Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

(Ne, it's okay. I was going to have him leave, but I usually give people the chance to reply in some way, even if it's not likely, just in case.

About the festivals, I think it sounds like a good idea. Festivals are always fun to act out. :) )

Taking the container of ice cream, Honovi walked out the door, and began to walk towards home. He guessed Adele would still be asleep, and hoped so, but decided to got straight home, just in case.

Ashton smiled at him. "Thank you!" she said, putting the gem in her pocket. She followed atfer him, watching him collect and emerald next. She got her souvenier for the day, but was still interested in just watching him and seeing all the different things that developed in the cave. "So, did you just come scross this by accident, or was there something that led you to it?" she asked, trying to start a conversation.
Zane thought back to when he found it "was an accident, didn't watch where i was going and fell down the hole" Zane said sheathing his knives and looking back at ashton
((i think the flower viewing festival will be good. and yeah if i had a computer more places would be filled. not many people on here like harvest moon))
Ashton nodded. "You didn't get hurt, did you?" she asked, figuring he probably didn't, since he probably wouldn't be alive if he had. You never knew, though.
((i agree it is sad))

Zane chuckled "no, falling is an art if you know how to fall you will never be hurt" Zane said walking past her back towards the first room
(I know...these RP's are always fun, but they're even more fun when we have more people, so that there's more characters to interact with. :( )

"Really? Well, I guess that's good..." Ashton replied, though it made her wonder how exactly one could learn to fall without getting hurt. It would be a very useful skill.
Zane chuckled and walked back into the room they had started in "now my question to you, would you like to explore more or go back out?"Zane asked looking at the hole in the ceiling
Ashton looked around. "That depends." she replied. "You'll be down here, too, if I say I want to explore, right? 'Cause as much as I'd love to go around by myself, I don't know how to protect myself in a place like this just yet."
Ashton also looked up at the ceiling. "True..." she replied, wondering how she would have gotten out if he had left. Might have been fun to try to find a way, but she probably wouldn't be able to figure it out within an amount of time that wouldn't make her family worry. "Well, anyway, let's go exploring." she told him, turning to look at the different tunnels and decide which one to look down.
Ashton ran her hand over the wall of the tunnel, so that if her eyes missed something interesting, her hands might find it. "I wonder what's down this way..." she thought out loud, her eyes skimming the cave as well as they could.
((haha I have nothing to rp, when moon and centy are done with their exporation, is everyone okay with me skipping the date?))
((sounds good, seeing as i am down to just zane we can skip to whenever or whatever))

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((i feel retarded but can someone give me the link to the character page?))
(Ah! Sorry for holding you guys up! D: )

"Well, that's more than I can see..." Ashton muttered, blinking a few times to try to see better. Her eyes had adjusted enough to see well enough to find her way around, but she wasn't made for exploring in the dark. "So, do you see anything interesting popping any time soon?" she asked him.
((i just realized something slightly disturbing))

Zane shrugged "anything can be interesting" Zane replied sarcastically

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((okay so sage i need to know if there is anything specific you want in the vampire boy who turned celia(Thinks that's the right name) cause i'm in a destructive chaotic mood and feel this will be a good way))
((ah! sorry been busy! ok hmm well the guy who turned cecilia would probally have a lot of money and he doesnt know cecilia is alive))

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((ok and I had an idea for the flower festival (since that is the festival i will slip to when centy and moon are ready) aiden and the other original residents organize the festival. there could be food and music too. plus i had an idea for valerie and centy are you planning on making the vampire boy who turned cecilia or something? because the festival would be a great time for him to appear))
((zane is like 80 and he's hanging out with a 14 year old... i feel like a pedophile :pedobear: also yeah i am planning on making him ))

Zane looked up ahead "well theres tunnel and some outcroppings of something up ahead" Zane said thinking he had seen movement
((Brendan calls making the food! He isn't exactly an original resident, but he was there before the quake...))

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