Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Valerie smiled. "Oh! I'm Valerie Hill by the way." She said, suddenly remembering introductions. "What is your name?" ((I am going to take a shower will be back within 20 or so mins. hopefully more people are on ))

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((back...and i guess everyone is gone... ))
(I was showering as well, and ended up talking with Steph and my mom for a while afterwards. ^^; And I can't remember the name of the bumpy things, either. :( )

Adele watched them demonstrate the word, and smiled even wider. "Eat fish! Adele eat fish!" she said, nodding furiously. So, now she knew how to say one thing in a near-complete sentence. She didn't know how she would ever use it, but it made her happy that she was learning. She continued building the walls, mumbling the new words and the sentence over and over, committing them to memory. She couldn't wait for Honovi to get back with their fish sticks, so she could show him what she was learning.
((yea...kaze is like on and off all the time but isnt replying, thinking of moving cecilia to town to sell some things.))

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((ok im getting tired of waiting right now. *directed at the 4 users who never post* please people start posting when you are online. i dont want this rp to die. sorry all just get annoyed when i see people online and then no one posts yet they have people waiting on them))
(I know what you mean, Centy. None of the people whose characters mine are talking to/are affected by are on [except Cecilia and Raiden, but I think all three of us are waiting for Black to get on before continuing, right?], and I don't feel like doing anything with the other Janes until Ash gets home... -.-zzz )
((yea... if kaze does not reply by the morning cecilia is leaving the woods. i dont want her wasting anymore time))
((not really, i came to realize i love one of my best friends but she doesn't love me, and well it's really hard on me cause i still want to be friends with her and her boyfriend is my best friend :( ))
((aw.....i really hope things get better for you soon centy...that sucks when things like that happen. and hey centy and moon? wanna go chat in chat room 2? that way we dont spam up the rp with our talking?))
((dont you guys see where the chat boxes are? theres one called chat room 2. um...moon could you give him a link?))
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Wisteria giggled and clapped, and Melody smiled. The twins liked to teach Adele, it was almost like playing teacher. Without the classroom setup....but it was still just as fun for the girls.

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"I...I am called Wesley Xavier," the stranger said. It was not often someone asked for his name, though he supposed that Valerie would be seeing more of him than the other townspeople. The townspeople could come to him for a fortune or a potion, but otherwise, he would generally ignored. Maybe that was different here....mentally Wesley shrugged. Whatever happened here would happen.
((sorry I didn't post this earlier guys, but we were kinda rushing out the door. I'm sorry centy :( and, I rly hate to get off when I do (around 9) because I know u guys will be on, especially since I can get on early in the morning...Anyway, I'm off to school. Bye!))
((its not you that we are getting mad at waiting for. its kaze. he has been on but has refused to post. im going to message him now about it.))
((oh, I know it isn't me you're getting mad at. I just kinda felt the need to state that. and your anger is justified, in my opinion))
As the girls laughed and giggled, Adele couldn't help but join in. Her laugh sounded fairly human in human form, but there was still a bit of throaty noise in the backround of it reminiscent of an amused bark.

Honovi came out of his house and began walking towards the group of girls. In his hands, he held two sets of fish sticks, each wrapped in paper folded in a way which they would not fall out unless handled carelessly. "Well, you all seem to be having fun." he said, smiling.

At her brother's return, Adele shot to her feet. "Honovi! Adele eat fish!" she said. She then began pointing at the half-formed sand castle and said, "Adele castle! Adele, Melody and Wisteria castle!" She smiled as widely as her lips would allow, proud of how much she was learning.

Honovi stood, eyes wide for a moment, before smiling at his sister, very please. "<Wow, you certainly did learn from your visitors.>" he barked to her, putting the fish sticks in one hand so he could pat her with the other. "Now," he said, switching back to human to comunicate with the younger girls, "why don't you two eat your fish sticks before they get cold?"
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Adele's joining in with the laughing only cause them to laugh more, though not at her. Even Melody was enjoying herself. When Honovi came over, the girls jumped up. "Thank you, Mr. Honovi!" the girls said in chorus, settling down to eat their fish sticks.

((sorry I'm taking so long, and making replies short. I'm making a roleplay))
Yum, Reisuke thought, finishing the last of his scrambled eggs. His eyes were bright with pride, having successfully created a dish that wasn't 75% charcoal. He had to learn how to cook the hard way, and that wasn't very easy to live on, nor was it very healthy. Wiping his face, he sat idle for just one moment, wondering what he should do today. Maybe I should go outside for once, he thought. Ever since the earthquake, he hadn't stepped outside once. He looked around the room, taking it in. He bounced off of the wooden mahogany chair, with intricate designs carved into it. It was smooth too, so it was most likely fake. His feet creaked as he stepped on the rough wooden tiles, and he carefully put on his shoes. He was going to go outside. Good for you, Reisuke, Lin said, and Len nodded. Reisuke smiled brightly, and at one, he opened the door to the outside door. Maybe he would meet somebody.
(Ne, it's okay. I'm going to make one soon, too, probably, so I understand that it'll take a while.)

Honovi smiled, glad the girl enjoyed his food. It had been a while since he had cooked for anyone but himself.

"<Honovi, I thought you were selling the fish.>" Adele asked her brother quietly, although she knew they didn't understand.

Honovi waved his sister's question off. "<It's fine.>" he explained to her. "<We have plenty of fish, and it doesn't cost me anything to catch them. We don't really have to worry about money until winter, so I'll let them have the fish sticks for free as a thanks for helping you. They're so young that I wouldn't think to ask for money from them, anyway, unless a caretaker or someone like that who delt with their expenses were nearby.>"

"<Oh.>" Adele nodded, and sat back down with her new friend.

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