Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Ashton followed after the vampire woman without so much as a nod to the other two...or, remaining one, since the one man had left. She still didn't fully trust any of them, but she figured she was less likely to get raped or killed or whatever if she went with the female who was going to town, rather than stay in the forest with no idea how to get out. The fact that Cecilia was a vampire was still a bit unnerving, she she figured, if she hadn't tried anything yet, she would probably be safe, at least until they arrived in town. If that was true...she might consider opening up to the woman a bit more, if they ever met again.
Raiden walked and nearly ran into a man "who are you?" he asked looking at the man who seemed familiar

Zane barely dodged the man who came out of nowere "im zane, who wants to know?"
Cecilia led the girl to the edge of town. "There you are." she says, getting ready to head to the supermarket but notices a little boy. "Hello?" she asks, confused.
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Wisteria ran back to the water again for more wet sand, and Melody finished the tower she had been building, and started on another one. (so beyond out of ideas...)

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Noticing the man standing by the counter for the first time, Brendan came around front. "G'day sir! Can I get you anything to eat, or a room?" he asked with his trademark smile. "Hey, you're that guy that was outside fighting, aren't you?"

((sorry centy, moon, and others that may have posted to me...

if I don't answer your post here, can you go back and quote it for me? I think I got everybody....but I'm not sure if Sage replied to Wesley or not

oh, and I'll probably be posting slowly since I'm watching something online))
((okay and thanks :) I feel optomistic right now ))

Mashik smiled at the man "yes i was and i would like a room for 2 days"mashik said pulling out his wallet knowing it wouldn't be too much

Raiden looked at the man "my name is raiden, now if you wouldn't mind im gonna go exploring" Raiden said walking off

Zane nodded as raiden walked off and then walked back into the townn
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Brendan nodded. "Alright, one hundred gold for two nights." He grabbed a key from the selection and looked at the number. "Okay, go up the stairs, turn right, second door on the right."

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"Ah, yes. A pleasure..." Wesley said.

((if anything, I feel exhausted and overworked))
Valerie smiled again. "I have to get back to work now but....when do you want to start pratice?" She was really excited. She had a feeling he knew a lot. He seemed very intellegent. "Oh and where could I find you? Do you live at the Inn?" ----------------------------------- Cecilia felt her skin burn a bit. She forgot her umbrella and she was standing in direct sunlight. She could stand a bit of sun, but too much put her in danger. "I'm sorry," she said to the small boy, "I cannot play right now." She ran off into the supermarket. She felt bad leaving the small boy like that, since he seemed too young to be on his own, but she had to. She didn't want to burn alive. Inside she saw a man with blonde hair dozing off. "Excuse me." She said, walking up to the counter, "Could I possibly sell some things?" Aiden heard the woman's voice and opened his eyes to see a mysterious girl with purple hair. She was carrying a leather backpack that looked very stuffed. "Welcome to the Supermarket." he greeted her, trying not to yawn. "What do you need?" "I just wanted to sell some fresh meat I hunted. She pulled out bags of rabbit, squirrel, phesant, and boar meat, plus organs. "Oh wow!" Aiden exclaimed, "That's a lot!" He did some calculations in his head, "Would...3000G be good for all of it?" He asked. Cecilia shook her head, "5000G." she offered. "4000G?" Aiden asked, but again Cecilia disagreed. "4500G." she said, not wanting to settle for any less. "Ok, 4500G. It's a deal!" Aiden gave Cecilia the money. Cecilia thanked him and left. Aiden put all the meat in the freezer then grabbed a book to read. Cecilia made her way to the blacksmith next. She wanted to try and sell the fur. She knew the blacksmith could make leather out of it. ----------------------------------------------- Lily finished cleaning the blood off her neck. How it got there was a mystery to her. She went back into the main part of her room and gathered up the rest of the pottery she wanted to sell. Lily put the pieces in a large box and went outside to the townsquare. Once outside, she set up her mini shop, using the box as her sales counter and displayed a few smaller pieces on it. ------------------------------------------ James finished mining and walked out of the cave. He walked back to the blacsmiths before Cecilia arrived. "I'm back." he annouced as he walked inside.
Ashton stopped when they reached the edge of the woods. She blink, surprised. She hadn't realized that they were that close to town. They had been far enough in that, yeah, she would still be considered lost, but not nearly as far as she had felt. That was just one of the side effects of being lost, she supposed. "Thanks." she said to the woman, walking towards home. She felt calmer now. Probably not calm enough to deal with Jon, but enough that she wouldn't be tempted to rip his head off, like she often was first thing in the morning.


Adele looked at the finished tower, and then at her own. She smiled, and began to put as much wet sand onto it as she could find. She knew it would make the castle look wierd, but she wanted to see if she could make hers taller. She didn't know much about physics, nor would she have cared if she did. All she knew was, she wanted to make her tower just a bit taller, just to prove to herself she could.

Honovi back came out after throwing the paper away and walked toward the girls, but stopped a few feet away, deciding to just observe his sister for a bit. She seemed to be doing pretty well with them already, so he didn't want to end up ruining it by babying her. No matter how young she might seem, she was a teenager. And he had no doubt her actions would inch toward reflecting her true age once she began to learn more human at a faster pace.
Mashik left his room and sighed walking down the stairs and out the front door only to see the girl he had fed from not to far away and another scent, was that vampiret he looked around but smelled only traces of it and the smell of blood, her blood was still hot on his mind he walked away not knowing were he was going but trying to find the other one like himself that smelled familiar

Zane walked up the street and saw the girl that had tried to follow him and he stayed to the shadows and followed her
Ashton walked along the street, but very slowly. She didn't want to go home. She loved her family(at least her real family...), but she didn't like being around them right now. Her life was just so confusing right now. She wanted to be useful, but she didn't like being rushed around to do so much work. She was glad her sister, at least, still had her act together enough to take charge of their house, but she didn't like when Leah acted like their mother. She had an empty place in her heart where her mother had been, but she didn't want to accept Jon. She didn't want ot replace their Mom. She was drawn towards her house, but was still avoiding actually arriving. Since she was in town now, she felt safe, at least safer than when she was in the woods. She sighed and ran her hand against the side of a house, trying to decide whether she wanted to continue stalling, or be on her way.
Ashton felt a tap on her shoulder, and turned around as fast as she was capable of, but srill didn't catch the one who had done it. She pushed her eyebrowns together. "Is someone there?" she called to the air. "'Cause I'm really getting tired of talking to nothingness today." She sigh, and said more to herself, "Why can't people just show themselves, instead of hiding?"
"Oh." Ash replied, not sure how she wanted to react. She didn't like that he had basically left her in the middle of the woods when he said himself it was dangerous for her, but it was partially her fault, too. Plus, she got out fine, and hadn't encountered anything particularly dangerous, as far as she was aware, at least, so there wasn't much for her to be angry about. She thought for a second, then said, for lack of anything better, "So, were you walking too fast for me, or was I just too distracted to keep up?"
((will do))

Mashik followed the scent towards the blacksmiths and sat down about a block away to watch

Zane chuckled "i think it was a little of both"Zane said "but you did get a little too distracted" Zane said putting his hands in his pockets
"Oh. Well, it turned out fine, so I guess it wasn't too big a problem." she replied. Since the topic wasn't overly thought-consuming, her eyes focused on every little movement, which included Zane putting his heand in his pockets. "Do you have something in your posket? I mean, not that it matters, but...I'm just curious." She shifted with the awkwardness of the conversation. She supposed she deserved this, being as she was pretty incapable of having a good conversation recently, even when she had something to talk about.
Zane looked at her "yes i do, i have what i went into the forest to get" Zane said pulling out a decent sized chunk of amethyst "this is what i have in my pockets" zane said looking at it and then tossing it to his other hand
Ash's eyes widened. Although her father worked in the mines, she very rarely got to see any of the stuff he dug up. Usually, he sold what he found as soon as he got out. Occasionally, he woul bring home a pretty rock he found, but it was almost always something worthless. But the stone that Zane held...it was definitly worth something. "Wow...that's really pretty...cool." she said, not able to take her eyes from the purple stone.

(Amethyst is pink/purple, right?)
(( purple mainly, once in a while it's pink but this chunk is fricking purple i hate auto sencoring >.>))

Zane chuckled at her reaction and rolled it in his hand "this will either be sold or i will make it into my next weapon or a ring" Zane said just thinking of what he would use it for

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