking for the girl's name, Cecilia picked up another scent. "Who's there?" she asked.
Raiden chuckled as he made himself appear closer to them "My name is raiden, and i needed something to entertain me" Raiden said knowing the next question would be what are you doing
"Entertain you?" Cecilia asked sarcasticly, "Aren't you a grown man?" Raiden had a dangerous feeling coming off him but Cecilia did not feel afraid.
"I see." Cecilia replied, suddenly wondering about the things in her bag. She knew she would have to leave soon, or the meat could start to go bad. Most of it was frozen but she wanted it as fresh as possible. The fresher, the better money.
Soul: *held out his staff in front of him* There shall be no entertainment found here, as a prince of my kingdom i tell you now, get off my property, i will not ask twice.
"I'm Ashton..." she said, coming out from behind the tree when she saw that the two of them were not hostile. If anything, she was the hostile one. Elves weren't scary. Usually. Jon could be a smart aleck when you let him, but he was more just annoying. And the vampire chick (Cecilia, she belived she said) didn't seem like she was going to attack her. They seemed kind of nice, really. And...this Dai person was royalty? Geez, she wasn't expecting that. He guard shot back up when a new person appeared, though. His mention of looking for 'entertainment' kind of freaked her out, but she kept her mouth shut this time. For now, she'd just watch, not wanting to ruin any chance as actually having someone to talk to who didn't think she was a complete jerk.
Raiden chuckles "what is royalty, in a country were they are not born to?" Raiden said smiling knowing he was in the same boat but from a country farther away
((GAH! now I have to go to school...*headdesk* I'll post when I get home....

I guess this is what happens when you read the four pages you missed...))
(aw sorry rhi'a! oh and quick question everyone. who all plans to be on the site saturday? cuz i know i will b!)
(I will probably be floating on and off on Saturday until about 5pm when I will be off)
((it's basically guaranteed that I will be. I'm still at school, though, and it'll be about an hour before I can post my lengthy posts. Gotta get my math team stuff and help a friend with something))

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