Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

"Festival! Festival!" Adelle yelled at her brother's back. He had taught her the word earlier ih the week, when he told her about the flower festival the town was having. Unfortunatly, this had only served to make her even more unteachable and hyper than you usually was. All she wanted to learn about for the days between then and now was the festival, and words about it. He was happy to say she probably knew enough about it, and the town itself, that he could trust her to walk around the festival by herself. Of course, he was going to be near enough to help if anything happened. Even though it would be mostly the original residents doing the festival things, he wanted to try to sell some fish before he walked around himself.

"Adele, calm. Fish first." he said. He had taken to speaking to her in short sentences, to ensure she'd actually used human language. He had been spending the morning wrapping fish in paper.

"Fish?" Adele asked, standing beside him and eyeing the food.

"Oh...you must be hungry." he said. He figured she probably understand it, though she probably only knew 'you' and 'hungry'. Still, he picked up a fish and handed it to the female. She took it, and sat contently at the table.

"Festival." she saidagain, though quieter. She was getting impatient, but at least now she wasn't hungry.


Ashton sat in front of her house, leaning against her front door. Inside, she heard her family bustling around, preparing to set off to the festival. They weren't exactly doing anything special for the festival itself, but they had been selling limited-edition stamps and postcards to the tourist, covered in drawings of local flowers. Their father had started a new hobby of making local designs for stamps, evert since Aleah found out how to make stamps from a book at the library. She didn't feel like participating, but she had to admit her father was a pretty good artist. Better than what Jon designed. She ran her thumb over the ruby in her pocket. Ever since she got it, she considered it a good luck charm. If only it could get her out of family time.

Aleah ran down the stairs, looking for her purse. "Jon! Do you know where the money is?" she called to her brother.

"No." he called back from the living room. He sat on the floor, with their father on the couch. The were counting out how many more festival postcards and sets of stamps they had left. He was going to put a sign in the window advertising that they were at half price toward the end of the festival, since they needed to get rid of them.

"Did you check the desk in the hall, sweetie?" Benjamin yelled to his daughter, setting a tied-together bundle of ten cards beside his son. "You sometimes keep it in there after people buy their stamps."

Aleah stopped in front of the old school desk that use to be used for homework, and reach into it's storage compartment. Inside, she found a fabric bag with the money they had saved up. "Thanks, Dad!" she called back. She walked into the family room, and put her arm around her father, helping him stand and sit him in his nearby wheelchair. "Now, let's go."

Jon stood up, and followed his sister, who was pushing their parent, towards the door. When she reached over the wheel chair to open the door, Ashton almost tipped over into the house.

"Oh. Are we leaving now?" she asked, taking her hand out of her pocket.

"Yup. Come on." Aleah replied with a smile. "Let's go have some fun as a family." As she went out of the house, though, she noticably positioned herslef between her siblings, to prevent them from fighting.
Zane sighed and stood up "might as well see what's going on"Zane said walking towards the town square over the past few weeks he had made a few items of interest that he might give to people if he found them deserving or maybe the girl he had taken to the cave
((Hey guys, I fixed the first page's layout. I am on a computer here at school since there are testing for the juniors at school (a state exam) and 9th, 10th, and 12th graders are stuck in homework until they are done (which will be nearly 3 hours) so I took advantage of the time. And hey Centy, you said you were making the vampire boy right? When will that be? (I'm just curious/excited lol) Ok, well I'm going to stop rambling now!))
((awesome! are you sure you are going to be able to rp him tho? I don't wanna pressure you. Like I mean, are things in your life getting better?))
((Okay, I'm glad things are getting better for you. And yeah, the most drama he will probally deal with is the shock of finding out Cecilia is alive))

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((and maybe her being a bit mad at him for leaving her to die lol))
((how so?))

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Aiden finished taking out the flinal box of flower arrangments. He began setting them up for display when he saw Aleah, Ashton, Ben, and Jon pass by. "Morning!" he greeted them with a bright smile. His family and their family had always been close. "What are you guys doing?" he wondered if they were going to sell something for the festival.

((Moon, this is early, but with your permission, I honestly think Aleah and Aiden would make a great couple lol))
(Sure! I'd be willing to do that! ^-^

And we have testing this week, too. Unfortunatly, we have classes as usual, too. Luckily, they sometimes extend period D if they need more time, which I have in one of the computer labs. They have most of the fun sites blocked, but I can get on a few sites. I mostly use that time to look for new wallpapers, though... >_> )

Aleah watched the street, trying to keep her father's wheelchair as steady as possible. She still sometimes had trouble manuvering it around turns, but pushing it straight down the street wasn't too hard. She looked up when she heard Aiden's voice. "Oh, hi!" she said, smiling. "We just decided to have a little family time today, since we've all been doing our own things for the post office. Are you doing anything special for the festival?" She stopped her dad's wheel chair and turned him toward Aiden, so he could talk to the family friend as well.

"Good morning, Aiden." Mr. Janes replied, giving the boy a smile. "How are you this morning?"

Jon just blinked up at him. Though he knew Aiden, he decided to give his family the chance to talk to him, since they had known his family longer.

Ashton just stared at the street and caressed the gem in her pocket. Although she missed talking to Aiden, like when they were younger, being around him made her feel guilty, since he had lost more than her family, and yet he seemed to be responding better than she had been.
"I'm selling these flower arrangments I ordered from the city." Aiden told Aleah pointing to his stand. He wished that there was a local flower shop, since the flowers that grew in Brightwood were much nicer than the ones produced in the city. Unfortunary he didn't have a choice. "And I'm doing pretty good." Aiden smiled at Mr. Janes. The Jane family was one of the only families left from the town before the huge earthquake. They had lost their mother and Benjamin had lost his ability to walk.
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The festival would start soon, Brendan was sure. Urgh, it's not all done! he mentally shouted, checking ovens and stirring a few dishes in pots. Some things cooked faster than others, and those, even though he'd started them later, he had placed in containers that would keep them warm.

He supposed he really wasn't doing that much, he was making just enough food to feed the tourists and the townies, but he'd been up and working nonstop since six in the morning.

Despite all this negative-sounding stuff, Brendan was feeling pretty cheerful. This could get the town back onto its feet again, and that was just what it needed. Stopping at the last pot, in which he'd been making vegetable curry, he allowed himself a quick moment to just breathe before tasting the dish. He grinned. Maybe he wasn't the best cook in the world, but he'd done a pretty good job.

After packing the curry in a similar container to keep it warm as the other dishes, Brendan pulled a chocolate cake, shaped like a flower, out of the oven, and also pulled out a similar vanilla cake.

I'll get to the frosting in a minute... he thought as he checked the pasta.

At least Brendan had had the foresight to get the plates and silverware ready the night before.

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"Melody, d'you think Adele 'n Honovi are gunna be here?" Wisteria asked as she took her sister's hand and wandered to the town square. Melody brushed her blue-ish hair out of her eyes with her free hand and thought about her sister's question. "I don't see why not..." Melody answered. Wisteria tugged on Melody's hand and said, "C'mon, let's go find out!" And so, the two girls ran off to the beach instead of heading directly for the town square...

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...which was where Amariana was heading. Of course, being part snake and not as prone to moving quickly as some other lamias were, she was moving slowly. She only moved fast when there was danger, and what danger could there be on a simple little island like this one? Well, lots, but that wasn't exactly the point. The point was that Amariana would not be fighting much...

Anyway, Amariana held her harp and slithered towards the town square. She saw groups of people conversing, though the most notable was the group where one girl ignored the others, one boy stayed quiet, and there was a man in a wheelchair. She recognized one of the girls, as she had been one of the people who complemented her.

Amariana never forgot a face.
Zane chuckled as he walked down the street pulling his bracelet covered arm out of his pocket and sitting under a tree near the center of town to watch people do as they do

((lots of ways and i get late start when sophomores have there testing))
"Oh, they're pretty." Aleah replied, taking a closer look at the flowers, now that she noticed them. Despite how little business they usually had, just working again had done wonders for her mood. Although she still had a but of a sad look to her, her voice had become somewhat more cheerful. "I don't want to buy any right now, because I don't want them to wilt while we're at the festival, but maybe I'll buy some before we leave." she told him, leaving out what she would be using them for. She would probably buy one or two for their house, but she also thought buying some flowers for her mother, as well ad Jon's real parent, might also be a good idea.

"Good to hear." Mr. Janes nodded. "Perhaps I'll have Leah help me down to your store some time for a visit." He smiled to his oldest daughter, saying, "How does that sound?"

"Sure, dad. I'll make sure to do that." Aleah replied, nodding, before turning back to the flowers.

As the selkies stepped onto the main street, off of the ramp at the edge of the beach, they saw two girls running towards them.

"Melody! Wisteria! Festival!" Adele shouted to them, waving her arms, along with the blanket she hadover her arm.

"Hey, you two!" Honovi shouted to them as well, smiling and repositioning the fish he held, so her could wave. "Aren't you two going to the festival?" He realized they were probably just stopping by their house on their way to the square, since they were such friends, but he thought he'd ask anyway.
((UGH! Another lucky person >.< The juniors go off to whatever room they have testing in, and I just go about my normal schedule...

except in Chemistry. My Chem teacher is a junior 'class advisor', so he has to be a testing supervisor. And I've got a few juniors in my Chem class and Algebra II class, so it can be a little abnormal...))

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Wisteria skidded to a stop when she saw the selkies, grabbing Melody's arm to help her slow down. Wisteria giggled. "Yeah, there's a festival!" Melody said. "Of course we're going to the festival!" Wisteria said, beaming at Honovi. She twirled around in her dress, still giggling. "I haven't been to a festival in a while, and Ama got us special dresses!" It didn't seem that anything could dampen Wisteria's mood.

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Brendan walked back to his cakes, and frosted the vanilla ((maybe I should start saying yellow...)) with white frosting on the petals. This particular cake looked a lot like a daisy. With that in mind, Brendan frosted the center of the cake yellow.

The chocolate cake was more like a rose, so Brendan worked his hardest to make it look like one. Hope it looks okay to the others... he thought as he discarded his bright red frosting for a darker red to outline the petals.

These two desserts done and packed for the wait and the trip outside, Brendan returned to his other dishes, pulling some cookies out of an oven and dumping the spaghetti into a bowl.
"Wow, those dresses look really nice." Honovi said, smiling at the girl.

"Pretty!" Adele said, her form of agreement.

"I am going to be selling some of my extra fish for a little bit," he said, walking the rest of the way up to them, followed by the younger seal-girl, "but you're welcome to explore the festival with Adele until I'm done. Then I will join you."
"Thank you." Aiden said grateful. "I'll keep an eye out for you later then." He turned to Ben (I"m a terrible speller so I hope just saying Ben is ok) "It would be nice to see you at the shop again." He remembered how Ben used to bring Aleah and Ashton to the store. Aiden would play with the game boards with the two girls. Of course, that wouldn't be possible. Running a store was hard work by yourself.
((On the "everyone's on" note, I'm half on, half off. Half my brain is doing chemistry homework.))

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Melody smoothed her dress down to attempt to hide her shy blush. Wisteria simply grinned as they chorused, "Thanks!" "Yeah! We can look at all the flowers and get some awesome food!" Wisteria said, her grin widening. Melody smiled a little at her sister's gaiety ((for lack of a better word.)).
((im here, just my phones being slow. oh in bout 30mins ill b disappearing for about 45mins. Oh and centy when r u making the vampire boy? sorry super excited lol))

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