Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((lol im usually the one on the most tho. just lurking usually))

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((oh you mean when im on the phone with my bf?))
((ok. well ill b sure to check it out as soon as i get off the phone. ugh, i just remembered i also have math homework to do still. wah! lol))

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((and centy feel free to make him however you want. the only thing that is important about him is that hes a vampire and he thinks he killed a friend. (since him and cecilia were friends) other than that its all up to you))
((is anyone here familiar with trinity blood?))

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Nick sighed as he opened the door of his house wearing his cloak and walking towards the center of town his wings hidden under his cloak and preparing his body for any kind of battle
((oh hey centy, i just realized that u said nick looks about 12 but the academy was like a highschool so hemd need to be a bit older as far as looks go))

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Cecilia sat under a large oak tree near the edge of town. She held her umbrella over her head to protect herself from any sunrays that may come through the trees. She watched a few villagers and tourists go by. It was still early and the actual festival hadn't started yet, but the town was already buzzing with life. Suddenly, Cecilia senced something coming from the forest behind her. She could tell it was a vampire because vampires could sence their own kind within a certain area. She felt this vampire was familar, yet wasn't. She didn't think it was the vampire boy, Mashik she had met nearly month ago. She pondered on who it could be as the footsteps drew nearer. Suddenly it dawned on her. "Nick..." she whispered under her breath. She felt certain she was right. She turned to look into the trees, waiting to see if she had guessed correctly.
((not if they knew who he was :P i love loop holes and he can adjust how he looks that's just how he usually looks :P ))

Nick walked out from ((the apparent))trees that had separated his house from the rest of town and then he felt her the witch girl he had made into something more some were close by as he looked up and around his eyes landed on her his wings tensed as they prepared to take off, if need be to attack her, "hello Cecillia, i thought you were dead" Nick said calmly as he walked about ten feet from her and stopped his motion
((Ah ok.)) Cecilia was taken back. For starters he looked completely different than before. He had looked about 16 or so when she was still mortal. Now, he appeared to look much younger. Almost like a child. Secondly, he seemed to have no feeling for her still being alive. She knew people changed over time but she had never imaged the close friend she had once had could change so much.
Nick watched as she looked taken aback by his calm demeanor "what? do i have something on my cloak?" Nick asked looking his cloak over then looked back to her suddenly a little friendlier look in his eyes ((this is gonna be my slightly bipolar character))
"Huh?" Cecilia looked at Nick confused. "You just, you seemed like you didn't care." She knew she sounded pathetic but she didn't know what else to say.
"Cecilia, how old do you think i am?" Nick asked her calmly still with the friendly look on his face knowing she would get no were close to his real age and then he would explain his logic
She thought for a moment. She couldn't think of an answer. Cecilia shook her head. "I don't know."
"Cecilia, i'm well over 5000 years old i have grown close and lost so many times that when someone goes it's turned into very little caring" Nick said to her calmly "i'm sorry it seemed like i didn't care but usually when people who i thought were dead see me they want to kill me" Nick said pulling his cloak tighter to himself knowing he didn't need his wings right now
"I don't want to kill you..." She replied, looking out at the festival again. She had wanted to confront him but felt uneasy. "Why did you leave that day?" She was sure he knew what she meant; the day she was changed.
Nick looked right at her his eyes going to the iridescent purple they did sometimes "I left because i thought i had killed you" Nick confessed his arms coming out of the cloak his arms were bare but you could see a lot of scars upon them "you were the first person i had lost my control on" Nick said bringing his fingernail across his arm and opening a gash that started to bleed "but since then i have tortured myself so i won't kill ever again, or come close" Nick said looking away from her
"You...you tortured yourself?" she more repeated than asked. She looked at the scars and the new cut on his arm with worry in her eyes. Her old friend had really changed, and she felt it was her fault. "Nick....it was my fault what happened. You hadn't feed in a while and I wouldn't flee when you asked me to."
"no, it was my fault at that point no matter how fast you fled i would have chased you down, and at that point i probably would have killed you, at least now you alive, well kinda" Nick said as his wound closed up and a new scar formed he looked at her again "i'm sorry i damned you for eternity like i damned myself" Nick said sighing his eyes shifting back
Cecilia stayed quiet. At first she had thought she wa cursed because of being turned. She used to hate only being able to go out during the night or stay in the shade. She also hated being alone most of the time. The worst though was when she killed humans to survive. "I've learned to live this lifestyle." she said. She lived in a cabin deep in the woods, used and umbrella to walk around in the sun, hunted animals for money, and drank the animals blood to live.
"Sadly i have damned you to something worse off than i" Nick said taking his cloak off his wings folded against him his skin exposed to the sun "while you are bound to the shadows i am free of everything" Nick said looking down at his flat black shirt and cloth pants holding tight to his figure as his wings spread then folded again "now what do you have to say seeing as you now know i am something more than a simple vampire"
Cecilia felt a sting of jealousy flow through her. She missed the warmth of the sun. She touched her arm, it was ice cold. "I..." she trailed off unable to form words. ((I gotta leave soon. its almost midnight))

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