Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

Mashik had to keep himself from laughing as the two started and she obviolsy had little experience with elemental magic he thought about coming out and trying to help but decided he would wait as the man said she would try fire next he smiled ready to help put out any fires she might make but also ready to help her if he felt she needed it
"Fire....okay." Valerie closed her eyes remembering back to her mother's teachings. Valerie had started training when she was five. Her mother had started introducing her to the wind element first. Then earth, then water, and finally fire. 'Visual them!' her mother had told her. That was the only lesson she had really learned since her mother's power had disappeared and she had sunk into a deep depression about that when Valerie was only nine. A small flame came out of Valerie's fingers, which quickly went out when Valerie's finger started burning.
View attachment 2018

Wesley watched as Valerie concentrated on something she perhaps learned when she was younger and she conjured a little fire. Not bad, considering Wesley hadn't exactly given her a pointer yet. He had begun to figure that perhaps he was going to be more of a guide. "Fire is not something to call to your hands, unless you know a spell to protect yourself from the fire. Fire can be called to where you wish it." Wesley held up a hand, calling a small, easily controllable ball of fire into the air, floating slightly above his gloved hand. As he looked upon it, shapes formed in the flames. Fire was not a common path on which the future was delivered to him, and usually it was obscure when it came. What exactly was the image formed in the flames? It was moving, and hard to completely see. Wesley inhaled sharply as the image appeared in the flame. Was it...flying?
((I'm not sure how much I should hint.

BTW, who's going to start the monster madness? Or is that better saved for next time?))
((quick question, can valerie see the fire give shape too? and we could start the monster thing anytime))
((I don't see why she wouldn't. It depends on whether or not you'd rather have her confused or if you'd like to add to my hint. What monster do you suppose? A larger one, or an orc?))
((I'll just have her confused. Don't wanna give anything away yet.)) Valerie looked at the fireball Wesley formed. It looked a lot like the one her mother had showed her. "How do I-" she stopped, noticing him looking at the ball of fire more intently. It seemed like he saw something she couldn't see. Behind her she heard footsteps, lots of scratchy footsteps as well as buzzing. Out of the cave swarmed a few giant bee and giant ant like monsters. The nearest ant scrurried towards Wesley. "Look out!" Valerie called out to him as one of the giant bees flew down at her. She created the magic string she had used the previwous day and took it in her hand, slamming the bee hard on the ground.
View attachment 2019

Startled out of his trance-like state by Valerie's question, Wesley began to answer, "Well, you jus-" when she called out the warning. Looking around, he quickly saw the monsters. He sighed. "Monsters. Of course they're here," he said, almost like he knew they'd be coming. A quick flick of his wrist threw the fireball at the closest ant, setting it on fire. The image had faded. So much for figuring out what's up with the island.
Valerie held onto the magic rope with one hand while throwing smalll fire sparks at a second bee. She burned some of the tiny hairs off the second bee and instead of flying away, like she had hoped, it got even angrier and zoomed down and stung her arm. She cursed under her breath and punched the bee with her good arm. She wished she had brought some sort of weapin with her.
View attachment 2020

Wesley kicked at an ant that was biting his leg, and impaled it on a miniture earthen spear, pulled up from the ground with a hand motion. He turned to combat the third bee, which was buzzing around him angrily. As he spun it in a small whirlwind and crashed it into the stone side of the mountain, he could've sworn he'd heard it say it's coming. Unless you were born with a power to speak with animals, animals did not speak with wizards. Wesley was born with future sight. What signs was he receiving? Perhaps he should look back into his books tonight and see if he could figure it out.
Valerie took the string and threw the first bee over the edge. She could hear its body splat at the bottom of the mountain. She turned her attention to the bee who stung her. It laid on the ground dead. She laughed to herself, thinking how foolish the bee had been to sting her. She heard an ant coming toward her and kicked it off the edge too. Again, she heard the bug hit the ground below. She held onto her bad arm, it had already swollen quite a bit.
View attachment 2021

Wesley finished the third bee by slamming it into the wall again. With a little sigh, he turned back to Valerie. "That's going to hurt in the morning if we don't take care of it. Do you know how?"
Valerie shook her head. "No, I never learned how to treat stings." She could heal cuts, and stomach aches, but that was about it.
Mashik chuckled as they fought off the monsters and sat back against a tree and made his aura apear to see if either of the two would notice him or if he would actually have to walk out
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"Healing is a lesson for another time," Wesley said. He crossed ths short distance between him and Valerie, and peered at the sting. "It's not so bad..." he mumbled to himself, and placed his hand on her wound, casting the spell to heal it. He had felt the growing aura, and the being it belonged to must be skilled at masking their presence. His gaze wandered to the area where the being resided, and his eyes almost seemed to say I see you.
((where's rya at?)) Valerie winced when Wesley touched her arm. Soon, the pain was gone and her arm went back to its normal shape and size. She was about to thank him when she felt an aura. It felt somewhat famiular. "Who's there?" she asked, turning in the direction of the aura.
((im soo sorry!)) Aiden saw another man walk in. "Good morning, can I help you with anything?" he asked in his normal cheerful voice.
Rya rolled his eyes over to the peppy boy. "Yes, i need some meat or Chicken for my.....Pet" Rya said looking the man in the eye.
"We have some boar meat, rabbit meat, squirrel meat, phesant meat, and some fish." Aiden told the man, taking a step back, "We don't have any chicken though."
Rya pondered about this, tapping his chin with his claws. "I'll take some Boar Meat." Rya Answered as he looked at the boy.
Aiden nodded. "One moment please." He went into the backroom were the freezer was. He pulled out some boar meat he had bought yesterday. He brought it back out to the front room of the store. "Will that be all?" Aiden asks. ((well kaze dropped out. no idea why))
((huh. I wouldn't have thought.

I'm gonna wait for Centy to post. I probably won't be around then, though...I'll probably be at dance class, but I'll try to post before going to bed. If Centy posts earlier, I'll post then. I'll type up a post for my other assorted characters after.))

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