Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((hmm.... if anyone wants to talk to one of my characters go to the bathhouse lol, ill be lurking around here for awhile.))
(Oh, yeah. I forgot about that...)

Honovi and Adele followed him to the table, and sat down, waiting for their treat.

"<So, what exactly does it tast like?>" Adele asked, feeling as if she was goign to jump out of her seat.

"<It's cold and sweet, but it's kind of hard to describe it any more than that.>" he told her. "<I got this kind, because it doesn't have as much flavor, so it won't be too much too soon.>"

Adele nodded, and swung her legs, waiting.

Aleah sat down at the table, and put her head down. She had just helped her father to his bed room, since it was one of the few rooms that they had been able to modify for his new needs so far. Although she didn't mind all the new work she'd took on to help the house run smoothly, she had to admit it was kind of tiring.

Jon watched his tired sister, and came up behind her. "Why don't you got to the bath house and relax?" he suggested. "If dad needs anything else, I can help."

"No, it's fine, Jon. I don't need it. Besides, you should probably be out doing deliveries now, shouldn't you?"

Jon shook his head. "Ash can probably get them. And if she doesn't do them all, I can do the rest when you or Ashton get back. Go relax. You look like you need it."

Aleah looked at her little brother for a moment, then smiled. "Oh, you're so sweet. If you insist, I suppose I wouldn't mind a quick soak." She stood up and hugged him, kissing the top of his head. "I'll try to get back as soon as possible. If you need help with anything, though, feel free to come getting, since I'll just be right down the street." She let go of him, and walked to the door, looking back at Jon one last time before she left.

"Go!" he emphasized. "I can take care fo the house for an hour or so."

Aleah gave him one more smile, before closing the door behind her and walking the short distance to the bathhouse.
((is it ok if I just assumed she walked into the shop?)) --------------------------------- Valerie heard the door open again and looked up excited as a new girl walked in. "Hi!" she greeted Aleah cheerfuly, walking over, "Welcome to the bathhouse! How can I help you?" She had a towel in hand, assuming the girl would want a bath. Most people that came into the store would prefer a bath over buying soap.
(Yeah, I was actually expecting you would. I just couldn't find the way to say she walked in within the post that I didn't think sounded awkward. :/ )

Aleah smiled at the girl who greeted her when she entered. "I'd like a bath please." she said, stepping forward. She placed her hands out, seeing as the girl already held a towel, but kept them close her her body, so as not to appear rude. "How much would that be?" She glanced around, to see if there was a sign, but she didn't see one at that time.
((....please people post.....i do not want this roleplay to die!))

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((ok this rp is dead if no one replies today! it is saturday! i have been on all day and not one of you have been on! im getting sick of this being so slow, im serious, if you want this rp to survive then post, even an ooc would help!))

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((ok this rp is dead if no one replies today! it is saturday! i have been on all day and not one of you have been on! im getting sick of this being so slow, im serious, if you want this rp to survive then post, even an ooc would help!))
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It didn't take long to make ice cream. When Brendan finished, he scooped what he'd made into two bowls, and took those out to the two waiting. "Here you go! Enjoy!" he said with a smile, and returned to the counter.

((I'll make a post for my other characters later. been doing homework, since I won't be able to tomorrow. also won't be on much. having writer's block, also. sorry about my super-late post))
((its fine, no one else is even on here anymore anyways, i really think i should just close it.))
((I don't think we should give up yet. I feel like some people joined this website, joined this roleplay, and then realized this really wasn't what they were looking for and left. The roleplay I started has barely had any activity at all. Maybe we just need a revamp. Maybe the roleplay is on the verge of collapse. We just gotta keep going.))
((No depression. Not allowed. >.< One of my friends at school is depressed, and another friend's sister was in a mental hospital. I am beyond done with depression. Smile and be happy.))
((I have random spouts of depression. usually comes from being lonely (probally why i am trying to get everyone to post more) not fun))
((Aw, why are you lonely? When I start thinking too deeply, I get upset. I can't exactly say I get depressed...although loneliness can be one of my common emotions. It just never shows itself to others.))
((i am usually by myself at home and school so i get depressed from that. and ok kaze. sorry for the rant everyone *feels idiotic*))

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Cecilia waited for Soul to go inside before following him in. She closed the door behind her. "Um, if you are hungry I could make something quick for you., She wasn't the best cook, but she wasn't the worst either. "I think I have some squirrel in the freezer."
Rya slid on a pillar, ripping the pillar with his claws, as he saw kids run into the bathhouse laughing, as one stopped smiling at Rya, as he forced a smile on his face.

"Your so weird" The Boy laughed to Rya.

"You Have No idea" Rya said as the boy off, laughing, as Rya frowned.

Rya walked into the bathhouse, placing the money on the desk, walking into the boy's room, changing into his bath towel, one for his hair & one for his bottom half.
((just to catch you up momo, it is nighttime and most people are either in the bathhouse or the inn))
Valerie was giving Aleah a towel when Rya walked in. She watched him place money on the counter and take a towel. After he went into the bath she counted the money. It was the right amount.
Aiden was half asleep when he heard Rya's growl. "W-what was that?" He asked, backing away from the sound.

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