Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

((yes you did and now i have sent my character in and am waiting for acception and the lyrics are from breaking benjamins "dance with the devil" :D one of my current song addictions))
((Hope you get your acception soon, then! It's time for some...interesting...things to happen, eh?

Yeah, I knew the song. I think it's on my iPhone...but I have issues keeping track of the songs I do and don't have since one of them mysteriously disappeared...))
((ouch and yeah, some interesting things will happen. trhat song and clockwork by Deadmau5 are my addictions, along with mild addiction to say anything >.>, who i get to see on tuesday))
((Have fun ^_^ Some interesting things need to be happening. I personally can't wait until one of my character's condition comes into play...))
((omg centy i loooooove your sig! my mom actually went 2 school with ben. she said he was a jerk.))
((could you repost your post to me then rhi'a if thats wat u mean? i must have missed it cuz ive been super busy)) ------------------------------------------------- "Oh um ok." Cecilia decided not to press for any more information. "Um...anyways, you don't have to stay out here with me." She didn't want him to miss out on the festival. She was thinking of going home and taking some blood and putting it into a nontransulive bottle to drink in case she had a bloodlust problem.
((here: ))

...skipping towards a stall. She had remembered that Amariana had mentioned they were low on soap, and had discovered a stall selling it. How lucky! she thought, and looked up at the woman running it. Hadn't she checked out a book? No matter. "'Scuse me, can I get some soap?" she asked...

--- Merged Double Post ---

((oh, 'she' is Wisteria))

--- Merged Double Post ---

((well, most of the she's. the first she is. there's just more to the post I didn't copy ))
Adele walked after Wisteria and Melody, looking around at all the different stalls. Honovi had explained to her that, because she was still learning about humans, he did nat want to give her any money, since it would be so easy for her to be cheated, or to walk away from a stall without change by accident. That didn't mean she couldn't look, though. Besides, he told her that, if she found something she wanted, he would buy it for her.

after he had the fire going, Honovi carefully cut one of the fish into one-an-a-half inch strips, and then cut flower shapes out of them. He stuck them onto kabob skewers he had baught a few days ago, and then angled them nawt to the fire so that the fish meat would cook, and the smell would waft into the air to attract customers. He watched after his sister, waving, even though she wasn't looking that direction.
((ok sorry I was skimming so I hadn't noticed the message))Valerie smiled at the young elf girl. "Yes, we have a few different types of soaps." She pointed to the soaps on the stall. "They are all flower themed and smell like the flower they are in the shape of."
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Wisteria looked around at the soaps. "Wow!" she said. She knew soap could smell, but she didn't know it could smell like flowers! Amariana usually bought unscented soap, but once in a while they had vanilla scented soap. Melody came up behind Wisteria to help her pick out some soap. "Which one do you think is the best?" Melody asked the woman.
Valerie thought for a moment. "Well my personaly favorite is the lavender." She said pointing to the purple soap. "But I think they are all good."
Cecilia shrugged. "Was just wondering if you wanted to enjoy the festival more." She smiled at him, her fangs showing slightly. He seemd to be in a good mood though.
"Nah festivals are over rated" Nick said scratching his head and smiling

((for some reason hat and clogs from bleach pops into my head when i read this sentance >.>))
((ok, i think i have something." "Um, I need to head home quickly." Cecilia says. "I have blood stored at home." After being around all those people herr thirst ws acting up.

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