Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Rya walked into the forest as he slashed though, seeing his house, as he walked over, opening the door. Rya sat down on a sofa, as he heard footsteps. "If your trying to scare me, your doing it wrong" Rya said as he was jumped on, a large tongue, licking his face. "How caring" Rya said not caring, seeing his saber-tooth hell tiger looking at him, as Rya looked back.
Relen walked to the back of the bar to grab some food out of the stores, but noticed they were low. "Hmm, looks as though we are nearly out of meat... and it would appear our mead stores are getting low." Gailen heard Relen talking to himself in the back, and walked in to see what was going on. "Whats the matter boss?" "Ah, we are nearly out of meat. Oh, and we are getting low on mead. We need to get more." As they walk back out, Relen ponders on this dilemma. "Hey Gailen, would you mind if Kayla watched the store for a bit? I'd prefer not to ask favors like this, but, we really need both of us to resupply." Gailen looks angrily at Relen and then sighs. "Fine, what do you need me to do?" "I need you to get some meat. I'll take care of the mead problem. Oh, and Kayla?" "Yes?" "I wanted to make sure you were okay with watching over the bar while we are out." "Oh, thanks for worrying about me, but I'll be fine. Have fun while you're out you two!" Relen and Gailen make their way out of the bar and into town.
((ooc: I realize. I was referring to the stores in the back of the bar. It has it's own supply of food and beverage as any self-respecting establishment should. Seeing as Relen often overlooks stuff, he didn't notice they have been low on food for the past month. Wait.... derp, said inn in the last sentence. Will edit.))
((where are your characters? I will send one of mine over))

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((or should i skip too the next day? i feel things are getting slow.))
(I would say skip to the next day because I don't think there is much to talk about between soul and Cecilia. But that's my opinion)
((well, my characters are at the library, the square, and some random place around town.

I figure that if you skip to the next day instead, then there'll be more room for talking, etc.))
((ok i will skip to the next day. it is day 2, about 10am.))

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Cecilia found herself awake early the next morning. Normally she slept in until late, but for some reason she couldn't sleep. She quietly walked out into the kitchen and opened the frige and took out a jar of blood. Pouring some blood into a cup, she muffled a yawn. It was too early. --------------------------------- James sat in the blacksmith by the forge. He was working on making a battle hammer. During his walk last night he had come up with the idea of creating a hammer with rubies and gold. It was a bit costy, but he knew if he did well, the shop could make a lot of money off it. This weapon could be his crowning acheviment. --------------------------------- Aiden was again in the supermarket. He had ordered a new shipment about a week ago and it had just come in. He sat on the ground, seperating the shipment. ----------------------------------- Lily set up her mini shop outside in the townsquare again. She had brought three large vases, several smaller vases, about a dozen tea cups, four teapots, two sugarbowls, about twenty bowls, and about twenty plates. ----------------------------------- Valerie was just waking up on the second story of the bathhouse. She had been up late the previous night draining the tubs, and cleaning up the bathhouse. She was happy about all the people that had come to the shop. She sat up in bed and rubbing her eyes, stepped onto the floor. She changed into fresh clothes then decided to head to the Inn for breakfast.
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It had been an early start for the twins. Awake at six, and returning to the process of listing books. By nine, they had made it to author's last names beginning with the letter R. "There's so many books about myths and legends in here..." Wisteria sighed, as she started on the author's with the last name beginning with S. "Maybe the librarian here before us liked myths?" Melody guessed. Wisteria shrugged. "This is kinda boring," she sighed. "I know. But after we get this done, there'll be more time to do other things while we wait for people to come in and check out books!" Melody said. "You mean that you'll have more reading time." "Yup!" Sighing again, Wisteria peered at the next book. The door was unlocked, and a few windows were open. It was going to be a long day for the twins.

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It hadn't taken Amariana long to finish sorting the books the previous night, considering the time it would have taken the twins. That morning, Amariana had awakened surprised to discover the twins already hard at work. After getting herself ready, she had pondered for a moment her two instruments. Shaking her head, she lifted up her harp and slid down the stairs, announcing to the twins she was leaving. That had been a couple of hours ago.

Now, Amariana curled up on her tail on the edge of what was the town square. Taking a few slow, meditative breaths, she launched into her next song. This song was more of joy than sadness, more of hope than despair.

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As went a normal morning, Brendan prepared to cook breakfast. He'd already prepared and eaten a quick breakfast of eggs and toast for himself. Now it was just his customers.

Part of the problem of being the only inn employee was that Brendan was the waiter, the maid, the cook, and the surrogate owner. He didn't mind cleaning up rooms a little, cooking, or counting money, but he didn't want to deal with spending the money of the inn, checking payments, inspecting the inn, and certain things that owners did. He didn't want to run anything, he just wanted to make sure people had food to eat, and that it was edible. And a place to sleep, since that was the major purpose of an inn.

The door opened and a woman walked in. Brendan had just put his apron on and started walking out front. "Good morning, miss! You looking for a room, or can I get you a table and some breakfast?" he asked with his cheerful smile.

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It was another easy day at the forge. Well, at least, it seemed like it would be. Vincent had woken up early to finish his weapon, which he returned to his room for his evening practice sessions. Now, he was working on some jewelery. The piece he had been trying to work on yesterday was finished, and displayed. Currently, he was working on a necklace with sapphires. Jewelery making was a lot more delicate and harder than some smithing. Vincent had doggedly worked to master both crafts when he was younger.

James had busied himself on a project. Vincent was curious, but would wait to see what his apprentice had done.

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Wesley had awoken a bit late that morning, having a read a fortune or two for curious townsfolk. He currently was finishing a cup of coffee at a table in the inn. When Valerie came in, he was not surprised. He felt no disappointment at her inability to arrive the previous night, either. It was a re-opening of her store, she had been busy. That was normal.

He was looking over an ancient book as he sat at his table in the corner. A few potions were in the book, but mostly spells. He was currently looking at a potion recipe, a complex potion that could make the weather turn foul. Not like that would be necessary in his fortune teller's life, but if a potion was asked for, then he needed to know every possibility.

((ok, today is one of my better days for writing. too bad I can only stay on till 6ish.

is it too soon for 'that', Sage? and I keep almost calling your character Valeria, since I named one of my characters in a book that...))
((lol it's ok Rhi'a. and what do you mean by "that", sorry I had indepent study today so I have been working on my books. Oh wait is "that" the thing we talked about in pm? Yeah maybe a small insight to start it off)) Valerie smiled at the man who greeted her. "I would like a table for breakfast., she told him. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Weasley. Seeing him reminded her of the lessons he promised her, and how bad she felt about being too busy to see him yesterday.
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"Alright!" Brendan said, leading the woman to a table relatively close to Wesley's. "And what can I get you on this lovely morning?" he asked, taking out his notepad and pen. Despite the over-use of the 'lovely morning' comment by people worldwide, it was indeed a lovely morning. The day was warm and the sun shined, there was a gentle breeze and the birds in the trees sang. There were blue skies above. What could go wrong on such a day?

((exactly that! not ready to incorporate it {he's still eating breakfast, after all} but it'll come around soon enough ^_~

I almost typed that there were green skies above instead of blue *headdesk*))
Valerie looked at the menu for a moment. "Hmm..." she said allowe, thinking, "Could I have some pancakes?" She looked at the drink section. "Oh and some coffee?"
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Brendan jotted the said items on his paper. "I'll get started on that right away," he said, leaving to go to the kitchen to prepare the food.

((not writer's block...but I gotta get my homework done, so my replies might be short))
((its ok.))

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Valerie sat down at her table. She looked over at Weasly and wondered if she should talk to him. She shook the idea away, deciding to talk to him later, after breakfast.
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Brendan finished flipping pancakes onto the plate and poured the woman a cup of coffee. Grabbing a tray, he placed the coffee and plate of pancakes on it, also grabbing cream, sugar, maple syrup, and a little thing of butter, and vrought it out to the woman.

Wesley glanced at Valeria, but said nothing.

((wow....my posts are crap when I'm doing homework...any other day, I could've done so much better...))
((its ok lol. mine are always bad nowadays.)) "Thank you." Valerie thanked Branden when he returned with her food. She took a butterknife and spread the butter on her pancakes, the drowned them in surup. She happily started eating. She looked very childish when she did this, but she didn't care what people thought of her. That was just the way she was.
(Ne, I'm not sure if Sage told you all waht was happened, but I'm back, and should be on almost every day, as long as my computer doesn't start to hate the site again. I will warn you I may not be on tomorrow, though. I have to stay after school to work on yearbook, so I may not be home much before I have to go to my class.)

Honovi sat on the beach, fishing as usual. He was hoping the fish would bite quickly this mornning, though, so he could possibly go to town to sell some fish today, instead of hoping visitors to the beach bought some.

Adele pranced out of the house, a fish hanging from her mouth as she chewed slowly. She figured she could give her brother one day where he didn't have to get the fish for her, since she ate it raw, anyway. She plopped down next to him, and then closed her eyes. She did her best to dig up the memory from last night of the ice cream. He had been right, it had been wierd at first, but very good.

"<Hey, do you want to come to town with my again today>?" Honovi asked her, taking her from the memory. "<I'm probably going to be doing some business, and then going to the library until lunch, so you may not have as much fun. You're free to stay behind and play on the beach, if you want...as long as you don't go in the water."

Adele thought about it for a moment, before shaking her head. Even if Honovi was going to be boring, she was sure she could find something fun to do.


Ashton ran down the stairs, towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Aleah asked, coming out of the kitchen with a spatula in her hand.

"We don't have any deliveries, right? I have plans." she said, giving her sister a blank expression.

"Can't you at least eat breakfast first?"

Ashton sighed, and went into the kitchen. She figured she wouldn't have any other choice. Aleah would probably make her stay home if she refused.

Aleah watched her sister sit down at the table, opposite Jon. Their brother was telling their father about a strange dream he had had, and their father was nodding, smiling. Ashton just put her head on the table and sighed.

Pleased, Aleah went back to making pancakes.
Kaze: *was back at the church doing local baptisms and such that were scheduled for today, or at least the few that were*

Soul: *woke up from the sound of cecilia moving around* Dear god, I thought vampires always slept in during the daytime. *sits upright on the couch*

(question, are there like raids ever?)
((raids?)) Cecilia heard Soul from the kitchen. "Yeah, normally." she said, walking into the living room. "I couldn't sleep."
(yeah, like what would be a group of thieves banding together to attack villages to steal things)

Soul: *rubs his head* Is it from me being here?
((oh, we could.)) Cecilia shrugged. "Not sure. Maybe." Realizing how offensive what she said sounded she added, "I'm not used to having guests."

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