Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((i was curtious as to why you were still up but figured you knew what you were doing and we can always continue tommarow))

Nick looked at her "i'm sorry i damned you to a life of night, a life of ice a life devoid of most happiness" Nick said looking calmly and yet there seemed to be a spark behind it he didn't know he had
((haha yeah, think i will probally sleep a bit in homeroom tommorow lol. or maybe drink lots of coffee!)) "Nick, stop it." She didn't know what else to say but it felt odd seeing her old friend like this. He used to be a lot happier. ((gah writers block))
((it's fine i have a feeling i will make shit happen in the next couple days))

Nick looked at her "well i guess a hundred years on your own does make you rather morbid and depressed"Nick said as he laughed at himself slightly "i'm sorry the last contact i had with a person of any kind was a boy named mashik i changed and since then and before that i had very little contact with humanity" Nick said and then thought about it "and my sanity"
Hearing the name 'Mashik' surprised her. "Did you say Mashik? I met a vampire by that name..." Mashik wasn't a very common name and she was sure there weren't many vampires out there with that name. She shuttered a bit when Nick included his insanity. She still had an image in her mind of the old Nick and part of her wished he would have stayed that way.

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((im gunna go to bed. think i might pass out soon))
"it was probably the same, was he rather powerful?"Nick asked taking a deep breath and walking a little closer to Cecilia and letting himself come down off his guard some and he smiled a real smile "i'm sorry but why are we talking business, isn't there a festival today?" Nick asked seeming to be his old self

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((okay's talk to you tommarow then bye bye karmy))
Cecilia nodded to his first question. "Yeah he was very strong." She looked up at him when he metioned the festival. "Yeah, there is. I think it is the flower viewing festival." She didn't really understand the town's festivals but she had wanted to check it out anyways. "What did you want to do?" She could see a bit of his old self again which made her relax a bit.

Cecilia nodded, standing up. A few stands were already opening so she figured it was about time. "Where do you want to go first?" she asked, holding her umbrella over her.
Cecilia shrugged. "want to just check out the stalls for now?"

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((sorry total writers block. its early and i stayed up late on here lol))

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Lily's stand was up and running. A few women tourists came by and stopped to look at her wears. "Oh how cute!" The first woman exclaimed, taking a closer look. "Did you make these all yourself?" Lily nodded, "Yes." "That's amazing!" The second woman exclaimed. She walked over to look at a few plates which Lily had carved roses into. "Oh roses are my favorite flower!" She said more to herself that anyone else. "How much is a plate?" "It's 200G per plate." she told the woman. "That's a bit pricy" the third woman told her friend. "They are homemade though!" The second woman protested. "Escuse my friend, she just doesn't understand art." She pulled out her wallet from her purse. "I'll buy three." She said and handed Lily 600G. Lily careflly wrapped three of the plates with bubblewrap, she had bought from the supermarket a few days ago, and put them carefully in a paperbag. "Thank you for your business!" Lily smiled at the woman who had bought some of her work. "How much are these teacups?" The first woman asked, pointing to four teacups with sunflowers printed on them. "They are 60G each." Lily told the first woman. "Okay, I'll buy these four then." She pulled 2400G out of her purse and handed it to Lily. "Thank you!" Lily said as she wrapped the cups up in bubblewrap and put them in a bag. The first woman took the bag from Lily with a smile then turned to the third woman. "Come on Jessica, we rarely get to enjoy ourselves like this without our husband setting a money limit on what we buy. We have plenty, please get something small at least." "Oh alright." Jessica sighed and turned to Lily. "Do you have anything with violets?" she asked. "Yes, I have this vase." Lily pointed to a vase with a blue violet design wrapped around it. "How much?" Jessica asked. "500G." She replied. Without complaint, Jessica pulled out 500G and handed it to Lily. "You're right Mary, our husband is riduclus." Mary nodded as Lily wrapped up the vase and handed the bag over to the thrid woman. "Thank you!" Lily said again as the woman walked off. She watched them for a bit, before they turned around a corner and was out of sight. 'They all have the same husband?' she thought to herself. She herself had almost shared that same fate. No one else knew but Lily has escaped from her elven village shortly before she was to be wed to this older elven man who already had four wives and nine children. Two of his children were even her age! She shuttered at the thought. She just prayed to the Harvest Goddess that her village never found her.

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Valerie walked through the now crowded streets. Most of the stalls were now opened and she looked around excited. There was so much food, drinks, games, and things to buy. Valerie came along a game stand were you threw darts at a wall of ballons. She gave the man 10G and he handed her three darts. She threw the darts. the first hit a green ballon, the second hit a red, and the thrid hit a blue. The man flipped over the cards which each marked as xs. "Okay, you can chose between the feather clips, these car toys, or these samll dolls. Valerie took a black feather clip and walked off as she put it in her hair. 'That game was kinda a rip off' she thought as she continued walking. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Weasley. "Oh hey, are you reading your tarot cards for the tourists?" she asked waking over to him. Weasley seemed a bit mysterious but she had been happy he had offered to help her pratice her magic. Thanks to him, she discovered how to work the elements better. Not to mention she was able to produce flowers. Aiden had caught Valerie pratcing once when she was at the bathhouse when there was no costumers. He had insisted she preformed her act for the festival. She still felt a bit uneasy about doing so. She was afraid people would be repulsed by her magic, even if all she was doing was producing flowers.
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Amariana curled up on her tail in an area all to herself, trying to get herself comfortable. As she did, a female tourist peered at her curiously from a bit of a distance.

Said tourist began to walk up to her. "Oh, what a cute little harp~!" the woman said. She was dressed in bright colors and flowy scarves, smiling in a sickeningly sweet manner. She clasped her hands together and giggled. "Is it yours? Can you play? OH! Will you play for me?" Amariana just smiled and nodded, patient with the flamboyant woman. She repositioned her harp, caressing the strings with her fingers and began to play. The tourist squealed in delight at the sound, and some others came to listen to Amariana's song.

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Wesley had not been setting up his stand long when Valerie came over. "Of course," he said, pulling the box of cards out of his pocket. He'd been working on repairing his crystal ball, otherwise he might have come early and conjured a tent and made his act as flamboyant as possible. Tarot cards did not require a tent, as they had a mystique all on their own.

((I read your part about Lily, Sage, and ideas flashed through my mind at lightning speed.))
((what type of ideas? about her village?))

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Valerie smiled. "I hope you get a lot of business." She told him. "Do you plan on looking around a bit at the sights at all today?"
((Nah, about the guy. I kinda viewed a scene in my head where he shows up after Lily gets married to someone else ^_^ ))

"Perhaps later," Wesley said, "But there are some things that people cannot see with their eyes." And by that, he meant humans and others, when they did not looked with their magic. Sure, flowers and other living things had fragile, temporary beauty. The beauty of a soul could last forever.
((ah ok. though it will probally be some time before lily gets married lol but if we can have the rp survive that long, yes having him show up will be funny)) Valerie was a bit confused as to what Weasley meant. She was about to ask for him to explain when she suddenly remembered something. She had made flower soap carvings for the festival. "I just remembered I forgot about the stand I offered to help my boss run. I hope I will see you later!" She dashed off to the stand where her boss sat with the soap carvings on display. "Finally! There you are!" He snapped, seeing Valerie approch. "I'm sorry! I forgot!" Valerie apoligized. "Don't let it happen again." Her boss huffed, standing up. "I'm going to check out the festival now, stay here until I return or until each soap is sold." Without another word he left. Valerie sighed and sat on the chair behind the stall.
((Also, anyone got any ideas for couples? I saw the AidyAleah one, but I enjoy figuring out how relationships could work out and making awkward scenes...

...I kinda feel like a really bad person...

That's true...even with the four of us who have roleplayed lately, I'm pretty sure we can make that work...we're pretty avid roleplayers.

I also feel like a bad person because I went back and looked at our old roleplays {our second HM one, I think} and was looking at the relationships between some of our characters. Remember Cody? My mind made some very interesting scenes after reading the roleplay over again.))

"Um...bye?" Wesley said as Valerie dashed off. I'll answer her question later, I suppose, he thought as someone walked up to his stall. "HEY! Are you doing fortunes?" a woman gasped, the same woman he'd seen at least once a week. "Yes..." he said, and she gasped in delight, practically begging for a fortune. Wesley sighed mentally and started his day's work.
(( depending how long we last i can see zane with the young'un ((my brain is fried can't remember her name)) and possibally nick with someone not sure who))

Nick shrugged "sure" he started towards some of the stalls

Zane stood up and leaned against the tree watching the growing crowds
((Hm, well I hope we last long enough to get some of our characters at least in relationships. thats always fun. and if you are talking about moons character, her names ashton. im prob gunna try to find at least 2 of my characters love interests, (aiden being one of them) altho i have no idea who should be the other one and with who.))Cecilia led Nick to the townsquare where the festival was being held. "Well, there's some games over there." she said, pointing to some game stalls, "and there is some items for sale here and there." she looked around.
((yeah zane and ashton, my brain is fried but i think we can make this last))

Nick smiled "let's try some games" Nick said walking over to a stall and pulling out his money from a pocket on the inside of the cloak and pulled out some money and he gave the man and got two balls to knock down a pyramid of milk bottles. He picked up one ball "Cecilia would you like first attempt?" He carelessly tossed the ball up and caught it again
"Sure." Cecilia smiled, taking one of the balls from Nick. She rolled it, hitting one of the milkcartins on the botton. A few tumbled over, leaving only two standing. "Damn." she cursed under her breath.

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((lol zanes a pedo. hey what about mashik and raiden?))
((they will be back eventually, but for right now they are too much drama and didn't i already point out zane was a pedo?))

Nick smiled catching the ball again and rolling it forward at a mildly high speed he hit the last 2 "well that was easy i remember when games were dueling your friend till one was unconcious" Nick said putting his hand on his face
"Nice!" Cecilia congradulated Nick. "Well done Sir!" The guy running the stall exclaimed, "feel free to pick anything from here as your prize." The man pointed to some stuffed animals hanging from the top and some basketballs, footballs, and soccerballs.
((Im sorry I am taking forever to reply. My phones being slow plus im rpleplaying in a few other rps and texting ppl and playing sims and doing math hwk...wow lol im a multitasker!))"Very well Sir." The man said, taking down the snake plushie. He handed the plush to Nick. "Have a good day!"
Cecilia wondered weither or not to follow him. She moved out of the man's stalls way so other people could play.

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