Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

"Oh, okay. Thanks for showing me." she said. She looked down at the envelope in her hand, and held it out to him. "Here's you're first piece of mail, I guess. It's a flier, announcing my family's opening a postal service in our house. I'm Ashton, by the way. Ashton Janes."
Kaze: You wouldn't be related to Benjamin Janes would you?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Soul: No Problem *looks outside as well* so when can't vampires be out?
Ashton nodded. "Yeah, that's my dad." she replied, feeling less nervous, now that she was actually talking to the priest.
For a second Cecilia wondered how he knew what she was, then remembered the encounter from earlier. "It's not good for me to be out whenever the sun is out." she told him, "my skin starts burning and it is very uncomfortble. If I am out during the day, I stay in the woods. Where the shade is"
Kaze: I knew your name sounded familiar, i remember when you were really little before the earthquake that is.

Soul: Ah *looked at her for a split second but then looked back outside* (few second pause) ... Mind if i spend the night here?
Ashton stared at him for a bit, thinking. "Oh...yeah, I think I kind of remember you. It's just been a while..." She wasn't sure what to say. She had been really shy when she was little, so she never talked to anyone at the church. Usually she just hid behind her parents. It made her feel kind of awkward now. She wanted to just call him 'sir', but she couldn't remember how her parents and sister addressed him. It made her feel so guilty!
"Huh?" Cecilia asked. "Don't you have a house? Or a room at the Inn?" She relized the way she worded that sounded mean. "Um, I mean, I'm just curious, since you asked out of the blue." She was a still on edge about Soul, but he was nice enough to give her some pointers with hunting. Maybe she should try to get people better before judging them.
Kaze: *smiled lightly at her* you can either call me father or Kaze, come on, let me help you deliver those fliers.

Soul: Kinda and no *looks at her* i just think my brother needs some alone time for tonight.
Cecilia thought for a moment. "Ok, do you mind sleeping on the sofa? I don't have an extra bed."
"Ok." Cecilia said. "Um.... I'm going out for a bit..." She wasn't sure if she should trust leaving him at her house. She wanted to go outside though.
Soul: *looked at her* and where are you going that you're deciding to leave me here?
"I like to take walks around the woods and sometimes town at night." Cecilia replied. She wondered if she should give up her daily walk for the night. Since she had a guest. "Um, but mayb I shouldn't tonight. I'm rusty with being a host." she said, "I haven't had a guest for a long time." She remembered the last guest she had was the boy she had liked so long ago. She had made him tea and they had enjoyed a walk in the garden with him. Cecilia shook her flashback away. She needed to stop thinking about him. She was never going to find him, and even if she did, he didn't care about her. He had left her all alone that day when he attacked her. He hadn't cared to check to see if she was still alive.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Valerie stood by the counter, waiting for costumers. She wondered if anyone even knew the shop would be open. Perhapes the villagers that had been there before the earthquake would remember that the bathhouse had opened around 7pm. However, she doubted anyone knew the shop would open today. Just as Valerie was thinking this, the door to the shop opened. In walked Aiden. "Hello? You open?" he asked. Valerie nodded and smiled. "Yes, how can I help you?" "How much is it to take a bath?" Aiden had a few coins in his hand. "20G." Aiden handed her the money and Valerie gave him a towel. "The men's bath is the right door." She told him. Aiden thanked her and went inside the bath. Inside he went into the changing booth and changed out of his clothes. He wrapped a towel around his hips and walked out of the booth. Aiden got into the tub and took off his towel, relaxing in the bath. Valerie was organizing a few soaps the shop was selling when the door opened again. James walked through the door. "You are open right?" he asked, looking at Valerie. "Yes, it's 20G for a bath." James handed her 20G and went into the men's bath with a towel. He noticed Aiden in the bath, playing with the bubles and sighed. "Wasn't Aiden an adult?" he wondered to himself. "guess humans never grow up." He walked into the changing booth and got undressed. He wrapped his towel around his waist and stepped into the hot bath, taking off the towel before it got wet. "Hi!" Aiden greeted him cheerfuly, but James ignored him. Shortly after James arrived, Lily walked in. Valerie repeated for the third time that the shop was open and how much money a bath was. "I have a small bathtub up in my room at the Inn, but I have never been to a public bathhouse before. I wanted to see what it was like." Lily told Valerie as she handed her the money. Valerie handed Lily a towel. "The women's bath is on the left." Lily nodded her thanks and walked into the room. She changed in the changing booth, wrapped the towel around herself, then walked into the hot bath. "This feels really nice..." she said to herself, relaxing in the tub.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((haha wow 4 out of 5 of my characters are at the bathhouse. If anyone is unsure what to do with their characters, bring them to the bathhouse. They will be able to talk to people.))
Soul: *nodded* I'll come with if you want. *he wasn't opposed to talking a stroll*
((good job sage))

Mashik sighed as he left his little room and walked down out the inn and into the town, he slowly walked around the town familiarizing himself with it

Zane chuckled as he walked through the town unseen by most
((haha thanks.)) --------------------------------- "Are you sure?" Cecilia asked. She didn't want to bug him with anything he didn't want to do since he was the guest.
"Ok." She said, standing up. "Your the guest so I will let you chose. Town or woods?"
(Hmn...I might send Aleah to the bath when I get back from my class tonight. She kind of deserves on, but I don't want to do anything that might initiate a long conversation when I'm going to be gone until late.)

Ashton blinked, surprised he had answered her unspoken question. "Okay. You can help me, if you want to, but I don't want to be too much of a bother. Are you sure it's okay?" She looked around the church again, remembering that it was empty except for them. Stupid question... she thought, repositioning her bag strap and preparing to leave to continue her deliveries.

Honovi led his sister into the inn. As soon as they arrived inside, Adele broke away from him, and ran up to the counter. Though she had never been to an inn before, much less eaten there, she recalled Honovi telling their parents once, during one of his visits, about a building 'where the people come and get food prepared for them, and can pay to sleep in a room, instead of having to find a meal and shelter themselves.'

Honovi walked up behind her, and bgan barking quietly to her. "<I'm going to get you a yummy human treat called> ice cream." he told her with a smile. "<It may be strange and cold at first, but I think you'll like it. It's very sweet. It's a reward for how much you've been trying today. If you like it, an you keep trying, maybe I'll bring you here more often, when we're walking around town.>"

"Ice...cream..." Adele repeated with wide, curious eyes. Although it did sound strange, it must be good, if Honovi considered it a reward. And even if she didn't like it, she'd still pretend she did, since Honovi seemed so sure she would. She'd just find some way to request a different sort of reward next time.
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After a bit of waiting, two customers came in. To Brendan, they appeared a bit strange, though he wasn't one to question them while on the job. After they were served was a completely different matter. "G'day! Would you two like a table, or are you looking for a room?"

((I don't think I'll be on much more tonight. sorry for late reply))
(holy crud, i didn't see the posts from both sage and moonstone, sorry!)

Soul: *walks to the door quickly stops, smiles at her then returns to walking with a blank elven expression as he walked through the door heading outside*

Kaze: *smiles lightly at ashton and walks out with her out of the church. He locks the door upon leaving*

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