Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

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The twins waved to Honovi and Adele as he left. Melody sat back at the librarian's desk and found a blank piece of paper, which she wrote Honovi on and slipped inside the book. She placed it in the corner of the desk, and started putting the desk back the way it was supposed to be. Amariana moved a few things around, but nothing in their upstairs area was breakable, and nothing was seriously damaged. Returning downstairs, Amariana began to help Wisteria placing books back on the shelves.

When they finished, Amariana picked up some of the books that were on the higher shelves and returned them to their places. Wisteria did the same with books belonging to the lower shelves. When the library was cleaned up, Amariana picked up her harp, and after saying goodbye to the twins, left the library and headed back to the streets to play some more.

((Aw, centy....things will get better. Now or later, I'm not sure. But they will.))
"You feel it too wizard?" Cecilia asked Weasly. She felt a strange energy coming from the ground. She wanted to investigate. ---------------------------------------------- Lily took the dustpan and broom from Benden. "Thanks." she thanked him. "Yeah, the quake caused a lot of it to fall off where I had placed them." She wished she had put them in a safer spot. "Um, help would be great but don't you have to work at the Inn?"
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"I suppose I do run this place by myself, but I can always do this..." Brendan said, and reached over the counter to pick up a sign and a bell. The sign said ring for service. "Besides, there was just an earthquake. Who is honestly going to want to come here after that?" Brendan looked around the dining room at the fallen chairs and tables. "I'll be up in a minute..."

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"I would think even the humans could feel it," Wesley said. He walked over to the open mouth of the nearest cave and peered in. "Anyone have any idea which cave leads the deepest underground?"
"I meant the magic behind it." Cecilia corrected herself. "I believe the mine the blacksmiths use to gather jems and ores has a second tunnel. It's closed off, but I know for a fact it leads underground." -------------------------------- "Yeah, you are probally right." Lily agreed. Everyone would be cleaning up the mess the quake had made. "And okay, I'll leave the door unlocked." Lily headed up the stairs and went into her room. She started sweeping the broken pieces into a pile.
Honovi led his sister back to their house on the beach, and into the house. He sat her on their bed, and sat beside her, rubbing her back, trying to calm her. "<It's okay, little sister. The shaking was a natural thing that occurs on land at times. I don't believe it will happen too often.>"

"<But why does it happen?>" she asked, nestling into her brother's chest. She would have prefered to be with their mother, but they were very far away, and she wasn't too eager to be punished for running away, nor did she want to ruin both her and Honovi's adventure by telling their pod about the scary shaking of the land and the pitiful way she reacted.

"<I told you before, it is something natural that happens. If I remember correctly, it occurs when two pieces of land rub together and get stuck, kind of like the way your fingers sometimes get stuck when you run them against the table. You see, the earth, even under the water, where we live, and split into pieces, and->"

"<Honovi...shut up...>" Adele interrupted, quietly. All her fear had made her sleepy, and his barking wasn't helping. Though the earthquake still frightened her, knowing a bit about it had help a little bit. She just wanted to sleep, and hope she felt better when she awoke.

Honovi chuckled, and stood up, laying hid sister down to sleep. He supposed the grumpy way she replied was a sign she was beginning to calm down.
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Wishing for the ability to just snap his fingers and making everything return to its place, Brendan set to work fixing the dining room. This didn't take him long, and soon he removed a second broom and dustpan from the closet to help Lily out. He headed up the stairs and walked through Lily's open door, surveying the damage. "Well, at least you weren't in here during the earthquake," he said, remembering what he'd witnessed just a bit ago in the first quake. Not a pretty sight.

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"If there was no magic behind it, then what would there be to notice?" Wesley asked, walking to a different cave farther away from the group. The lingering traces of an aura of an elf presided there. Reaching out with his senses, he located the same aura in the blacksmith's shop, though he was pretty sure the elf was not the blacksmith. "This one, then," he mumbled, thinking about what he'd seen in the fire. Perhaps he would not know for dayss, perhaps he would learn within a few seconds. That was the only problem with his gift. Wesley did not usually learn the most crucial part until he figured it out himself. For example, he might learn there would be a murder, but he wouldn't know when or where through his power. With the thought of consulting his cards in his mind, he sat at a relatively flat rock and pulled out his deck of what would appear to be tarot cards. These were not props he used. Each card flipped over would shift its picture slightly to reveal something about the question foremost on his mind. Removing his cards from the box, he began to shuffle them.
Lily kept sweeping up in her room. She couldn't get over how foolish she had been. She knew about the earthquake that the town had been hit by. Of course there was a chance that there would have been another. She should have been careful. She usually was. After a bit she heard Brenden come upstairs. "Yeah, I guess I am lucky I was outside away from all this when it happened." Lily agreed. "What's wrong?" She asked, after turning around and looking at him. She felt something was bothering him. -------------------------------------- The quake had startled Valerie and left her lost for words as Weasly and the vampire girl spoke. The magic aura she felt when she came to Brightwood was a lot stronger now. She heard the purple haired girl say there was a blocked underground tunnel in the mining cave. She wondered why the tunnel was blocked off. Maybe the library would have a book on the town's history. Valerie thought to herself, before making her way down the mountain path. She walked back to town and to the library. --------------------------------- After the witch and wizard left, Cecilia was by herself. She was a bit disappointed they had left so quickly but she was used to it. Ever since she was turned, she has had problems making friends. The case was usually because of her immortality, she didn't want to get too close to anyone in case she lost them. Cecilia picked up her umbrella and walked towards town, hoping to figure something out to do.
((that's what they keep saying))

Mashik looked over his shoulder and suddenly sprinted into the forest away from town, to disappear for now

((raiden will follow soon))

Zane chuckled and walked at a decent pace further into the forest with the girl following her
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Brendan joined her in her work. Even after Lily asked the question, he didn't say anything right away. "I'm just thinking about the last earthquake," he said finally. He didn't want to get into everything that had happened to him and those around him during the earthquake. He didn't want to be depressed.

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Wesley sat at the rock with his cards even after everyone left where he had been previously. All his attention was focused on one question: What is below this island? He cut the deck and took three cards from the center, laying them flat in front of him. He returned the rest of the deck to the box.

He flipped over the first card. Strangely, he had drawn a blank card. He hadn't had a blank card in the deck before. He pushed that thought aside and concentrated on his question. As he watched, an invisible hand drew something on the card. It was flat, and probably wasn't very flexible from what he could deduce from the picture. With a sigh, he returned the three cards to the box. He waved his hand, and with a mumbled incantation, appeared in his room at the inn. Fixing what had fallen, he returned to one of the bags he had brought to take out his crystal ball.

It was shattered.

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Melody had just settled down to read her book again when a woman walked in. "G'day! Can I help you find anything?" Wisteria asked, coming up to the woman. Melody opened her book, but didn't start reading yet. She might need to help Wisteria, after all.
((Perhaps you should be more optimistic? Nothing stays the same way forever.

Nature's first green is gold

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leaf's a flower

But only so an hour.

I think that's Robert Frost. I can't remember the whole poem, but I remember that part. I guess this reflects more on nothing good lasts, but it's the same thing for bad things))

--- Merged Double Post ---

((I have failed. Not only did I turn in my forms later than basically everyone else in the world, I FORGOT ONE! *headdesk* if I get in at this point, I'll be lucky.))
((aw i am sorry rhi'a.)) Lily wanted to ask what Brenden was thinking but instead stayed silent. Something told her not to ask about the quake. She knew that a lot of people had died. Maybe Brenden had lost someone close to him. When they finished sweeping up the broken pieces Lily turned to Brenden. "Thank you so muc for your help." She took out 250G from her picket. "Here is a little something for your help. This would have taken me forever to clean alone." She smiled at him grateful. ---------------------------------- Valerie was surprised to see a young girl running the library. She wondered if the girl's parents owned it and she was just helping out. Not seeing any adults around that looked like the girl she turned to her. "I was wondering if you knew of any books about the town's history." She said to the small girl.
Ashton continued to follow, sneaking a few glances around her. She did not let her eyes wander as much as she had the day before, in fear she would get lost again, but she wanted to look for any indication of where the vampire woman lived. Still, she make sure to stay close behind Zane this time.

Once Adele had fallen asleep, Honovi collected some money into his pocket and headed towards the door. Before closing the door altogether, he gave his sister's sleeping form one last worried glance before reassuring himself she'd be fine. She was plenty old enough to be alone, and she wasn't going to do anything she should while she's asleep. Still, he broke into a run as soon as his feet hit the sand, wanting to get back before she woke up. Hopefully, she would no longer be frightened, but he still would rather be sitting at the table with a bowl of ice cream for her than have her wake up all alone.
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Wisteria thought for a minute, pressing a balled fist to her lip gently. Melody was flipping through pages of her self-created lists. "Legends of my Island, Unknown Author," she announced with a sense of finality. "Isn't that what Honovi has on hold?" Wisteria asked. Melody shook her head, "He has something by Author Unkown. I think...that it was just written differently, by the same person." "What's the difference?" Wisteria sighed. "Word order, Wisty...but nothing else," Melody said. With a shake of her head, Wisteria scurried into the U section.

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Brendan straightened from his position crouching on the floor. He brushed clay dust and assorted dirt off of his clothes. "I can't take that," Brendan said, holding his hands up. Perhaps he was thinking too much, perhaps he was just feeling generous. Perhaps he was thinking with a bit of logic. "You just lost your income. You need to get back on your feet."
Ashton followed through the vines, and looked at the hole. It looked different than she'd imagined, but it still intrigued her. It was only made more so by the fact she knew her father would kill her for this. "Cool..." she muttered, not taking her eyes off it.

Honovi walked into the Inn and stood by the counter. He tried to decide what ice cream to get for Adele. He knew she liked vanilla, so that was always a good choice. But maybe, since she liked ice cream, she should start trying other flavors? Come to think of it, could he even bring ice cream home for her in the first place? Or could customers only eat in the Inn? Even if it wasn't ice cream, though, he'd find some treat to give her.
"Are you sure?" Lily asked. She understood that he might feel bad since she lost most of her work, so she couldn't make the profit. ------------------------ Valerie followed the girl unsure what else to say. ----------------------------- ((sorry bad writers block))
"yep" Zane said walking towards the hole and he smirked "i would say ladies first but then you might hurt your self" Zane said stepping off the edge into darkness as he fell to the ground about 10 feet below
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"I'm never unsure!" Brendan said with confidence. "I think I heard the door open. I better go," Brendan said, walking quickly out of the room and moving just as fast down the stairs. "How may I help you, sir?" he asked his customer. He remembered seeing the man yesterday, though with another person. A girl.

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Wisteria browsed through the books, trailing her fingers across the bindings ass she read them. She turned as she heard something scraping across the floor. Melody had pulled the ladder over for Wisteria to climb up at the end of the shelf. Nodding her thanks to her sister, Wisteria climbed up the ladder. "Unknown author....unknown author..." Wisteria mumbled to herself as she searched the books. "Got it!" she exclaimed, pulling a book bound in black off of the shelf. She held her arm out as far as she could to hand it to the woman.

((Do elves have magical abilities? Like, not with casting magic from spellbooks, but more along the lines of sensing other magical creatures? Just curious))
Ashton stood at the edge of the hole and looked down, watching Zane jump down. "Um...do you want me to just jump down, or is there something I have ot know before i do?" she asked. He had said she might hurt herself if she had went first. Was he going to catch her, maybe, since she wasn't accustom to jumping into the cave, or did he just want to be sure there wasn't any mosters before he sent inexperience little girl in? She kind of hoped it was the latter. Although she trusted him enough to lead her places, she was still kind of creeped out by the idea of having to be caught. Whatever it took to have a little adventure, though, she supposed.

"Hello. Would it be possible to get some ice cream to take home?" Honovi asked, smiling, stepping closer to the counter. "The earthquake frightened my sister, so I thought I would get her something sweet for when she wakes up from napping."
Zane chyuckled as he landed and looked around making sure the coast was clear and he stood under the hole "okay jump" he prepared himself knowing if he didn't catch her she would be injured but knew he was good enough to catch her
"Okay." Ashton replied, standing up and taking a deep breath. She took one last glance down, and then jumped.
Lily wanted to protest not givng him any money for helping but she heard someone walk in downstairs. "Ok." she said as he left. She picked up the bag they put the broken clay into and took it to the Inn's dumpster outside. She quickly said hello to Honovi, as she pasted by, seeing he was who came in. She wasn't sure if he remembered her or not though. --------------------------------------------------- Valerie helped hold the ladder stable for the elven girl. She took the book with one hand and kept holding the ladder with the other. ----------------------------------------------------- ((yea elves can use magic and sense magical creatures, elves tend not to use their magic much))
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Brendan crossed his arms absently in thought. He didn't see any problem with taking home ice cream. The problem would be making it possible. He had some plastic containers. "I can make that happen. I assume you have bowls at home?" ((this question stems from the fact that Honovi and Adele seem to only eat fish at home, and you don't need a bowl for fish-eating. and this is my knowledge, and obviously not Brendan's, but I felt it necessary...))

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Melody observed her sister's careful descent. Wisteria grinned at her sister. "Mel, you gunna check it out for her?" she asked. Melody just nodded, and walked towards the counter. Wisteria shook her head a little at her sister. "My sister Melody will check your book out for you, ma'am."

((so, I thought I was working today. apparently, my dad didn't put me on the schedule...*sighs*

anyways, thanks Sage.))

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