Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

well then :P and thats strange my semester ended and today was teacher grading day :/ i failed 2 classes last semester and there 2 of my best classes i just didn't do the hw))
Sage said:
Cecilia heard the bowl hit the floor. She knew the intruder was in the kitchen. She dashed into the kitchen and found Soul standing there, with a weapon ready. "What are you doing in my house?" She demanded, not dropping her guard.
Soul: *held a calm face* I walked into an open house, the door was not locked otherwise i wouldn't have been here.
"I forgot to lock the door?" she wondered to herself aloud. She normally wasn't that careless, but maybe she could have. Everyone does make mistakes. "Ok, even if the door was unlocked, why would you walk in?" she asked, "I mean, what were you planning to do?"
Cecilia just stared at him. She didn't know how to reply. She also felt a bit uneasy about Soul's smirk. ((sorry bad writers block))
Soul: *put his staff down lightly and pulled up his hood but didn't say anything*
Soul: Nothing *looks around the room one last time before heading into the living room*
"Wait...where are you going?" She asked following him into the livingroom. It was her home so she had every right to know. Soul kinda creeped her out.
(I'm so sorry about not being on! Some stuff came up that kept me occupied... >.<

Rhi'a: We can say they already went home. Doesn't matter to me.)

Honovi took the plates from the table, moving them to the sink, glancing at his slightly irritated-looking sister.

"<Can we go to town now?>" she asked, tapping her fingers on the tabletop.

"<Yes, yes. I just want to rinse off the dishes.>" he replied, running some water over them and scraping the bits of fish into the sink. It would probably have been easier to just give Adele a raw fish and be done with it, but he had wanted to use her sudden desire to learn to try and teach her table ettiquette. "<Okay, now.>" He motioned to the younger selkie, who jumped from her chair and out the door. Honovi followed after her, not bothering to lock the door. All he had was some cheap fishing equipment and the tableware he got on sale when he first began his research. Besides, he thought the lock might have been broken to begin with. Just in case someone came to the beach for fish, he put a sign on the door, which read 'Took sister to town. Will be back soon.'


The Janes calmly ate dinner. Aleah sat her siblings on either side of the table, to keep them from fighting too much, and talked with her father about some things they might try to get people to snd letters. She had an excellant idea to have the younger two design postcards, maybe something that would reflect the town. They could even offer to raise money for the town's rebuilding.

Jon and Ashton ignored each other. Jon picked carefully at his plate, glancing up occasionally in surprise and disgust at Ashton's hurried eatting. The younger girl was bored, and wanted to explore the town a bit. If she could meet so many interesting people in the morning, she could only imagine what sorts might be roaming about now. Having cleaned her plate, she jumped up and ran at the door without a word to her family.

"Ashton? Don't forget to deliver some of the fliers while you're out." Aleah said, thinking better than to stop her moody sister. Ashton sighed and grabbed a bag, running out to find as many people to give fliers to, so she could ditch the bag sooner.
Soul: Checking on stuff in your living room if you don't mind *said rhetorically*
(well you could argue, say nothing or decide to pick a fight with soul; just a few suggestions)
"I didn't give you permission to look around my housei" Cecilia said angerly. She didn't understand what made him think he could just walk around in her house uninvited.
"I bought this house from a salesperson years ago." She told him, holding back her anger. She had to be careful with her emotions. If she got too mad, her bloodthirst increased.
Cecilia thought for a moment. "I don't remember. It's been a long time." She had bought the cabin a long time ago to hid from humans. She had been dangerous when she was a newborn vampire.
Soul: I think that was my father, i know he was selling houses but just the house not the foundation for the house too.
"..what are you saying?" she asked uncertain. ((sorry my connection is so slow and brains fried from school....)

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