Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Rya sat on the roof of his house, sipping a cup of black & white herb tea, Rya's hair was messy, as he whisked around his tea. Watching the black & white clash with another.
Valerie finished eating the pancakes. She put her napkin and silverwear on the plate. She had enjoyed her breakfast. The pancakes had been evenly cooked and very sweet, which was what she loved. "Can I have the bill please Waiter?" Valerie called over to Brenden.
The selkie siblings sat on the beach in silence for a moment, before Honovi got a tug on his fishing rod. Quickly, he stood up and reeled it in, pleased with the size. He looked down at his sister, who had fallen into a shallow nap. He gently kicked he side to wake her. "<Adele, we're going to be going to town soon. You should probably wake up.>" he told her, before heading toward their house to clean the fish, as well as gather some of the ones he wanted to sell in town.

Drowzily, Adele opened her eyes, and remembered she was on the beach. She stood up and looked toward the house, waiting for her brother to come back out.

Honovi carried an old newspaper containing a few of the fish. "<Come on. We should probably get going, so we can be back around noon. That's when people start coming to the beach, usually.>"

Adele nodded, still too dazed to speak, and followed after her brother.


As soon as Ashton got her pancakes, she became stuffing them into her mouth in a very unlady-like rush to finish.

"You should slow down, or you'll get indigestion." Aleah told her as she sat down with her own plate, having already served her father and brother.

"I have somewhere to go!" Ash replied through an open mouth.

"Where ever could you want to go this early in the morning?" she asked.

"I'm meeting a friend!" Ashton replied, sliding off her chair and practically running towards the door.

Aleah shook her head and ate. She could only wonder who this friend was.
((I'll reply later. I can't get on at home, apparently, since it brings me to an advertisement page every time I try to get on this site. So...I'll probably post when I get home and after I foligure out how oto disconnect my phone from our internet...{thank god for my iPhone}))
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Brendan looked up, startled by the sound of the woman's voice. "Call me Brendan. 60 gold is the price, miss," he said. He grabbed the tray and wakled over to her table, picking up her dishes.

((so, apparently running a full virus scan fixes everything, even though it said there were no viruses. this is why my internet sucks))
((haha, well glad it worked.)) Valerie pulled out 75G. "Your tip's there too." she told him, putting the money on the table.
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"Have a nice day, miss!" Brendan said cheerfully. He collected the money and finished collecting the rest of the dishes, and brought everything back to the kitchen. He then set about cleaning the dishes, and returning assorted things to their places.
(The General store/market is open, right? I can't remeber what word we were using for it...)

Honovi and Adele walked into the General store, and stood at the counter, waiting for someone who might buy the fish. As her brother stood their patiently, however, Adele was distracted by all the items on shelves around her. Wide eyed, she wandered away from her older sibling, and began to walk amoung the rows, amazed by all the things one could get in a simgle place.


Ashton ran down the street towards the forest, and stopped at the edge to wait for Zane. She sat on the ground to catch her breath, and leaned back on her arms. Being as she had told him she may beed to do some deliveries, she didn't expect him to come too early, so she may be here a while. That was okay with her, though. She enjoyed having some alone time for a little bit.
(apparently my post never made it on here as my Internet likes to take a crap some days)

Soul: No real reason, it just seemed like a great place to be at the time, how about you?
((ok centy hope to talk to you soon, and kaze i think your post didn't go thru cuz the site crashed that night)) Valerie sat up and pushed in her chair. She looked ove at Wesley and saw he was still eating. Walking out of the Inn, she decided to stay nearby for when he finished. She wanted to apoligize. ----------------------------------- Aiden heard the door open and walked over to the front counter. "Hi! Welcome to the general store. How can I help you?" ---------------------------------- Cecilia shrugged. "I don't really know either." she said, "Maybe it is because of how laid back this town is."
Rya had walked from his forest home, carrying two black bags, nothing was in them, as he walked into the general store. Looking at the girl behind the front desk.
((momo aiden is a boy lol))

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Yeah." Cecilia replied, not knowing what else to say. ((sorry writers block))
Zane walked out of the forest to the meeting place and saw that Ashton was already there "good morning" Zane said smiling

Mashik walked out of the room and down the stairs and out the front door to sit in a tree at the edge of town "one day down one more to go" Mashik said to himself
Honovi smiled at the boy. "Would it be possible to sell some fish to you?" he asked. "I've been trying to sell them at the beach, but I have much more than I need." He held up the fish he had brought along, to show that they were pretty good quality, as far as common ocean fish went. It would be horrid if the boy thought he might be selling them because they had gone bad.


Ashton looked up when Zane exited the forest, and smiled slightly, hoping to make a better impression than she had when they met. "Good morning." She nodded at him, and reached into her pocket. "Here. You're probably not going to need it, but I thought I'd give you one anyway." She held out one of the letters about the post office's opening. Ahe had brought two, in case she got the chance to give the other to the vampire woman, too.
Zane took the letter and looked at it curiously and put it into his pocket "thanks, you ready to keep up this time?" Zane asked looking back out to the forest reading his knives in his sleeves and his mind

Mashik sat in the tree he had chosen and watched the town come awake below him knowing he would possibaly endanger the whole town by staying but would not be dragged back by his brother

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