Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

"Oh! Coming." She hurried after him through the crowd. She had been distracted by all the people. Even though se fed earlier, being in a crowd made her insints act up a bit and she was fighting her bloodlust.
Cecilia nodded. She knew she had to get away from the people fast. "You don't have to come along if you want to enjoy the festival more." She didn't want to get in the way of him having a good time.
"Okay." Cecilia walked to the edge of town. Once she got to a safe distance she stopped. "Thanks.." She was feelinga bit better.
((ok i will try. my brains fried))"So..." Cecilia began trying to think of a way to start a conversation. "You said you can walk out in the daylight. How come?"
Nick smiled at her question "Because i am one of the vampires first turned, so i am technically a Crusnik not a vampire i am more powerful than a vampire and have a few more advantages" Nick said
'Vampire blood?" she thought uneasily. She took a few steps back unknowly. Did that mean he would try feeding from her now?

((sorry I am taking forever. I'm making a new rp, its a bounty hunter rp lol))
((thanks rhi'a! Yeah I just have my phone for interent again so I cant send links)) "Hm?" Cecilia asked. "Um.... so how long have you been here?" She asked trying to start a conversation. She was curious though. She hadn't noticed his presence before today. Plus he came from the woods so she thought she would have scenced him if he lived there while she was hunting.
(Sorry for not being on the past two days. I had a project and two essays due the past two days, and I needed all the free time I had to finish them. >.<

Oh, and in reference to the convo on page 87(I'm skimming the pages as I type): Sure, I'd allow Zane to be Ash's love interest. I thought about that when you first mentioned Zane being a pedo, but I though you were kidding, so I didn't say anything. I'm slightly less embarrassed about supporting fictional pedo-relationships when someone else mentions them first, I guess. ;) )

Aleah nodded. "Okay. I'll be sure to stop on the way home, then. And I'll make sure dad and I visit your shop soon, too." she took hold of her father's wheel chair and began pushing him again. "See you later, then!"

"Good-bye, Aiden." Mr. Janes said as well.

As they left, Jon waved to Aiden. Ashton continued avoiding eye contact.

Honovi smiled. "Let us go, then." he said, walking towards the festival.

"Festival! Festival!" Adele continued to say, her excitement building. She followed after her brother, glancing back at her firends, as if urging them along.
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"Yup, it's a festival!" Wisteria said giggling. She skipped after her friends, and Melody quickened her pace to follow her sister. "Does Adele know the names of the different flowers, Mr. Honovi?" Melody asked, coming up beside Honovi to chat with him for a bit.

(('s ok Moon. I probably won't be on half the summer between Philip's Exeter and summer reading for American Lit next year ))
Honovi thought about it for a moment. "I think she knows a few of the more common ones. I've been teaching her about the festival lately, in preparation and since she's been so excited about it. I told her about and showed her pictures of some common flowers, like roses, tulips, and daisies, but she's beem saying 'flowers' and 'festival' most often. Along with your names, since I told her that she could probably walk with you until I'm done selling my fish." He smiled slightly. He realized that flowers and fish didn't really go together, but he wanted to take advantage of the good oppertunity. He'd been experimenting, and was considering cutting the fish meat into generic flower shapes and cook them over a fire, for those who want to eat it right there, but who knew what would happen once he started getting customers(if he did get customers)? He, and possibly Adele, would be getting lots of snacks from the extra bits of raw fish that got cut off, though. And he might offer the girls some cooked bits if they got hungry, too.

(Okay. And good luck! I don't know much about the Exeter, but I understand summer reading assignments. ^^; )
((aw rhi'a ill miss u then! hope u hav fun tho!))Aiden waved goodbye. "Have fun at the festival! See you later!" he smiled as they left.

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