Harvest Moon/Rune Factory RP: Brightwood

As the Janes family walked through town, Ashton kept her head down, avoiding any form of socializarion with her family. It helped, both her ability and desire to avoid talking, that Jon was chattering away with her father and sister.

"This is actually my first time at this festival!" he told Aleah. "I think we were visiting relatives during the festival last year, because I don't really remember it that much."

Aleah nodded. "Well, I hope you enjoy it. If you want anything, just tell us. I think we have enough money with us for each of us to get one or two things without having to worry too much."

Ashton slowly drifted away from her family, scanning the crowds and stall for anything she wanted to do. Then, her eyes fell on Zane. "Leah, I see one of my friends. Do you mind if I go hang out with them?"

"Oh, is this the friend you've been disappearing away with lately?" Aleah asked, stopping her father so they could talk easier. "Do you mind if Dad and I meet them?"

"I'll introduce you some time." Ashton replied, waving her sister's concern away. "Now, can I go?" She turned to her father. "Dad, do you mind?"

Mr. Janes frowned. "I was hoping we could spend the festival together as a family, but I'm also happy that you're making friends, since you've seemed so gloomy at home." He paused for a second, and sighed. "I suppose you can go, but I also agree with your sister that it would be nice to meet this person."

"Fine! You can meet him some time." she said, rushing off. "No, bye! I'll see you later!"

(By the way, Reisuke, is anyone talking to your characters yet? If not, I can send the other 3 Janes over your way.)
Zane Chuckled softly as he heard the talking between Ashton and her family he walked partially towards her partially straight foreward towards his new tree
Ashton caught up with Zane and said, "Geez. You wouldn't believe how happy I am to see you! I thought I'd never find a way away from my family." she told him. "By the way, do you have any objections to meeting my sister and dad some time, or have any bright ideas for how to stall having to until they drop it?"
Zane laughed at her question "i really don't care, i could meet them today if they really wanted to meet me" Zane said scratching the back of his head and reaching into his pocket and pulling out a bracelet
Nick smiled and finished shuffleing and sent two cards towards her and two towards himself "now we need to be given our cards 3 times to figure out which one is your's, i already know mine" Nick said putting his two back into the deck and shuffling some more "now memorize your cards and give them back to me"
"Ok." Cecilia looked at her cards. '7 club, 3 heart, and queen of hearts' she repeated to herself in her hand before handing the cards back to him.
Nick shuffled the cards faster than before so they were just a blur and he kicked out another three cards to her "now memorize these three and see if any of them are the same" Nick said still shuffling
"Oh..." Ashton looked down. She had kind of been enjoying the mystery of being the only one in her family who know who Zane was. This might be easier, though, since it meant Aleah would stop asking her who she was hanging out with. "Fine. I guess you could meet them today." she replied, looking up with a kind of disappointed look on her face.
"it's up to you Ashton, weather i meet them or not" Zane said bringing the bracelet in his hand up to his face to look at it and inspect it real fast it was made out of citrine so it was a forest green color "shiak" he said quietly and it and him disappeared "so it works" Zane said loud enough for her to hear "shiak" he said again and was made visible again
"Yeah. Ones the same." Cecilia said, looking at the three cards. 5 of shades, jack of hearts, and the 7 of clubs.
"I guess it would be better to..." She stoped talking and blinked, watching Zane disappear, and then appear again. "Woah! That was cool!" she said, smiling. For the moment, her brain decided to focus on the cool ability the bracelet had given her friend, rather than the fact she did but at the same time didn't want to introduce Zane to Aleah and her dad.
Nick nodded "okay now try one more time"nick said still shuffling and waiting for her to pass the cards back

Zane chuckled and handed the bracelet to her "just say Shiak when you wish to be invisible" Zane said smiling
Ashton took the bracelet from him, anf looked at it. "I wish I could be permantently invisible sometimes." she joked, before saying "Shiak!" And disappeared. "Cool!" she said to herself, spinning around a few times for no real reason. Then, she repeated the word again, becoming visible again. "Where did you find this? In the cave? Or, did you buy it somewhere?"
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"Yeah, it's like a flower," Melody said to Adele. Wisteria, after looking at the soaps again, said, "How about two lavendars and a rose?" She slipped her hannd into a pocket of her dress to feel for her money. "Would you like one, Adele?" Melody asked.

EDIT: ((I can't figure out what to do with Brendan still...I almost envisioned him setting up a free buffet, but I don't think that's what I"m trying to do...anyway, anybody got a suggestion?))

EDIT2: ((YAY! First page 100 post! *dances*))
((yay! 100 pages!)) Cecilia handed back the cards to Nick. ((sorry writers block.)) ---------------------------------------------------- Valerie took the three soaps the girl wanted. "That will be 90G." She told her.
"That's so cool." she said, looking at all the bracelets. "I wish I could do that."

Adele continued looking at the soaps. She didn't look up until she heard her name, and still did not understand what she had been asked. Still, she held up a soap and said. "Flower, buy?" again, her way of saying she wanted it. She he had not expected her to be offered anything, nor for her to ask for anything from anyone except him, Honovi hadn't taught her anytihng about buying something yet, past that.

(Yay, 100 pages! *celebratory dance* )
Zane smiled "it took me a long time to figure out how to enchant things" Zane said rubbing his arm

Nick smiled as he shuffled and dealt her three more cards "now what card have you gotten all three times?"
"Doesn't make it any less cool." Ashton replied, shaking her head. "I'd probably never be able to do anything like that. I don't know the first thing about magic...except for what you told me about the bracelet a few minutes ago..."
Valerie smiled at the girls. "Thank you!" She handed them a bag with the soaps they had bought inside.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Cecilia looked at her cards again. "The seven of clubs." She replied. The number seven made sense to her. It had alsways been her favorite number. "What is your card?" She asked curious.
Nick smiled "my card is the king of hearts" Nick said looking at the card that always returned to him

Zane smiled "i guess it is kinda cool, but i wish i could do magic like some of the wizards i have met" Zane said shakinging his head

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