Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

(I finally have my new computer up and running! :D And sorry for not being on. I had a lot to do this weekend.)

Adele tilted her head slightly, commiting the word to memory. "Book." she repeated. She smiled. "Honovi, book." she said, unsure how to say that her brother liked to read. instead she patted her chest in the brief moment between the word.

Honovi grinned when he saw it. "Excellent! I thank you, Wisteria." He held out his hands for the book, eager to begin reading it.
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"Honovi likes to read books?" Melody asked, trying to make sure she understood. Though unsure if Adele understood all the words, she felt that perhaps she would guess a few.

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Wisteria gave the book to Honovi. "I dunno if you wanna take it home with you, but Melody can check it out for you."
((well, that I guess I didn't quite make my goal. Either way, I'm back ^_^ I'll be around for awhile too, methinks))
Cecilia sat in her house on the sofa for awhile while reading. After a bit she got bored. It was still sunny outside but she wanted to go out for a bit. She grabbed her black sun umbrella she sat by the door. She left it there for days when it was sunny out but she wanted or needed to go to town. She opened her front door and walked outside, the sun burning her sensitive eyes and skin. She locked the door behind her before opening her umbrella. In the shade of the umbrella then sun's rays didn't bother her. She started walking through the forest towards town. She heard noices up on the mountain. She ran quickly to figure out what was happening. Cecilia made it just in time to see the witch and wizard fighting off some monsters.
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Wesley sighed a bit to himself as another aura joined the three conversing people on the mountain. "Come now...let's all come out and talk like civilized people..." he said, without thinking about it. That was how it was sometimes. He just did things without thinking, as though compelled to by something else.

((Just finished my Exeter essay {WHEE!} Now I just have to wait for my English teacher to look it over and wait for the Financial Aid form to be emailed to me. {AHH! THEDEADLINEISMARCHFIRSTAHHHHHHHHHHH!}))
((I wish you luck! Oh and feel free for Weasly to see something to give a better hint to that thing.)) Cecilia heard the wizard speak directly to her as she walked closer. She took a few small steps back in the woods before deciding to come out from in the forest. She walked out from behind the trees, holding the umbrella over her head, protecting her from the sun. Valerie had just noticed another person was nearby when Weasly called them out. She watched a girl with long purple hair wearing a black dress and carrying a black umbrella walk out of the woods. Valerie wondered what the girl was doing, carrying around the umbrella in daylight. Judging by how pricy the girl's dress looked, she assumed it was because she was rich. "What's your name?" Valerie asked Cecilia. "It's Cecilia." Cecilia replied looking down at the ground. Her eyes hurt when she looked up at the people since the sun was beaming directly upon them. "I came because I heard monsters attacking. Figured you might have needed my help, but I guess I arrived too late for that." Just as Cecilia finished talking, the ground started shaking. "Whoa!" Valerie called out, falling backwards againist the cave enterence. Cecilia steadied herself by wrapping an arm around a tree. The shaking stopped as suddenly as it had started. "Was that an earthquake?" Valerie wondered aloud, standing back off and dusting off her knees. She shook her head to herself. No, this earthquake, if it even was an earthquake, was something unnatural, something mythical. ----------------------------------- Lily sat at her small stand in the townsquare. She was a bit disappointed she only sold to one person today, but at the same time was happy that she had made so much money just off of that sale. The woman had even told Lily her prices were very inexpensive for being handmade. She had told the woman she didn't plan on raising her prices. The ground started shaking rapidly. Lily sawher pieces shaking just as hard on the small stand. She saw a few fall off and dived to catch them before they broke. She only managed to save one teapot as a few teacups and vases fall to the ground and smash into a million pieces. Before the earthquake was over, a few of her plates fell on the ground and broke, as well as another vase and a few bowls. After the shaking stopped, Lily went to check on what of what she had brought with her to sell was okay. She still had the teapot she had saved from breaking, about three bowls, four or five plates, and a few stray teacups. All of the vases she had brought with had broke. Sadly, Lily carefully began picking up the pieces of her broken pottery and put them in one of the boxes. Her hands got cut up from the small shards of broken clay. She picked up the remaining pottery and put them in a seperate box. She carried the boxes back to the Inn and up to her room. Up in her room, the mess was terrible. Just about every piece of pottery she had made was smashed and laying on the floor. Only a few pieces survived. There was too much for her to clean up with her bare hands so she went downstairs to see if Brenden could let her use a broom and dustpan. ---------------------------------------- When the earth started shaking Aiden shook with fear. It felt like a relasps of the day his parents had died. The three of them had been in the store when the huge earthquake had occured. Some things had fallen and crushed his parents to death. This earthqquake was not nearly as back as the one that had killed his parents had been but it still brought up bad memories. After the quake was over Aiden noticed only a few things had fallen and nothing had really broke. He started to clean up the mess. ------------------------------------------------ James took cover once he noticed the shop was starting to shake. The blacksmith's was probally one of the worst places to be during a quake. He hid under a table and hoped none of the heavy weapons fell onto the table. Once the quake was over, James got out from under the table and looked around. Nothing seemed to be broken. He started picking up the weapons and putting them where they belonged.
Adele looked at her, her eyes widening as she tilted her head to one side. She thought what Melody had said was right, but she wasn't sure. Unfortunatly, she also hadn't paid enough attention to Honovi before to remember how to ask her to repeat what she said or to explain it. She hoped her silence and confused look would convey the message. Before she could think more on what the words might mean, however, the groud began to shake. Adele screamed and sat on the ground, her arms over her head. It was her first time experiencing an earthquake on land, and it frightened her.

Honovi took the book into his hand and looked at it. "Maybe. But, I don't want to bother her. I'll start reading it now, and check it out when she's done with what she's doing." He smiled down at the cover, before adding, "If that is okay, of course. Do you mind if I sit here and read a bit?" When the earthquake occured, he grabbed onto the edge of a table to keep from falling over, bur remained relatively calm. Although it was a bit unnerving, he'd read a lot about things like this, when he was first researching how to live on land, so he had enough facts and instructions to think about when it happened that he could keep himself from freaking out too much. From the scream he heard, however, he was told what he already knew: Adele wasn't as versed in land live as he was. After the ground settled down, and he was sure nothing was going to fall on him, he dropped the book on the table, and ran toward where he had heard his sister, forgetting to wait for a reply from Wisteria.
((its fine centy, and side note wow the rp had a really good rating but then someone voted it making the rp look like a terrible one...... i have the feeling someone is trying 2 do that to everyone's....))
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Melody had some idea that Adele was confused, and was about to get up to find a certain book when the quake started. She yelped a bit as her chair fell backwards.

Wisteria had been about to answer Honovi, say that it was fine, when the quake started. She moved away from the bookcase as quickly as she could, to avoid being hit by falling books. In all actuality, not many of the books fell, but enough fell that would take some time to return to their places and might cause some injury. The quake wasn't terrible enough to make the bookcases fall. Wisteria followed Honovi to where Adele was, but walked past the two to her own sister, who was sniffling on the floor.

"Sis, you okay?" Wisteria asked. Melody looked up at her sister. "Just...a bit startled, I guess..." she whispered. Wisteria knelt down and hugged her sister, and helped her back to her feet.

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The enchanting music coming from Amariana's harp halted when the quake began. There was nothing for her to grab onto, but there was also very little to fall on her in her current position. When the tremors ceased, she held her undamaged harp close and quickly slithered to the library. "Girls?" she callled out once she found her way inside. "AMA!" the twins called and rushed over to her. "I suppose this means you two are fine," Amariana said, her mouth twitching into a smile. "Just startled," Melody repeated to her caretaker. Amariana looked up from the twins to see the two siblings behind the desk. She did not ask, figuring all would be discovered in due time.

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A traveler looking for a quick meal had come and gone, and Brendan was still in the kitchen cleaning up when the quake began. Perhaps it was not the best place for him to be, especially considering the day of the first quake...

"C'mon sis, hurry up! Everyone's waiting!" Brendan had said. His sister had turned to him and said, "It will be done when it is done. We both know that you cannot rush a masterpiece." Brendan had returned to the desk, and waited for another customer. People had filled the dining room. Just as another customer walked in, the earthquake had begun. People that were easily scared fled for their lives into the streets, which proved to be their undoing. Some of those who remained inside lived, but others were crushed by furniture. Brendan had immediately run to the kitchen to help his sister, but when he arrived, she was nowhere to be found. Nothing had even fallen over yet.

When the tremors ended, Brendan spent the time waiting for the inn to be rebuilt by looking amongst the rubble for his sister. She was never found.

With that memory in mind, Brendan was startled out of his trance only by the tremors halt and Lily running up to her room, and back downstairs. He turned to her, and smiled weakly. "Hey, you need something?" he asked, trying to push the memory of all those twisted, dead bodies and his missing sister from his mind.

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Vincent had finished packing up what he was working on when the earthquake began. Instead of diving for cover, he simply dodged everything that tried to fall upon him. Why? His mother had once told him that running from danger would only make it greater. When the tremors finished, Vincent picked up a fallen sword and started twirling it absently.

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Wesley was not going to make a reply. One moment before the earth quake started, he knew it was going to happen. It was too late to warn anyone. Wesley cast a spell that rooted him firmly to the ground, keeping him upright as the others struggled to keep their balance. When the quake ended, he muttered, "There is something under this island."
((I just rated the thread. I don't understand why someone would want to go around and rate everyone's threads badly. There is nothing exciting about that.

Anyway, I just got the Financial Aid form for Exeter, but haven't heard back from my English teacher. I hope I hear back from her soon, since I'm sending it out tomorrow.

Also, I'm on vacation from school. So, basically, unless my dad calls me in to work or I go over a friend's or have a friend over, I'll be able to roleplay all week. Except for when I'm doing my chemistry project.))
((My guess as to why someone would do something is one of two things. One, they don't like the rp at all or two, they are trying to get their rp to be rp of the month and want to lower ratings of the other rps to make theirs the best.)) --------------------------------------- "Um could I have a broom and dustpan?" Lily asked Brenden. "The quake made a huge mess in my room." She had wanted to get rid of the clutter in her room, but not by them all breaking. She had hoped to sell them all, but who would want rumble? Since the pieces where fired, she couldn't even reuse the clay they had been made of so they were completely useless. ------------------------------------ Valerie regained her balance. "Something under the town?" She asked Weasly. Had he felt the unnatural element that caused the quake too? She was unsure if her suspictions were right. ------------------------------------ Cecilia let go of the tree once the quake was over. It wasn't too bad but she made a mental note to check home later to make sure everything was okay. She felt a strange magic in the air and wondered what it could be. She had never felt it before.
(Ew...I hate people that do that. They're so immature...

And you know we're all wishing you the best of luck, Rin! <3 )

"<Adele, are you okay?>" Honovi asked his sister, too worried to even consider trying to teach her anything, not that it would have been any good anyway.

Adele wimpered, arms still over her head. "<The ground's angry, big brother... It shook and growled at me. Why'd the ground angry?>" she asked, her voice shaking.

Honovi chuckled, placing a hand on her younger sibling's head and running it down her hair, soothing her. "<Don't worry , little sister. The gorund isn't agry at you. It just shakes sometimes. It happens when it moves in a way that it doesn't like. As long as nothing falls on you, you should be fine.>"

Adele wimpered again, and uncovered her head to wrap her arms around her brother. She was still scared, reguardless of what he was saying. Together, they stood up, and he led her towards the door, figuring it might be better to take her home until she calmed down. He looked around, and saw the new woman who had entered, and was talking to the twins.

"Oh, hello, ma'am. I am sorry I cannot stay longer to meet you, but I believe my sister should be brought home. My sister quite enjoy being around Wisteria and Melody, so we will probably be returning wuite often i n the future. I hope that I may further make your aquantence then." he picked up the book he was planning to read, and held it up. "Might it not be too much trouble to put this on hold, so that I may read it and check it out when my sister is calmer?" He asked the last question to all three.
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Amariana smiled. "Some other time, then. I am certain we shall see each other around," she said. "I- sure?" Melody said when Honovi asked about placing the book on hold. She walked up to him and held out her hand to take it from him. Wisteria turned and groaned at the sight of the fallen books. "After I go check on our belongings upstairs, I will help you with the books, okay?" Amariana said. Wisteria nodded, and Amariana placed her harp next to Wisteria and slithered up the stairs. Wisteria reached out and stroked the frame of her guardian's golden harp.

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"Oh, that's right!" Brendan said, slapping his hand against his forehead. "Your pottery...it's mostly gone, isn't it?" He slipped into a closet and pulled out a broom and dustpan for her. "You need any help?"

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"That's my only explanation. It explains the strange aura of the island and this second earthquake..." Wesley said. "It could only be something...mythical."

((thanks, Moon!

I agree that people are immature. Since when is there an rp of the month?

Either way, I'm not inclined to go too much further into that until we earn a person or two {seeing as there's, what, four/five active members?} or getting past another day. I need a little more build-up time...))
(I dunno when it started. But there's been one for the short time we've all been here, I know, as well as a member of the month, because I saw the announcement about them come out the first week of this month. It's sad someone woulf go as far as to cheat for RPotM, though... :/ )

Honovi nodded, and handed the book to Melody. He watched the snake woman as she acended the stairs. "I would surely wish to ask her a few questions." he said, mostly to himself. He species intrigued him. He gave the girls a final smile, before leading his yet-wimpering sister toward the door.
(Aw...that sucks. I hope everything's okay, Centy, or works out alright if it isn't. If you end up not being able to roleplay anymore, we'll miss you. :( )
yeah, it won't be forever but at least intill spring break, if not longer my life is getting really chaotic really fast and well i don't want to leave everyone hanging))

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