Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

------timeskip: 6pm---------

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Valerie finished cleaning both the tubs and organizing the soaps. She looked at the clock and saw it was already 6pm. She sighed disappointed. The bathhouse would be open for business in an hour. She didn't have time to meet up with Weasley and practice magic. She would have to apoligize to him later that she was never able to make it. Valerie started filling each tub with hot water and pouring some bath beads and liquid soap in the tubs. She chose lavendar and rose for the women's bath and spring water for the men's bath. ---------------------------------- Jame walked out of the shop. It was closing time and he was ready to relax. He walked by the bathhouse and saw that it opened at 7pm. He made a mental note to come back around then for a bath. The forge had caused him to sweat and he could feel the sweat paste his shirt to his back. He went to the town square and sat down on a bench under a large tree. ------------------------------------- Lily packed up her pottery. No one had bought any of her peices. It depressed her a bit no one bought any but she knew there weren't many people in the village. She finished packing the last piece and took them up to her room. ---------------------------------- Aiden woke up from the bell his parents had installed to annouce the end of the work day. He walked out of the store and locked up. He was glad business had been good today. Most days he never had a costumer. He decided to take a walk and hoped to figure out how to spend his evening. -------------------------------------- Cecilia had taken a nap under the tree. She woke up hearing some of the other residents leaving the shops. "Must be about dinner time for the villagers." she thought, standing up. She looked around and debated on what to do. Finally she made up her mind and made her way to the dinner. She waited inside the Inn for someone to seat her.
Raiden found a nice little tree outside of town and sat in the higher branches

Mashik stood up and left his room not sure what he was going to do on this fine little night

Zane walked the streets "tis almost the thieving hour" he said quietly to himself
(Rin, what do you want to do about the Camuses and your twins? Did they do home, or what?)

Aleah moved dishes onto the table as they finished cooking. Jon had cleaned the table, and all the fliers for the villagers had been completed, put in envelopes, and sorted into bags. Knowing her father, he'd probably finish the out-of-town messages overnight, and she would have ot make the journey tomorrow morning to the next town to pass them along. "Jon, can you set the plates and utensils?" she asked her brother, turning to him.

"Yeah, sure." he replied, jumping from his chair and going to the cabinets to get what he needed. He quickly placed the plates, forks, and spoons at each of the four areas around the table.

"Ashton! It's dinner time!" Leah yelled up the stairs to her sister's room.

Ashton slunk down the stairs towards the kitchen. As she passed them, she glared at the bags of envelopes. She didn't want to have to run around town to give them out. Although, she supposed it was better than having to do it tomorrow morning.
((you know what I hate? my internet. I hate it. it needs to die, so I can get better internet.

could any of you get on all day? cause I couldn't. I really hate Fairpoint.

ANYWAY, I think it would be safe to say that the twins went home. unless you'd like them to go home now, which I'd be fine with. just lemme know, and then I'll post for all my people))
((the site was down for everyone today. from like 8am-4pm.))

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((oh and cecilia is at the dinner))
(what have i missed?)

Soul: *looks around cecilia's home, looks around at things in her fridge and such.*
((haha nice centy. ok kaze all that happened is that shops are closing since it is 6pm))

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Cecilia stood inside for a moment. Did she really want to spend some of the money she just made on food? She didn't even need to eat human food to live. It was just a luxiery. After several seconds of mental debate, she decided to save her money for later. She pushed open the door to the Inn and walked outside. She decided to go home and drop off her things, then take a walk in the moonlight. Midnight strolls were a favorite passtime of hers. Cecilia walked back through the woods and to her cabin home. She picked up the scent of an intruder in her home and her defences went up. The door to her house was opened a crack and she casiously walked inside, holding one of her daggers to defend herself, although her strength alone should be enough.

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Cecilia stood inside for a moment. Did she really want to spend some of the money she just made on food? She didn't even need to eat human food to live. It was just a luxiery. After several seconds of mental debate, she decided to save her money for later. She pushed open the door to the Inn and walked outside. She decided to go home and drop off her things, then take a walk in the moonlight. Midnight strolls were a favorite passtime of hers. Cecilia walked back through the woods and to her cabin home. She picked up the scent of an intruder in her home and her defences went up. The door to her house was opened a crack and she casiously walked inside, holding one of her daggers to defend herself, although her strength alone should be enough.
Soul: *heard the door creak open and accidentally knocked over a bowl that was on the counter near the fridge and cursed under his breath. He then readied his speared staff in case it came to a fight*
Cecilia heard the bowl hit the floor. She knew the intruder was in the kitchen. She dashed into the kitchen and found Soul standing there, with a weapon ready. "What are you doing in my house?" She demanded, not dropping her guard.
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Brendan sighed. It was dinnertime, which some of the townsfolk usually came for. And probably would, soon enough. His guest with the black cloak had already eaten, and he hadn't seen Lily or the person who had been fighting earlier yet. There had been a woman who had come in and left before he had had the chance to get to her. Brendan leaned on the counter and set in for a long wait.

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Vincent had returned to the blacksmith shortly after leaving with a nearly perfect stick for what he had planned. He had worked on a bit of jewelery instead, since his customers always came first. That was good business. So when he closed his shop for the day and stuck his key in his pocket, he left the blacksmith, much to his own surprise, and started wandering all over town. He, of course, never went anywhere without a weapon, and he had a sword on his hip and a knife in his boot.

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She would not be coming. That much was certain, though this Wesley discerned from the time and not his predictions. That was fine. Tonight he was planning on telling fortunes to the curious anyway. He took his box of tarot cards and went to the town square. When he assumed no one was looking, he waved his hand and made a table and two chairs appear. He sat in one of the chairs, and started shuffling his deck of cards.

((now I have to look up what the tarot cards mean...I just dug myself into a hole!

I'll post Amariana and the twins after moon posts))
((well, now that my internet has killed this webpage twice, deleted my post twice, and I'm running out of time before school starts, I'll have to wait to post until I come home. and this is why I hate my internet

or not. *sighs* I can't understand my internet. at all.))
((im praticing tarot cards. got the cards for christmas although im still learning.))

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