Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Soul: No, its ok. I completely understood which is why i didn't bring it up last night.
She still felt embarrassed about her poor hosting skills. SHe used to have those skills hammered into her but that had been back when she was mortal. "Um... I really don't have much to offer for breakfast." she tells him, "besides meat really." Since she never need human food, she never felt the need to keep some around.
Cecilia smiles a bit before going back into the kitchen. She comes back out moments later with a simular dish she made last night. Instead of squirrel however, it was rabbit.
Soul: *looked at her and sat on one side of the couch so she could sit on it too* Thanks.
"You're welcome." she replied, sitting on the other end of the sofa. "So..." she said, thinking of a topic, "What do you like to do?"
"I like to hunt too." she told him, "and I love reading." She felt like a nerd, but she loved to read. She had every since she was young.
"When you are done eating, I'll take care of your plate for you." Cecilia said, unsure what else to say. ((how long do you think you will be up?))
(i don't know, why?)

Soul: *nodded again as he continued to ate but soon made a gesture with his hands that signaled for something to drink*
((just curious. and oh jeez souls treating cecilia like a house wife or sumthing lol)) "Hm?" Cecilia asked, not getting the jesture.
(hey, he's got a good reason)

Soul: *started pounding his chest as the piece of meat wouldn't un-lodge from his throat, he pointed to the cup that he saw and made a drinking gesture with it*
Cecilia quickly runs into the kitchen grabbing a glass and filling it with water. She runs back in the room and hands Soul the glass. ((oh didnt know haha (not luaghing at soul)))
(lol, i knew you weren't, you were laughing at yourself and the situation lol)

Soul: *quickly downs about half the glass before the meat gives way and completely goes down. the bit of bone that was on the meat scratches his throat just barely to make his voice hoarse* Thanks *drinks the rest and his voice goes back to normal* thought i was a goner there for a moment.
"I must not have been careful enough when I was taking the bones out." Cecilia said feeling guilty.
"Yeah, I guess you are right." She took the cup Soul had been drrinking from and refilled it with water, then handed it back to him. "What brought you to this town?" she asked curious.
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Brendan returned to his post at the counter. With a barely audible sigh, he returned to what he did whiel he waited. He thought. Sure, there were plenty of things to think about. But, he would rather talk. Breakfast was almost over, meaning that people would start coming in for lunch within a few hours. Besides this, his thoughts usually drew him back to his sister. And that was never something good to think about.
((centy!!!! okay well we skipped to the next day so there isn't much you need to know and nothing big happened plot wise for a whole))
((sweet, this site seems to have a lot of problems for me, but alas i will post tommarow at some point))

--- Merged Double Post ---

Mashik woke the next morning and licked his teeth remembering what he had become and sighed standing up knowing he would either have to feed again today or starve himself "i wonder if that girl would mind if i fed from her again" Mashik said quietly to himself walking to the far side of the room and grabbing his scythe and seperating the head from the shaft and using the shaft as a walking stick

((i can't take the last sentance of that post seriously))

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