Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Ash nodded. "Yeah...my dad use to find stuff like that. I've never aftually seen it, though. Just been told about it when he would get home. It's a lot prettier than I imagined, though." Ash licked her lips, thinking. She kind of wanted to find pretty things like that. Maybe, if she mail thing didn't work out, or they didn't need her, she'd go into the mines when she was older. Her dad would probably hate it, but she might like finding nice gems and metals. And mining made plenty of money, so she wouldn't have to worry too much. She wasn't ignorant to how dangerous even the safest mines could be, but she believed she was willing totake the risk. Oh, if only she hadn't gotten lost, maybe she could have actually been inside a mine! It made her so mad to think about.
Zane chuckled as she said that "well this mine is still pretty full or it's nto really a mine more of a cave, i saw when coming into town and i happen to have gotten lucky" Zane said thinking back to the cave happy he hadn't run into any monsters he wasn't sure he could have taken them but he could always hide
Soul: *after finally being left to his own home again, he followed the trail that Cecilia left behind from her cabin. When he got there he opened the door with little hardship and he entered inside.*
((that your work\school schudule kaze? and oh no. cecilias house is invaded!))

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((the blacksmith is one of rhi'as characters. ok gimme a moment.))
(yes and soul found no trouble from opening the door it appeared not to be locked)

(P.S. i'm off for the rest of tonight and may or may not be on tomorrow)
((ok later kaze. thanks for letting us know. have fun!)) Cecilia was just about to enter the blacksmith shop when someone caught her attention. A scent. A vampire scent. She turned around looking carefuly, trying to find the other vampire. Finally she spotted Mashik. She walked a bit closer to him, being careful in case he was stronger than her. "Who are you?" she finally asks.
"Cool." she took one last glance at the stone, then decided it was worth a try. "So, are you going to be free tomorrow, to maybe give me a second chance to see it? I promise, I'll keep up much better this time." Even though she was pretty sure her family was dead-set on having the post office be operational by the next morning, she doubted they would get much business on the first day. She could easily slip out, and let Jon do any deliveries that might happen to trickle in. He seemed so eager to work, anyway, that he'd probably be glad to have her be gone, so that he could get the jobs.
Mashik looked up at her and sniffed "you are the other one, i smelt you, you smell like me slightly" Mashik said looking over her and deciding they were probably a pretty even match "my name is mashik, or that is what i prefer to be called"

Zane smild "sure but if you get lost don't just keep walking stay still, it will be easier to find you
Cecilia was confused by Mashik's comment that they smelled simular. She noticed that too, but she figured that happened sometimes with vampires. She hadn't meet many vampires. After all, they were rare. "I'm Cecilia Willow." she introduced herself.
"Just selling some things." Cecilia replied, not going into much detail. "What are you doing in this small town?"
Mashik thought about how to reply "fleeing my maniacal brother who is out to kill me" Mashik said calmly he had explained this before at different places
That answer was not what Cecilia had been expecting. "Your brother? Why is he out to kill you?"
Cecilia felt she was stepping into something she shouldn't. She however, had no idea what else to say. ((writers block!))
Mashik chuckled "i find it isn't that bad we were close once not to recently" Mashik said standing up "so heres a question for you when was the last time you fed and what was it on?"Mashik asked wondering if what he had done was normal
"I drank blood I collected from an animal." Cecilia told him. There weren't a lot of people in the town and she didn't want to risk biting one of them. "And what do you mean we were close not to long ago?" She wondered what this man meant.
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"Yes, I live at the inn, for the moment," said Wesley, thinking about how long Valerie would be working. Honestly? He had no idea. "We can start after you get out of work, I think."

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Vincent finished ((I can't remember if I said he was making a sword or not...)) working out the last kinks in his spear. Less people used spears now, since swords were the general favorite, but there was always that one person who was different. Setting it in the water to cool, Vincent stepped out to talk to his apprentice. "How much did you get?" Vincent asked.

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Wisteria looked over at what Adele was doing, and then started making her own tower, built to be larger than both Adele's and Melody's. Melody just started building the last on, oblivious to the competition. Wisteria gestured to what Adele was building and said, "Tower."

((hey, back))
Valerie nodded. "Okay, not sure how long it will be." She still had a lot of cleaning to do. The womans bath was almost done but she still had the mens bath. Odds were it was just as filthly, if not more, than the womans bath had been. Then after she finished cleaning she had to sort out the soaps. "The actual bathhouse opens around 7pm so if I finished cleaning the place before then would that be ok?" ----------------------------------- James put the bag carefuly on the ground, not wanting to risk breaking any of the gems. "Quite a bit." he replied as he pulled out the ores and gems for Vincent to see. In total he had collected 20 gold ores, 14 rubies, 27 silver ores, 8 diamonds, 16 shappires, and 19 amythests. The bag had been full so he had gathered as much as he could.

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((i have a date today so i will end up disappearing later on today. my bf and i never get to go on dates so i had to jump at the chance. sorry all, i will stay on all long as i can.))

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((oh and sorry some of my posts end up doubling. my phone glitches a lot and causes that to happen.))
Ashton's face reddened, and she tilted her head down. "Okay..." she said, frowning. She didn't expect anyone to really care enough to come find her, which is why she had kept moving. Her family hadn't even known where she was, and she had thought Zane was the only one in the forest, and didn't know whether he would mark her eing lost as her own fault, and just leave her. Plus, there had been no telling how long she had been walking aimlessly before she realized she wasn't following Zane anymore, so who knew how long finding her might have taken? But, he was right. She probably should have just stayed put. "Just one thing...this would probably happen way early in the moring, so it probably wouldn't have any effect on going to the caves...but depending on what my family's plans are, I might have some errands to run tomorrow. So, if you see me running around town with a messenger bag, you might have to wait a bit before I'm ready to leave. If that's okay, of course." Despite all the trouble she caused her family, she didn't want to be a bother to Zane, since he was providing the first sense of entertainment she had felt for a while. And, it probably helped his cause that he had threatened to kill her earlier, because of her little tough act.


Adele tilted her head, running the word through her head a few seconds. "Tower." she finally said. She worked it through her head again, making more connections. "Castle tower?" she said, to be sure she figured out the meaning correctly. Although she had gotten it correct, given the context, there were a few other possibilities of what it could have been.

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(They don't look like they're doubling to me. Does it happen when your posts merge? Because I think it does that sometimes, but it corrects itself once you refresh. I freaked out when I first saw that, too. ;) )
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Vincent nodded a bit, mostly to himself. He was pleased with his apprentice's work. "Well, that's a decent number for today. Put it away, and you can get started on somethng else."

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"Yes, that will be fine," Wesley said. He began to think slightly ahead of himself, trying to decide how to spend his time until then. Perhaps he would see some of the other townsfolk before he returned to his room. Then again, perhaps he should unpack and find his older magic books.
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Wisteria nodded, "Castle tower." She then gestured to the walls which connected them, "Castle wall."

Melody, since she was not in the make-my-tower-the-biggest contest, stood and looked up and down the beach, she wasn't sure what she was looking for until she found it. A little white shell was on the beach near them, and she ran to pick it up. It was a sand dollar. She brought it back to the castle and showed it to Adele. "Sand dollar," she said, brushing flecks of sand off of it.
((yea, it was fixed)) James took the gems and put them away in their proper places. He waited to see what task he had to do next. ----------------------------------------- Valerie said goodbye before going back to clean. ((sorry bad writers block))

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